President’s Rating Hits Record Low


HR Legend
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Oct 13, 2006
I still think these polls are fools gold for Trump supporters. The main line of attack for Ron and Haley going into the primaries was Trump being unelectable in a general. I still think it's true.
Basically been taken off the table by polling....I think these shift pretty rapidly if Trump wins the nomination. Which unfortunately is looking likely.

Biden gets especially poor marks on inflation and immigration; few Americans say he is paying enough attention to their concerns
West Long Branch, NJ – President Joe Biden’s job rating has hit an all-time low in the Monmouth (“Mon-muth”) University Poll, including particularly poor marks for his handling of immigration and inflation. Only 3 in 10 Americans say the incumbent is giving enough attention to the issues most important to them, which is worse than for his predecessor. The poll also finds congressional leadership ratings have dropped, with the new House speaker debuting in negative territory.
Public opinion of Biden’s overall job performance currently stands at 34% approve and 61% disapprove – his lowest rating in Monmouth’s polling since he took office. Since September, his approval number has dropped 4 points and his disapproval number has increased by 6 points. Between October 2022 and July 2023, Biden’s approval rating ranged between 40% and 44% while his disapproval number registered between 48% and 53%. Presidential approval has dropped among both Democrats (74%, down from 80% in September and 88% in July) and independents (24%, down from 30% in September and 38% in July); and it currently stands at just 5% among Republicans.

A majority of Americans disapprove of the way Biden has handled five different policy areas, results that are between one and six points worse than the last time Monmouth asked these questions. Specifically, just over 2 in 3 disapprove of the president’s performance on immigration (69%) and inflation (68%), while more than half feel the same about the way he has handled climate change (54%), jobs and unemployment (53%), and transportation and energy infrastructure (52%). While Biden’s fellow Democrats tend to approve of the job he has done in most of these areas, they are divided on his immigration efforts (50% approve and 47% disapprove). Also, while 62% of Democrats approve of how Biden has handled inflation, a sizable 35% disapprove.

“The Biden administration keeps touting their infrastructure investments and a host of positive economic indicators. Those data points may be factual, but most Americans are still smarting from higher prices caused by post-pandemic inflation. This seems to be what’s driving public opinion. There is political danger in pushing a message that basically tells people their take on their own situation is wrong,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.

Currently, 44% of Americans say they are struggling to remain where they are financially. Another 43% report being basically stable, while only 12% say their financial situation is improving. In the three years prior to the pandemic, the number of Americans who were struggling ranged between 20% and 29% while those who reported having improved finances ranged between 20% and 25%. When the COVID pandemic hit in March 2020, the number who said their finances were improving dropped to 11% but those who were struggling barely rose 26%, which was about on par with prior polling. This latter number remained basically steady throughout the pandemic and stood at 24% in June 2021, just a few months into the start of the current inflationary cycle. The number of Americans who said they were struggling increased to 42% as inflation peaked at about 9% in June 2022, but then went down to 37% in October 2022 as the rate of inflation started to ease. However, even though the inflation rate has continued to decline, the number of Americans who reported struggling started to increase again, hitting 41% in March of this year before registering 44% in the current poll.

Just 31% of the American public says Biden has been giving enough attention to the issues that are most important to their families. The vast majority (65%) wish he would give more attention to those issues. Just 11% of Republicans and 25% of independents say Biden is paying enough attention to their top concerns. Although a majority of Democrats (58%) feel he is paying the right amount of attention to their top issues, a sizable minority (41%) wish he would focus more on those concerns. As a point of comparison, former President Donald Trump got a relatively better evaluation on this metric in the year before the last presidential election; 41% said Trump was giving enough attention and 55% wished he would give more attention to their most important issues in a June 2019 poll.

“There is certainly an element of partisanship in how people frame their own financial situation, which is based in part on who occupies the White House. But even a good chunk of Biden’s Democratic base wish he’d start paying more attention to their top priorities than he is now,” said Murray.

