Perkins to Mizzou

I don't know what drove Tony to pick Mizzou. Could have been money, could have been the promise that they're ponying up millions of dollars to bring in the best recruits available and a chance at a Natty.

You said top 100 programs didn't offer Tony money to come play and that's just silly.

He had widdled the list down to: Arkansas, Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Ole Miss and Oregon. Those aren't top 100 programs?

We get it. You hate Tony. You think he wasn't good or a leader. Major program division 1 coaches disagree. I'm going to have to side with them on this one. Call me crazy.
Widdled? WOB?
Tony Perkins can get $400,000 for one year of CBB? That's insane.

If that's true, then what are Josh Dix and Owen Freeman doing here?
I don't believe for one second that Tony is getting $400k from Mizzou. Those contracts are never published like they are in the NFL/NBA and it's always the agent that says how much it is. So yeah, it's always in the agents best interest to inflate amounts being paid so that it has a chance to inflate the market in the absence of real information. Even Iowa's NIL guy has said that the amounts being "reported" are nowhere near the actual amounts being paid.

Did Tony maybe get $100k-$150k? Probably....but until someone posts the contract publicly, I'm calling BS on that amount.
Tony Perkins can get $400,000 for one year of CBB? That's insane.

If that's true, then what are Josh Dix and Owen Freeman doing here?
I don't think they've established a resume yet to command a big paycheck. Tony is essentially a 1 year veteran buy to fill a roster spot. You see that in every sport.
Another good year for Freeman and Dix and they may very well have better options for compensation.
When you were at TA, were you an "employee" of the school?

I assume you were a TA within your degree of study. For example, you were getting your advanced degree in something and you were a TA for entry level classes, right?

Just wondering. I think paying players would open up a whole new can of worms - that being the loss of the tax-exempt status of the football and basketball programs.


I don't remember if I was considered an "employee", but I do know that my stipend was taxed, but scholarship was not taxed. I was a TA for the business school (microeconomics) while I was going to law school.
Widdled? WOB?
verb. (intr) to urinate

When I was a TA at Iowa, my scholarship was not taxable, but my stipend was taxable. It would not be difficult to draft rules similar for college athletes.

In my opinion:
  • Allow each college athlete to opt-into employee status.
    • Some athletes are not valuable enough to command more than the scholarship they are awarded. By electing non-employee status, their benefits are guaranteed and non-taxable.
    • For the athletes that do elect into employee status, employment contracts can lock them into a school for a period of time, just like coaches’ contracts. If the athlete wants to leave, the school they depart to may have to pay a buy-out. If the school wants to cut the player, the player may be entitled to a buy-out. The contract could also be structured to be incentive based.
  • Taxability:
    • Scholarships: No
    • Housing:
      • No if in general student housing.
      • Yes if not general student housing.
    • Food: No
    • Books / Tutors: No
    • Professional coaching: No.
      • This is rather obvious. What job on earth taxes employees for the training they receive? Pro athletes do not get taxed on the coaching they receive. I was never taxed on the tutelage I received from the partners at my firm.
    • Monetary / monetary equivalent compensation beyond scholarship: Yes.
      • If everything is brought above the table, we will no longer have to hypothesize what kind of under the table payments athletes are receiving. Put everyone on a level playing field. When I was a student at Iowa, I talked with football players that had stories from the NFL combine about how players from bigger schools were bragging how they got paid in college. For example, at Alabama the players were instructed to leave their car doors unlocked during practices. When they’d get back to the car, they’d have an envelope of cash in the glove compartment.
      • When everything is above the table, schools / boosters will not have to resort to “creative” ways of paying athletes.
The athletes are worth a lot to these schools, and it’s time people stop ignoring that economic reality.

Problem is no one in college athletics has grabbed the bull by the horn to regulate any of it. Powerful people could like SEC commish as Stankey but he’s too power hungry and greedy trying to build up his own conf. NCAA continues to prove they are one of the most incompetent organizations out there and do nothing.

