Penn Biden Center Deletes Visitor Logs - Classified Documents Scandal of Our Time


HR Heisman
Mar 18, 2021

This was about as much of an accident as Team Hillary smashing subpoenaed cell phones with hammers, I'm sure.

To the lefties on the forum, it's reasons like this that nobody takes the trump lawsuits seriously. Biden is guilty of significantly greater crimes, is actively deleting evidence/covering it up, and never had reclassification power when he stole the documents in the first place. All while having his top political opponent investigated for the very crimes he knows he himself is in violation of.

Who did biden allow access to these documents? This needs to be thoroughly investigated. Surely the democrats can't possibly object given the obvious issues with biden's behavior.
I’m sure this is going to be the one that brings down Joe.

Good luck OP. I’m really rooting for you. Again
Why do you excuse biden having these documents illegally? Do you not even acknowledge he had no right to take them during his time as a senator and vp? Curious if you think so lightly of trumps case as well..
Why do you excuse biden having these documents illegally? Do you not even acknowledge he had no right to take them during his time as a senator and vp? Curious if you think so lightly of trumps case as well..
Trumps sin was lying about having them and then having his staff lie about it to the FBI. Joe turned them over pronto. Trump like Nixon made his mistake denying the obvious.
Trump phuqued up. Joe, not so much.
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Trumps sin was lying about having them and then having his staff lie about it to the FBI. Joe turned them over pronto. Trump like Nixon made his mistake denying the obvious.
Trump phuqued up. Joe, not so much.
Assuming everything you stated is 100% accurate, what excuse do you give joe for having classified documents at all? He was a senator and vp. He did not have reclassification authority. Why did he take these documents at all?

This was about as much of an accident as Team Hillary smashing subpoenaed cell phones with hammers, I'm sure.

To the lefties on the forum, it's reasons like this that nobody takes the trump lawsuits seriously. Biden is guilty of significantly greater crimes, is actively deleting evidence/covering it up, and never had reclassification power when he stole the documents in the first place. All while having his top political opponent investigated for the very crimes he knows he himself is in violation of.

Who did biden allow access to these documents? This needs to be thoroughly investigated. Surely the democrats can't possibly object given the obvious issues with biden's behavior.


Which of your two brain cells led you to this source?

Such a cute little dunce.
Assuming everything you stated is 100% accurate, what excuse do you give joe for having classified documents at all? He was a senator and vp. He did not have reclassification authority. Why did he take these documents at all?
He phuqued up. Everyone phuques up. Not everyone lies about phuquin’ up though. And then after lying, the orange shit “obstructed” FBI agents from carrying out their investigation. Orange turd is such a phuquin’ dummy!
You ask Biden “took” the documents? I have no idea why but Joe did tell his side of the story. Whereas Trump just phuquin’ lied….and lied…..and lied some more.
The left thinks trump is guilty of every charge that has ever been filed against him or will ever be filed in the future.

The left thinks Biden is innocent of everything and he is one of the best humans in all of history.

If Biden is ever found guilty of anything in the future, the left on this board will claim they knew it all along and it was the republicans who were wrong about biden.

This was about as much of an accident as Team Hillary smashing subpoenaed cell phones with hammers, I'm sure.

To the lefties on the forum, it's reasons like this that nobody takes the trump lawsuits seriously. Biden is guilty of significantly greater crimes, is actively deleting evidence/covering it up, and never had reclassification power when he stole the documents in the first place. All while having his top political opponent investigated for the very crimes he knows he himself is in violation of.

Who did biden allow access to these documents? This needs to be thoroughly investigated. Surely the democrats can't possibly object given the obvious issues with biden's behavior.
They're literally trying to turn this into Clinton emails. There's no crime here, it's over.

Just despicable, vile people.
This is an old Obama trick. He had the WH visitor logs deleted and had the entire media run cover for him. Sadly for Joe, they’re not as big of a fan of his as they were Obama.
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This is an old Obama trick. He had the WH visitor logs deleted and had the entire media run cover for him. Sadly for Joe, they’re not as big of a fan of his as they were Obama.
WTH are you even talking about? Trump wouldn't keep visitor logs. Why is this a big deal anyway?
WTH are you even talking about? Trump wouldn't keep visitor logs. Why is this a big deal anyway?
I am talking about Obama omitting info from his visitor logs. Who was there. When they were there. What they met about. Did you really need that explained to you? It's not a big deal. But when the Obamabots used to proclaim they were the "most transparent administration in history", this made it easy to call bullshit on that nonsense.

And Trump stopped releasing the information completely. Because he's also a sneaky dishonest person. Glad you took notice of that.
It’s funny to hear that Biden is some kind of evil genius and at the same time a senile old man.
He illegally stole the documents when he was a senator. He's always been a crook and a fraud, but generally senility comes with old age. Weird cope attempt though.
The left thinks trump is guilty of every charge that has ever been filed against him or will ever be filed in the future.