Despite the fact that many Americans have a negative view of their current financial situation, most (58%) are optimistic about what their family’s financial situation will be 12 months from now. There are stark partisan differences in this view, however, with 80% of Democrats and just 37% of Republicans feeling optimistic. Independents are somewhat more likely to be optimistic (53%) than pessimistic (41%) about their financial status in a year’s time.

The Monmouth University Poll also finds that opinion of the job the U.S. Congress is doing stands at its worst mark in more than a year – 17% approve and 77% disapprove. Each of the three congressional leaders who were in office when Monmouth last polled on the leadership in July have seen their ratings go down, including among their fellow partisans. The U.S. Senate’s Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell earns the lowest overall rating (6% approve and 60% disapprove among American adults), and is the only leader to receive a net negative score from his fellow partisans (10% approve and 41% disapprove among Republicans). On the Democratic side, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (21% approve and 41% disapprove overall and 48%-18% among Democrats) and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (21% approve and 22% disapprove overall and 45%-6% among Democrats) enjoy positive ratings among their fellow partisans if not among the public as a whole. Each of these three leaders have seen their approval ratings drop between 3 and 6 points and their disapproval ratings rise between 4 and 10 points since the summer.

The new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, starts off his tenure in about the same position as the man he replaced. Johnson’s initial job rating is a negative 17% approve and 31% disapprove among all American adults, but a positive 37% approve and 5% disapprove among his fellow Republicans. Last July, then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy had an overall job rating of 23% approve and 39% disapprove and a Republican rating of 44%-18%. These numbers are similar to where McCarthy stood when he started his short time in the speaker’s chair (19% approve and 35% disapprove overall and 41%-11% among Republicans in January 2023). Also, Johnson’s – and McCarthy’s – ratings are largely similar to where Paul Ryan stood nearly two years into his speakership (23% approve and 43% disapprove overall and 47%-21% among Republicans in July 2017).

In other poll results, Vice President Kamala Harris receives a job rating of 35% approve and 57% disapprove, which is basically unchanged from September (36% favorable and 56% unfavorable). Only 20% of the public says the country is going in the right direction, while 69% say it is on the wrong track.

The Monmouth University Poll was conducted by telephone from November 30 to December 4, 2023 with 803 adults in the United States. The question results in this release have a margin of error of +/- 4.8 percentage points for the full sample. The poll was conducted by the Monmouth University Polling Institute in West Long Branch, NJ.

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I wonder why people think biden has done such a piss poor job..
Definitely plays a part in the polling. Won't argue that.

I just think when this comes down to a binary choice....Trump/Biden. The polls will shift.

Trump is toxic and has the hardest ceiling in the history of politics IMO.

Fools gold IMO.

Now...if Trump somehow doesn't get the nomination. Joe is in trouble.
Wait until all the entitled GenZ's he promised free shit to start getting sent to collections. Dudes a dead man walking. Biden will forever be the gold standard for "weak men create hard times". There is no leadership from the Whitehouse right now.
Definitely plays a part in the polling. Won't argue that.

I just think when this comes down to a binary choice....Trump/Biden. The polls will shift.

Trump is toxic and has the hardest ceiling in the history of politics IMO.

Fools gold IMO.

Now...if Trump somehow doesn't get the nomination. Joe is in trouble.
I wish trump wasn't the guy but it seems inevitable at this point. Joe is in trouble regardless though. I agree that he is somewhat toxic in a number of ways, but his "lowest ceiling in history" got him the second most votes for a candidate in history and the guy who "won more" did so at 3am when the poll watchers disappeared for the night.
Wait until all the entitled GenZ's he promised free shit to start getting sent to collections. Dudes a dead man walking. Biden will forever be the gold standard for "weak men create hard times". There is no leadership from the Whitehouse right now.
I dunno, if (when) biden dangles the carrot and says he will definitely get it done in the next term I could definitely see a lot of rubes believing it again. He will blame it on a maga Supreme Court or something like that for not getting done before.
On CNN last night, they said the most recent poll result was if the election was today, Biden would lose. He also raged again at his staff regarding his poor showings in polls. A reporter this month did a story on how he screams and curses at his his staff more and more. It is probably too late, but he may want to reconsider and turn over the reins to a younger candidate at this point. Really can't risk Trump winning and David Axelrod and many other Dems aren't convinced Joe can beat him this time. Really crazy times and the next 10 months will be insane.
Definitely plays a part in the polling. Won't argue that.

