POLL: Which Recent President(s) Would You Prefer Over TRUMP?

Which of the following Presidents would you rather have instead of Trump? Check all you like better.

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Nov 28, 2010
Alive and in their presidential prime.

Be sure to vote on the similar poll for Biden.

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Alive and in their presidential prime.

Be sure to vote on the similar poll for Biden.

Poll would have been better in the inverse - who would you NOT prefer over Trump. Then I could see who prefers Trump over, say, Clinton.
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I voted none just because I know tomorrow will be a tough day in court for the rapist.
History is not going to be kind to Trump

I've wondered after Trump passes, who is going to show up? MGT? Gaetz? I can't imagine anyone who should be taken seriously politically, will be at his funeral
It amazes me that Trump - in just 1 term - has managed to make even Nixon and W look almost acceptable.

Unlike some fellow libs, I didn't vote for all of them. But if Trump takes office - legally or otherwise - and if we held this poll after his 2nd term, I imagine I would.

In his first term he had some people around him who talked him away from the ledge from time to time. Next time it will be yes men all the way down.
Sadly neither is capable. Gets down to who has the better support team.
Trump's Sec of Defense = Flynn
Trump's Sec of State = Stone
Trump's Atty Gen = Giuliani
Trump's head of the EPA = none, it will be disbanded
Trump's head of the CDC = none, it will be disbanded
Trump's Ambassador to the UN = none, we will withdraw
Trump's US Rep to NATO = none, we will withdraw

That's for starters.
Trump's Sec of Defense = Flynn
Trump's Sec of State = Stone
Trump's Atty Gen = Giuliani
Trump's head of the EPA = none, it will be disbanded
Trump's head of the CDC = none, it will be disbanded
Trump's Ambassador to the UN = none, we will withdraw
Trump's US Rep to NATO = none, we will withdraw

That's for starters.
Not sure what CDC gets us in reality but point taken.
Remove Watergate and Nixon was one of our better presidents...

Ummm, you do realize how silly this sounds right? If it wasn't for all his crimes, he'd be pretty good.....

AND, there are articles about all the other things Nixon did
"His abuse of power, his use of the IRS, FBI and CIA against his perceived enemies, his obstruction of justice, payment of hush money, maintenance of an enemies list, are just a few of the crimes he committed while President and while trying to become President. Most of his criminal activities are forgotten, other than the Watergate scandal, itself not one crime, but a long series of criminal behavior by the President and his underlings"

Im gonna disagree with you on this one.
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Hell, even Nixon had a couple good aspects. He created the EPA!, thats how far right and bad Trump is. He makes a <fellow> criminal look appealing.
Nixon got rid of the draft.

My draft number was 49 in the last pretend draft. I would have gone to Nam and probably wouldn't have come home.

Thanks Tricky Dick!
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