Sadly at this point I think the only resolution we will see in the near future is when the government/congress interjects. They’ll step in and tries to implement some rules. Now govt is always good at screwing things up but not sure even they can make it worse. Cause right now it’s the Wild West and it isn’t getting any better.
It was the number Tony's agent was asking from Iowa. They knew it was never going to happen. I would think going to mizzou would suck. If they are close to .500 next season i would be shocked. Anyway, nobody knows what Tony got but he knew Iowa wouldn't pay 100 grand even
Your mention of his agent raises a question. Are college players now allowed an agent? Used to be once they hired one they were defacto gone to the pros. Must be out the window with NIL.
Your mention of his agent raises a question. Are college players now allowed an agent? Used to be once they hired one they were defacto gone to the pros. Must be out the window with NIL.
Yep, they're allowed representation in this NIL environment. Proctor's agent is the same guy who represents Aaron Rodgers, for example.
I don't remember if I was considered an "employee", but I do know that my stipend was taxed, but scholarship was not taxed. I was a TA for the business school (microeconomics) while I was going to law school.
Did they withhold tax and match your SS? If yes, then you would have been considered an employee, I believe. A part-time employee.

As a TA, your work was very much in line with the University mission. So, your scholarship was exempt. Your stipend was above and beyond providing room and board, so it was taxed.

Somehow, many, many years ago, it was determined that scholarships for athletes were not taxed, even though you could argue that athletics is not really part of the Universities mission. But they convinced the powers that be that is WAS part of the education of students.

If they do pay players, I think the scholarship, room and board would all be taxed, and I think the athletic department - at least for football and basketball - would lose it's tax exempt status. That would be a very big deal.

But, I could be wrong.
Problem is no one in college athletics has grabbed the bull by the horn to regulate any of it. Powerful people could like SEC commish as Stankey but he’s too power hungry and greedy trying to build up his own conf. NCAA continues to prove they are one of the most incompetent organizations out there and do nothing.

Sadly at this point I think the only resolution we will see in the near future is when the government/congress interjects. They’ll step in and tries to implement some rules. Now govt is always good at screwing things up but not sure even they can make it worse. Cause right now it’s the Wild West and it isn’t getting any better.
The court ruling said their outside income can't be controlled so theres no way to regulate amounts.

It's technically separate from anything to do with school even though in reality it only has to do with school.

They'll have to invent some kind of new designation either involving employee status or unionization of some kind.

That's the only way to enforce a cap.

Or they could to try to challenge the court ruling. College basketball is not a monopoly, there's plenty of competing professional options available which is what they should have argued.

The problem is currently there's not much motivation for the programs who are benefitting to want a change.
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Your mention of his agent raises a question. Are college players now allowed an agent? Used to be once they hired one they were defacto gone to the pros. Must be out the window with NIL.
That has become history unfortunately. But 400 grand must be a nice check for his representatives.
This just shows what a farce NIL is. Tony is in my opinion an average college starter, that brings no real value to the team he plays for.

33 players made all big ten and there are only 70 starters in the league. Roughly half off all starters are all big ten based off that alone. Stats are primarily a product of minutes played. If that is the case very few athletes are truly valuable.
I would have watched anybody get 14 and 5 for iowa.
I am not arguing the numbers. And I don’t necessarily think Perkins is a must have player for us, or anyone else for that matter. but to act like getting 14 and 5 in the Big Ten is as ho-hum as skipping rope is a ridiculous take.
Perkins is currently better than both of these guys.
Now you're showing your true ignorance. Dix is better shooter & can drive to the basket as good as Perkins & has a better pull up from 17ft and in. Freeman is a beast down low for a freshman. Perkins is not a better defender than either of them.

I'm not building a team around Perkins that's for sure. Iowa is building around Dix & Freeman. Enough said.

Idiot Reaction GIF
Now you're showing your true ignorance. Dix is better shooter & can drive to the basket as good as Perkins & has a better pull up from 17ft and in. Freeman is a beast down low for a freshman. Perkins is not a better defender than either of them.

I'm not building a team around Perkins that's for sure. Iowa is building around Dix & Freeman. Enough said.

Idiot Reaction GIF

Go look at their stats. Perkins is better than both of them in about every single metric and they all averaged close to the same minutes. Empirical data, bro.
Go look at their stats. Perkins is better than both of them in about every single metric and they all averaged close to the same minutes. Empirical data, bro.
I'll quote Tom Izzo, stats are for idiots. Or people that don't know a basketball player from a ballerina. FYI, Dix shot better 2pt, 3pt & FT.

Now go cheer for Mizzou.
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A fool (Mizzou boosters) and their money are soon departed.

National championship here they come lol.