I just think when this comes down to a binary choice....Trump/Biden. The polls will shift.

Trump is toxic and has the hardest ceiling in the history of politics IMO.

Fools gold IMO.

Now...if Trump somehow doesn't get the nomination. Joe is in trouble.
How could anyone vote for Joe again, regardless if Trump was the Republican nominee??

Joe has been such a laughable leader of this country 😂😂

He has jumped on board with and led a mindset that is taking down the United States of America.

Casper- Nuclear advocate


Im a Big fan of Trump, but im also a fan of being honest. The FED created the High inflation under trump. Inflation manifests itself with a 1,5-2 year lagtime, thats why interest rates Are High now under Biden.
I don't hold biden solely responsible for the inflation and interest rates, trumps spending was also out of control, but he (biden) threw kerosene onto an existing house fire and has spent money even faster on unnecessary projects. Congress obviously deserves blame too. Both sides.
I wish trump wasn't the guy but it seems inevitable at this point. Joe is in trouble regardless though. I agree that he is somewhat toxic in a number of ways, but his "lowest ceiling in history" got him the second most votes for a candidate in history and the guy who "won more" did so at 3am when the poll watchers disappeared for the night.

I dunno, if (when) biden dangles the carrot and says he will definitely get it done in the next term I could definitely see a lot of rubes believing it again. He will blame it on a maga Supreme Court or something like that for not getting done before.

You guys (well, maybe not you…you’re pretty loony in a lot of ways) could be taken so much more seriously if it weren’t for shit like this. It’s like your kryptonite to sanity.


And no, I’m not interested in your nutso theories / beliefs so you can save your words.
You guys (well, maybe not you…you’re pretty loony in a lot of ways) could be taken so much more seriously if it weren’t for shit like this. It’s like your kryptonite to sanity.


And no, I’m not interested in your nutso theories / beliefs so you can save your words.

What do you think of this graph? I think it looks like a big F. For Fraud.
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Biden's approval rating is trending very much in line with polls asking people if they are better off financially now than they were 3 years ago. I realize everyone on this forum is rich and is immune to everything related to inflation, but a lot of people are suffering financially. People are exhausting their savings.

As James Carville famously said, "it's the economy stupid". Quite a few people on here think the economy is doing great. It's recovering for sure, but it has to be put into context, and that's what team blue typically fails to do.

BTW, the Fed news last week has caused the equity markets to explode. Hopefully they can stay that way for awhile so people's 401K's will recover what they lost in the last 2 1/2 years. We have to address spending.
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These polls give too much credit to Americans. Inflation, unemployment, immigration, climate change & infrastructure? There's less than 10% (maybe 5%) of Americans that can talk intelligently about those topics and what Biden has done or not done. We have a very uninformed electorate.

People simply don't like Joe Biden, not that i can blame them. I don't like him much either.

And, people like Donald Trump, which is mystifying to me.
How could anyone vote for Joe again, regardless if Trump was the Republican nominee??

Joe has been such a laughable leader of this country 😂😂

He has jumped on board with and led a mindset that is taking down the United States of America.
Voting for Biden over Trump in 2024 would be the easiest choice in history. For many other independants, too. Trump has the stigma now of probably not trying to accomplish anything in his second term other than get back at his enemies. If the R's are serious about trying to get the executive office back, they'll nominate someone else that independants will have to consider.

I think the Biden administration has done a lot of good things. The country is nearly recovered from the "covid recession" and the economy is rolling. Personally, I feel better about things at home and abroad with Biden running the show.