The left thinks Biden is innocent of everything and he is one of the best humans in all of history.

If Biden is ever found guilty of anything in the future, the left on this board will claim they knew it all along and it was the republicans who were wrong about biden.
And for the people in between? I’ll tell ya, the book might still be open on whether Biden did something shady. It is fact that Trump did shady $hit. That there is the difference. That and trying to emulate his buddy Vlad…

This was about as much of an accident as Team Hillary smashing subpoenaed cell phones with hammers, I'm sure.

To the lefties on the forum, it's reasons like this that nobody takes the trump lawsuits seriously. Biden is guilty of significantly greater crimes, is actively deleting evidence/covering it up, and never had reclassification power when he stole the documents in the first place. All while having his top political opponent investigated for the very crimes he knows he himself is in violation of.

Who did biden allow access to these documents? This needs to be thoroughly investigated. Surely the democrats can't possibly object given the obvious issues with biden's behavior.
Ah this must be the new conspiracy theory to test out on the dumbshits.
The only person to like your comment/agree with you has openly stated he is not mentally qualified to define the word woman or man. Great company lmfao
I don’t care about my company on here. Is this something that means a lot to you since you don’t interact with people outside of here?
The left thinks trump is guilty of every charge that has ever been filed against him or will ever be filed in the future.

The left thinks Biden is innocent of everything and he is one of the best humans in all of history.

If Biden is ever found guilty of anything in the future, the left on this board will claim they knew it all along and it was the republicans who were wrong about biden.
You are talking the court of public opinion. There are no rules and facts don't seem to matter when your guy is the one in the crosshairs of "justice".

However, the court of law, where due process, facts and credible evidence matter, are where the courts, juries and the justice don't seem to agree with your first sentence on civil matters. They are just tee'ing up the criminal matters so buckle up OP, the reality of these charges is going to be presented to the public, and all of the lies Trump has told his followers are going to have to face the facts.

One thing I have realized, is when you surrender to the idea that Trump is the judge and speaker of truth, and question nothing else, it makes it real easy for him to lie to you and you to not question it. It's a sad thing really, but I understand some people don't want to think for themselves, because reality just doesn't suit them and denial is easier to live with.

I await your predictable insulting, deflecting or non-answer response.
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The left thinks trump is guilty of every charge that has ever been filed against him or will ever be filed in the future.

The left thinks Biden is innocent of everything and he is one of the best humans in all of history.

If Biden is ever found guilty of anything in the future, the left on this board will claim they knew it all along and it was the republicans who were wrong about biden.
You are the biggest conspiracy theorist nut on here. Always the what if and crap.

Both were stupid to take classified documents. Period. Key difference is one turned them over and the other did what he always does… lied his ass off and yet you eat them up like a 5 year old at IHOP. Get over it. Your guy is a fraud… admit it. I can say Biden is an old forgetful man who consistently puts his foot in his mouth. Neither are great in my book, but cuz it’s those two it’s an easy choice because one is dangerous.
You are talking the court of public opinion. There are no rules and facts don't seem to matter when your guy is the one in the crosshairs of "justice".

However, the court of law, where due process, facts and credible evidence matter, are where the courts, juries and the justice don't seem to agree with your first sentence on civil matters. They are just tee'ing up the criminal matters so buckle up OP, the reality of these charges is going to be presented to the public, and all of the lies Trump has told his followers are going to have to face the facts.

One thing I have realized, is when you surrender to the idea that Trump is the judge and speaker of truth, and question nothing else, it makes it real easy for him to lie to you and you to not question it. It's a sad thing really, but I understand some people don't want to think for themselves, because reality just doesn't suit them and denial is easier to live with.

I await your predictable insulting, deflecting or non-answer response.
Many of your observations are valid, but the fact that you speak as though the same couldn’t be said about anything that comes from the mouth of every politician of every stripe says you’ve been fooled as well.
Many of your observations are valid, but the fact that you speak as though the same couldn’t be said about anything that comes from the mouth of every politician of every stripe says you’ve been fooled as well.
Politics is a game sadly. The ones who stay in play the game and become career sell outs.
I didn’t know Universities had to keep 7 years of visitor logs.
Trumps sin was lying about having them and then having his staff lie about it to the FBI. Joe turned them over pronto. Trump like Nixon made his mistake denying the obvious.
Trump phuqued up. Joe, not so much.
Remind us, again, how long ago Dementia Joe was a senator when he took classified info home? Not sure how you're justifying the term "pronto" when it comes to that. Please explain.
Many of your observations are valid, but the fact that you speak as though the same couldn’t be said about anything that comes from the mouth of every politician of every stripe says you’ve been fooled as well.
I don't hold any politicians in high regard. They're all silver tongued devils and shouldn't be trusted. For years the media and other watch groups have done a good job keeping the outright lies in check.

