OT: My Pops


HR Heisman
Dec 20, 2012
113 Dad went into the hospital this week with some gastro problems. He is snow birding it down here in Tucson but lives in Slater, IA during the summer. All he could worry about was being healthy enough to get to St. Louis with me. He is not that big of a wrestling fan, except when I was wrestling back in the day, but is a huge Iowa football guy. He has good understanding of the sport and knows enough when to get excited. This is our first guys trip in awhile so send some good thoughts our way. He just got out of the hospital today and is home resting...he really wants to make the trip.
I wish you and your dad the best, Az. I know how much those times with your dad watching wrestling can mean. It's been the basis of most of our father-son moments over the years. Some folks hunt, some fish, etc. -- we've always watched wrestling. Hoping you guys can have a great long weekend in St. Louis together.
Originally posted by Azchief32: Dad went into the hospital this week with some gastro problems. He is snow birding it down here in Tucson but lives in Slater, IA during the summer. All he could worry about was being healthy enough to get to St. Louis with me. He is not that big of a wrestling fan, except when I was wrestling back in the day, but is a huge Iowa football guy. He has good understanding of the sport and knows enough when to get excited. This is our first guys trip in awhile so send some good thoughts our way. He just got out of the hospital today and is home resting...he really wants to make the trip.

Originally posted by Kwoodhawk:
Originally posted by Azchief32: Dad went into the hospital this week with some gastro problems. He is snow birding it down here in Tucson but lives in Slater, IA during the summer. All he could worry about was being healthy enough to get to St. Louis with me. He is not that big of a wrestling fan, except when I was wrestling back in the day, but is a huge Iowa football guy. He has good understanding of the sport and knows enough when to get excited. This is our first guys trip in awhile so send some good thoughts our way. He just got out of the hospital today and is home resting...he really wants to make the trip.
I know this is a serious post and I sincerely wish your dad well and hope that you can keep your plan to watch nationals together, but the emoticon of the hyper harp player just totally cracked me up! Nice!
Sorry to hear Chief. Let me add my prayers and well wishes. Sincerely hope you and your dad are able to make the trip together, cheer the Hawks to another team title, and create some awesome memories!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
All the best to you and your dad from me

I hope he bounces back quickly and you can both enjoy the trip. Those days are behind us as my parents are too old to travel now, but I still regularly call during football season to commiserate over our beloved (and endlessly tragic) Philadelphia Iggles.

Take care
Originally posted by Azchief32: Dad went into the hospital this week with some gastro problems. He is snow birding it down here in Tucson but lives in Slater, IA during the summer. All he could worry about was being healthy enough to get to St. Louis with me. He is not that big of a wrestling fan, except when I was wrestling back in the day, but is a huge Iowa football guy. He has good understanding of the sport and knows enough when to get excited. This is our first guys trip in awhile so send some good thoughts our way. He just got out of the hospital today and is home resting...he really wants to make the trip.
Get well wishes to your father and the two of you will have a great time at NCAA's.
az thoughts are with you and dad of course, lost both my parents in last 5 years cherish them.
Hope all is well and you guys can have a great time celebrating an Iowa national championship in St. Louis. Sounds like a good guy. Reminds me of my dad, who was all about Iowa basketball but got us tickets to Iowa-Iowa State wrestling at Carver in 1988 and then dutifully took me once a year afterwards since I was hooked from that first dual.
AZ - hoping for a full recovery in time for STL. Mike Kelly (know on wood) needs all the supporters he can get.

I know a few families that have father / son time at the Nationals, including myself and Vallholl Jr. It's not too hard to sell "let's go to STL watch NCAA Wrestling and during the breaks we can go to a sports bar and watch March Madness".
Sorry to here that I enjoyed my time with my dad, miss that.Speedy recovery to your dad chief.
Look forward to meeting both of you in St. Louis. Get healthy my friend good times are on the way!
It's nice to see that everyone can be human when they need to. Sometimes when our Hawkeyes are not doing so well the worst comes out. Lost my pops four months ago and still have not fully got over it. Well wishes to you and your pops Az Enjoy them while they're here I'm learning all too well it's not fun when they're gone.