The only difference between Missouri boosters and Iowa boosters currently is that Mizzou boosters are 400-500k poorer to get similar or lesser results than us.

Fair trade off, everyone wins, including TP.
A fool (Mizzou boosters) and their money are soon departed.

National championship here they come lol.

The only difference between Missouri boosters and Iowa boosters currently is that Mizzou boosters are 400-500k poorer to get similar or lesser results than us.

Fair trade off, everyone wins, including TP.
Not according to Fran.

Lying Season 4 GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

Not sure why he would challenge that; everyone is okay with him chasing the money. We're grateful he played for Iowa, and if Iowa couldn't pay him, then he should maximize his earning potential next year; probably the one time he'll be able to make that much money in a year playing basketball.
Is Tony Perkins the type of guy who would go on TV & say rain is in the forecast so that way he could enjoy an empty golf course?
I'm going to be honest, I don't understand why a player like Tony would played for Iowa for 4 years, was a starter and had success, would transfer to Mizzou? Did he just decide he didn't like Iowa or Fran?
What’s the upside?
So many Al Bundys on this thread. Living through the illiterate college jock, while not doing something meaningful with their money. Losers, all. Laughable, always.
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maybe check your mirror?

Im Good Enough Nighty Night GIF by Saturday Night Live
I don't contribute to nil man. That's just insane. My tennis days ended in the 80's. I still rock 80's tight fitting shorts to emphasize my bulge and waiting to play @jamesvanderwulf in pickle ball, although sadly like a whiny bitch, I've been avoiding him.

People paying for athletes like Tony Perkins might have a brain tumor. I'd get a CT scan asap.
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Tony arguing with fans on Twitter is a little pathetic.
Also going to a team that just went 0-18 means he isn't wanting to win lol. He got paid and good for him. He will sit good for 2 years then I hope his degree is something worthwhile.

Iowa State went 0-18 then to the Sweet 16 the next year.
I don't believe for one second that Tony is getting $400k from Mizzou. Those contracts are never published like they are in the NFL/NBA and it's always the agent that says how much it is. So yeah, it's always in the agents best interest to inflate amounts being paid so that it has a chance to inflate the market in the absence of real information. Even Iowa's NIL guy has said that the amounts being "reported" are nowhere near the actual amounts being paid.

Did Tony maybe get $100k-$150k? Probably....but until someone posts the contract publicly, I'm calling BS on that amount.

Well… from everything we know you’re wrong. Thats the market for good players right now. Iowa State was all set to get J’Vonne Hadley next season then Louisville swept in and offered him 550k
Well… from everything we know you’re wrong. Thats the market for good players right now. Iowa State was all set to get J’Vonne Hadley next season then Louisville swept in and offered him 550k
You say "from everything we know you're wrong". What "everything"? Is Perkins' contract with Mizzou posted and I missed it? Again, it's all conjecture and it's all coming from the agents who have a vested interest in pushing up the market as much as they can. So yeah, I'll stick with my assumption that he didn't get anywhere near $500k until/unless contracts start being posted that show otherwise.
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You say "from everything we know you're wrong". What "everything"? Is Perkins' contract with Mizzou posted and I missed it? Again, it's all conjecture and it's all coming from the agents who have a vested interest in pushing up the market as much as they can. So yeah, I'll stick with my assumption that he didn't get anywhere near $500k until/unless contracts start being posted that show otherwise.

Well we know that the market got juiced when Cal went to Arkansas.

We know Tang remained at KSU because he negotiated a NIL budget that was increased from 1 million to 3 million.

These are things that have been reported. Everybody could be lying, sure. I've also never seen Europe, so for all I know it doesn't exist.
Well we know that the market got juiced when Cal went to Arkansas.

We know Tang remained at KSU because he negotiated a NIL budget that was increased from 1 million to 3 million.

These are things that have been reported. Everybody could be lying, sure. I've also never seen Europe, so for all I know it doesn't exist.
I'll take it from Brad, who actually runs an NIL collective, when he flat out said that the amounts being reported for NIL compared to what is actually inked are vastly different.
The players are as valuable as what people are willing to pay them. The market is clearly showing that a player like Tony Perkins is worth at least $400k, and they’d be worth even more if the rules didn’t prevent them from being treated as employees.
market full of panic and no regulation is not going to value people properly.

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