It's time to ignore distractions.......

Who do we think may be the clear cut start next year at RB? Canzeri? Daniels? Maybe Wadley? Will Graham see some time? What do you all think?
Re: It's time to ignore distractions.......

Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:
Who do we think may be the clear cut start next year at RB? Canzeri? Daniels? Maybe Wadley? Will Graham see some time? What do you all think?
OBSESSED ONE, start your own thread...
P.S. Yes is winning by a landslide so far.
Canzeri will likely start

Thiough it's still early, my money is on Canzeri being number one, with Wadley possibly being a clear number 2 unless Daniels comes back strong.
Article shows early depth chart....

I'm sure many of you have seen it. Either way the offense is sure to be quite a bit different looking, at least in terms of what we've see the past 2 years. CJ leading the way, no more weisman, missing our #1 O-lineman, etc.

Canzeri and Daniels #1 & 2 so far.....
Will you go away already? Nobody cares about you, nobody cares that you are attempting to make a name for yourself.How are you legendary? You posted you were done and going away, why are you still around?
Originally posted by Pitcher24:
Will you go away already? Nobody cares about you, nobody cares that you are attempting to make a name for yourself.How are you legendary? You posted you were done and going away, why are you still around?
I've lurked around here for awhile, and I've never even heard of him. I guess he's a teenager or something? Best to just ignore his type. I sense a lot of attention whoring in this one.
Originally posted by Husker4AllTime:

Originally posted by Pitcher24:
Will you go away already? Nobody cares about you, nobody cares that you are attempting to make a name for yourself.How are you legendary? You posted you were done and going away, why are you still around?
I've lurked around here for awhile, and I've never even heard of him. I guess he's a teenager or something? Best to just ignore his type. I sense a lot of attention whoring in this one.

I keep thinking of this for some reason......
Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

I know I'm a legend, but let's see what some of you think.
Spoiler alert: At the end of the novel, I am Legend, the protagonist ingests poison to avoid being tortured and killed by vampires. Something to think about.
Can you add "is a dumbass" to your selection. I would like to support your poll but I don't see anything up there worth my effort.
Originally posted by MoneyintheBanks:
Guarantee he created multiple accounts to vote if he hasn't already
Mib, I keep thinking you're smarter than theses other cretins. Don't follow that flock of losers around. Why would I vote at all? I already know I am a legend. Can you read?
And you morons do realize that everytime you post on here, you keep my Poll on top for all to see. Thanks, I appreciate it.
Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

I know I'm a legend, but let's see what some of you think.
If we-todded pussy was on there I would vote for that option. Until then, not voting.
Originally posted by myteamcanbeatupyourteam:

What you fail to understand is that the 'pathetic losers' are the ones that would actually respond to such a ridiculous thread, that was created just to see how many idiots would actually vote or post on it. "Here's your sign". lol
It's scary that some of you are walking the streets when you are this dense and so easily duped...
Originally posted by Pitcher24:
Will you go away already? Nobody cares about you, nobody cares that you are attempting to make a name for yourself.How are you legendary? You posted you were done and going away, why are you still around?
He had a drama queen announcement a month or so ago about going away. I wish he would have as least been sincere about it then. I have him on "ignore".
Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

Originally posted by myteamcanbeatupyourteam:

What you fail to understand is that the 'pathetic losers' are the ones that would actually respond to such a ridiculous thread, that was created just to see how many idiots would actually vote or post on it. "Here's your sign". lol
It's scary that some of you are walking the streets when you are this dense and so easily duped...
Matty, Matty, Matty. You asked a simple question, some people answered said question. You didn't dupe them at all. You're not gaining anything from this. They're not losing anything from this. There is zero impact on their lives. ZERO. It's not like it took effort to tell you what you already knew deep down.

This is just flat pathetic on your part, no matter how you go about it. Talk about how we respond, cry about how people have opinions all you like Matty. It doesn't change the truth.

1. You need/crave attention more than a teenage girl.

2. You have serious mental issues that need addressed.

3. Let's say you are 14 years old in real life,.... you still act extremely immature for your age.

4. You've lied about who you were and were called out on it, Stanley from Wilmington.

5. You're an embarassment to all Hawkeye fans.

6. You're easily rattled, and how you react shows it.

7. You go from angry insano because people have opinions, to ego-maniac, to announcing you're going to stop, to announcing that you're 'punishing us cretins', to claiming you 'own' us, to imaginary character just having fun, to self-pro-claimed legend, and who knows what else you'll proclaim next. Did I miss anything?