My problem with Trump is that, for the first time I can remember, his followers worship him, think he can do no wrong and NEVER question anything he says, no matter how much it might set off that part of their brain that says "that doesn't make sense". As I said before, when you look at one person as the sole sayer of truth, and everything else is a lie that is dangerous.

America was built on the idea that we can our elected leaders without consequence. The first Amendment to the Constitution gave rights to back that up. Why Trumps followers outright refuse to believe things they can see and hear with their own eyes is just baffling to me. I don't have a problem with people idolizing someone, when your politics becomes your personality and identity, then I I really have to wonder about your judgement.
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Remind us, again, how long ago Dementia Joe was a senator when he took classified info home? Not sure how you're justifying the term "pronto" when it comes to that. Please explain.
I don’t have to explain anything. H already has. What ids important here r is that Joe didn’t lie and deceive when confronted…he cooperated. #45 lie, lied, obstructed and enlisted others to deceive and obstruct the FBI. There must be something endemic among Republicans about lying, deceiving and obstructing over minor things until they blow up into big time crimes that lead to impeachment.
I don’t have to explain anything. H already has. What ids important here r is that Joe didn’t lie and deceive when confronted…he cooperated. #45 lie, lied, obstructed and enlisted others to deceive and obstruct the FBI. There must be something endemic among Republicans about lying, deceiving and obstructing over minor things until they blow up into big time crimes that lead to impeachment.
Are you serious Clark? So Biden NOT saying he had unauthorized TS/SCI material spread over several different buildings is OK to you? You're OK with him stealing the classified publications and papers when he was a senator and VP as long as he didn't say anything about it? So you'd be OK with someone stealing your wallet as long as they didn't say anything.

Well....................ok then.
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Are you serious Clark? So Biden NOT saying he had unauthorized TS/SCI material spread over several different buildings is OK to you? You're OK with him stealing the classified publications and papers when he was a senator and VP as long as he didn't say anything about it? So you'd be OK with someone stealing your wallet as long as they didn't say anything.

Well....................ok then.
You call it what you call it….Biden explained what happened and turned all the documents over ASAP…..The FBI made a decision not to prosecute……..swhich they (te FBI) would have done if Trump had turned over his documents when they asked for them….Instead, #45 lied and said he didn’t have them and forced the FBI to go to court, get a court order and then conduct a search for the documents. NONE of this shift would have happened if Trump hadn’t LIED and the CONSPIRED with staff and finally OBSTRUCTED the FBI in their search for these documents.
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You call it what you call it….Biden explained what happened and turned all the documents over ASAP…..The FBI made a decision not to prosecute……..swhich they (te FBI) would have done if Trump had turned over his documents when they asked for them….Instead, #45 lied and said he didn’t have them and forced the FBI to go to court, get a court order and then conduct a search for the documents. NONE of this shift would have happened if Trump hadn’t LIED and the CONSPIRED with staff and finally OBSTRUCTED the FBI in their search for these documents.
This is the key point whenever someone tries to both sides this - if Trump returns the docs when the NRA first came calling, none of what followed after, happens. Right or wrong, that Biden, any other elected official for that matter; it’s not a new phenomenon that many have left office with docs they shouldn’t have. Not going to argue here if that was intentional, an accident or whatever.

theres long been an unspoken agreement from NRA and FBI that as long as they return the docs when asked, they leave it at that and move on. Trump did not do this, and instead fought it tooth and nail to keep them.
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You call it what you call it….Biden explained what happened and turned all the documents over ASAP…..The FBI made a decision not to prosecute……..swhich they (te FBI) would have done if Trump had turned over his documents when they asked for them….Instead, #45 lied and said he didn’t have them and forced the FBI to go to court, get a court order and then conduct a search for the documents. NONE of this shift would have happened if Trump hadn’t LIED and the CONSPIRED with staff and finally OBSTRUCTED the FBI in their search for these documents.
Exactly. Biden was cleared in the investigation. It clearly said that Biden cannot be held accountable because it's not good policy charge imbeciles with crimes for stuff people with functioning brains wouldn't do. Let's move on.
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This was about as much of an accident as Team Hillary smashing subpoenaed cell phones with hammers, I'm sure.

To the lefties on the forum, it's reasons like this that nobody takes the trump lawsuits seriously. Biden is guilty of significantly greater crimes, is actively deleting evidence/covering it up, and never had reclassification power when he stole the documents in the first place. All while having his top political opponent investigated for the very crimes he knows he himself is in violation of.

Who did biden allow access to these documents? This needs to be thoroughly investigated. Surely the democrats can't possibly object given the obvious issues with biden's behavior.
This is going to be the hugest scandal since Hunter's laptop!
Exactly. Biden was cleared in the investigation. It clearly said that Biden cannot be held accountable because it's not good policy charge imbeciles with crimes for stuff people with functioning brains wouldn't do. Let's move on.
Only if you read the opening page.

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