Don't bother trying to explain more Matty. The posters on this board already have a good idea of who you are. The vote is all you need to look at.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

Originally posted by myteamcanbeatupyourteam:

What you fail to understand is that the 'pathetic losers' are the ones that would actually respond to such a ridiculous thread, that was created just to see how many idiots would actually vote or post on it. "Here's your sign". lol
It's scary that some of you are walking the streets when you are this dense and so easily duped...
Matty, Matty, Matty. You asked a simple question, some people answered said question. You didn't dupe them at all. You're not gaining anything from this. They're not losing anything from this. There is zero impact on their lives. ZERO. It's not like it took effort to tell you what you already knew deep down.

This is just flat pathetic on your part, no matter how you go about it. Talk about how we respond, cry about how people have opinions all you like Matty. It doesn't change the truth.

1. You need/crave attention more than a teenage girl.

2. You have serious mental issues that need addressed.

3. Let's say you are 14 years old in real life,.... you still act extremely immature for your age.

4. You've lied about who you were and were called out on it, Stanley from Wilmington.

5. You're an embarassment to all Hawkeye fans.

6. You're easily rattled, and how you react shows it.

7. You go from angry insano because people have opinions, to ego-maniac, to announcing you're going to stop, to announcing that you're 'punishing us cretins', to claiming you 'own' us, to imaginary character just having fun, to self-pro-claimed legend, and who knows what else you'll proclaim next. Did I miss anything?

Don't bother trying to explain more Matty. The posters on this board already have a good idea of who you are. The vote is all you need to look at.
I have a huge impact in YOUR life. You can't stay away from me. Look at your obsession with me. I don't control you? lol I am your 'life blood' as you like to say. No one would ever pay any attention to you, if it wasn't for me. Thousands of posters on this site 'know who I am' and they sit back and laugh while the few idiots (led by you) get taken for a ride. Wake up, loser, wake up.....YOU'RE THE JOKE BECAUSE YOU TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY AND THINK YOU ARE REALLY IMPORTANT AND SOMETHING YOU SAY IS GOING TO MATTER TO ME OR ANYONE ELSE. Anyone with a smidgeon of sense knows that I just fvck with the IDIOTS on this site. You are the only one embarrassing themselves, because you care and I don't...

P.S. Nice job of getting your repeated and feeble attacks numbered and in a nice format. The have such a larger meaning now, lol.
Who cares, lol..................
Originally posted by HawkeyeDenny:
MattFoleyHawk is ready for the parties this weekend....

Good pic! This probably turns Aegon and his buddies on quite a bit. I'd probably actually wear everything but the open toed shoes:) I have ugly toes and arch problems, lol
Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

Originally posted by myteamcanbeatupyourteam:

What you fail to understand is that the 'pathetic losers' are the ones that would actually respond to such a ridiculous thread, that was created just to see how many idiots would actually vote or post on it. "Here's your sign". lol
It's scary that some of you are walking the streets when you are this dense and so easily duped...
Matty, Matty, Matty. You asked a simple question, some people answered said question. You didn't dupe them at all. You're not gaining anything from this. They're not losing anything from this. There is zero impact on their lives. ZERO. It's not like it took effort to tell you what you already knew deep down.

This is just flat pathetic on your part, no matter how you go about it. Talk about how we respond, cry about how people have opinions all you like Matty. It doesn't change the truth.

1. You need/crave attention more than a teenage girl.

2. You have serious mental issues that need addressed.

3. Let's say you are 14 years old in real life,.... you still act extremely immature for your age.

4. You've lied about who you were and were called out on it, Stanley from Wilmington.

5. You're an embarassment to all Hawkeye fans.

6. You're easily rattled, and how you react shows it.

7. You go from angry insano because people have opinions, to ego-maniac, to announcing you're going to stop, to announcing that you're 'punishing us cretins', to claiming you 'own' us, to imaginary character just having fun, to self-pro-claimed legend, and who knows what else you'll proclaim next. Did I miss anything?

Don't bother trying to explain more Matty. The posters on this board already have a good idea of who you are. The vote is all you need to look at.
I have a huge impact in YOUR life. You can't stay away from me. Look at your obsession with me. I don't control you? lol I am your 'life blood' as you like to say. No one would ever pay any attention to you, if it wasn't for me. Thousands of posters on this site 'know who I am' and they sit back and laugh while the few idiots (led by you) get taken for a ride. Wake up, loser, wake up.....YOU'RE THE JOKE BECAUSE YOU TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY AND THINK YOU ARE REALLY IMPORTANT AND SOMETHING YOU SAY IS GOING TO MATTER TO ME OR ANYONE ELSE. Anyone with a smidgeon of sense knows that I just fvck with the IDIOTS on this site. You are the only one embarrassing themselves, because you care and I don't...

P.S. Nice job of getting your repeated and feeble attacks numbered and in a nice format. The have such a larger meaning now, lol.
Who cares, lol..................
Okay...this is what we like to call crazy talk Matty. Here's the truth though Matty, only my words actually pertain to reality. Yours....well, let's just say are a bit...unrealistic.

You do realize I don't need to make you look foolish Matty, You're doing that on your own.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

Originally posted by myteamcanbeatupyourteam:

What you fail to understand is that the 'pathetic losers' are the ones that would actually respond to such a ridiculous thread, that was created just to see how many idiots would actually vote or post on it. "Here's your sign". lol
It's scary that some of you are walking the streets when you are this dense and so easily duped...
Matty, Matty, Matty. You asked a simple question, some people answered said question. You didn't dupe them at all. You're not gaining anything from this. They're not losing anything from this. There is zero impact on their lives. ZERO. It's not like it took effort to tell you what you already knew deep down.

This is just flat pathetic on your part, no matter how you go about it. Talk about how we respond, cry about how people have opinions all you like Matty. It doesn't change the truth.

1. You need/crave attention more than a teenage girl.

2. You have serious mental issues that need addressed.

3. Let's say you are 14 years old in real life,.... you still act extremely immature for your age.

4. You've lied about who you were and were called out on it, Stanley from Wilmington.

5. You're an embarassment to all Hawkeye fans.

6. You're easily rattled, and how you react shows it.

7. You go from angry insano because people have opinions, to ego-maniac, to announcing you're going to stop, to announcing that you're 'punishing us cretins', to claiming you 'own' us, to imaginary character just having fun, to self-pro-claimed legend, and who knows what else you'll proclaim next. Did I miss anything?

Don't bother trying to explain more Matty. The posters on this board already have a good idea of who you are. The vote is all you need to look at.
I have a huge impact in YOUR life. You can't stay away from me. Look at your obsession with me. I don't control you? lol I am your 'life blood' as you like to say. No one would ever pay any attention to you, if it wasn't for me. Thousands of posters on this site 'know who I am' and they sit back and laugh while the few idiots (led by you) get taken for a ride. Wake up, loser, wake up.....YOU'RE THE JOKE BECAUSE YOU TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY AND THINK YOU ARE REALLY IMPORTANT AND SOMETHING YOU SAY IS GOING TO MATTER TO ME OR ANYONE ELSE. Anyone with a smidgeon of sense knows that I just fvck with the IDIOTS on this site. You are the only one embarrassing themselves, because you care and I don't...

P.S. Nice job of getting your repeated and feeble attacks numbered and in a nice format. The have such a larger meaning now, lol.
Who cares, lol..................
Okay...this is what we like to call crazy talk Matty. Here's the truth though Matty, only my words actually pertain toreality. Yours....well, let's just say are a bit...unrealistic.

You do realize I don't need to make you look foolish Matty, You're doing that on your own.
Reality, lol. Oh my, you are hilarious. You anonymously post hiding behind the facade of some goofy-ass mythical character and speak of reality. It doesn't get any better......

Yes, you don't need to make me look foolish, but what you're too stupid to understand is how foolish you continue to make yourself look. All hail mighty Aegon, the voice of reason on the Hawkeye Report,

This post was edited on 3/11 1:11 PM by MattFoleyHawk
It is pretty well know that I am perhaps the most intelligent and insightful poster on these boards. So there is that.
Originally posted by Guidotheguide:
It is pretty well know that I am perhaps the most intelligent and insightful poster on these boards. So there is that.
Well, the most intelligent poster should 'know' the difference between 'know and known', lol....
You are in the top 1000 though, lol.