Casper- Nuclear advocate

Im a Big fan of Trump, but im also a fan of being honest. The FED created the High inflation under trump. Inflation manifests itself with a 1,5-2 year lagtime, thats why interest rates Are High now under Biden.
How long has Biden been president? Our economy was chewing rebar and spitting nails before covid. Trump went over the top with covid relief in my opinion and should have cut it earlier than he did, since then, we have done nothing but spend money.
Voting for Biden over Trump in 2024 would be the easiest choice in history. For many other independants, too. Trump has the stigma now of probably not trying to accomplish anything in his second term other than get back at his enemies. If the R's are serious about trying to get the executive office back, they'll nominate someone else that independants will have to consider.

I think the Biden administration has done a lot of good things. The country is nearly recovered from the "covid recession" and the economy is rolling. Personally, I feel better about things at home and abroad with Biden running the show.
Uhh have you seen bidens polling with independent voters? Lmfao it's at an all time low
Voting for Biden over Trump in 2024 would be the easiest choice in history. For many other independants, too. Trump has the stigma now of probably not trying to accomplish anything in his second term other than get back at his enemies. If the R's are serious about trying to get the executive office back, they'll nominate someone else that independants will have to consider.

I think the Biden administration has done a lot of good things. The country is nearly recovered from the "covid recession" and the economy is rolling. Personally, I feel better about things at home and abroad with Biden running the show.
I will never understand how more Americans can't grasp what you just posted.
Wait until all the entitled GenZ's he promised free shit to start getting sent to collections. Dudes a dead man walking. Biden will forever be the gold standard for "weak men create hard times". There is no leadership from the Whitehouse right now.
Oh don't kid yourself, they'll flip us a stimulus check or two next year to fool the masses into thinking they care.
Dems need to do the right thing for the country and nominate someone better and send Biden to the villages. No one really believes he has full mental capacity now much less 4-5 years from now.
How long has Biden been president? Our economy was chewing rebar and spitting nails before covid. Trump went over the top with covid relief in my opinion and should have cut it earlier than he did, since then, we have done nothing but spend money.
Who do you think was the last fiscally responsible president? It's certainly been a while. My first thought might be Clinton?
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Biden's approval rating is trending very much in line with polls asking people if they are better off financially now than they were 3 years ago. I realize everyone on this forum is rich and is immune to everything related to inflation, but a lot of people are suffering financially. People are exhausting their savings.

As James Carville famously said, "it's the economy stupid". Quite a few people on her think the economy is doing great. It's recovering for sure, but it has to be put into context, and that's what team blue typically fails to do.

BTW, the Fed news last week has caused the equity markets to explode. Hopefully they can stay that way for awhile so people's 401K's will recover what they lost in the last 2 1/2 years. We have to address spending.

Equity markets have already recovered and are setting new highs. Where have you been?

Regarding Biden’s approval rating, most Americans are irreparably stupid and there is no cure for it. People love to bitch about their lot in life despite the fact that their situations are largely self imposed. They must blame someone for their struggles because it certainly isn’t their fault. It never is.
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Equity markets have already recovered and are setting new highs. Where have you been?

Regarding Biden’s approval rating, most Americans are irreparably stupid and there is no cure for it. People love to bitch about their lot in life despite the fact that their situations are largely self imposed. They must blame someone for their struggles because it certainly isn’t their fault. It never is.

This you?

[IMG alt="Obviously Oblivious"][/IMG]

Obviously Oblivious

HR Legend​

White privilege is a thing folks, but like many of you, I fail to see the connection of it to Bernie's coat and mittens. It all seems like a big reach IMO.
Well, we have this:


Or this:

“It’s so complicated, because it almost feels like if I were to give my vote for Biden, I will be showing the Democratic Party that what they are putting out is enough, which is the bare minimum in my opinion,” said Camarena, a 24-year-old living outside the Bay Area.

Voting for Biden over Trump in 2024 would be the easiest choice in history. For many other independants, too. Trump has the stigma now of probably not trying to accomplish anything in his second term other than get back at his enemies. If the R's are serious about trying to get the executive office back, they'll nominate someone else that independants will have to consider.

I think the Biden administration has done a lot of good things. The country is nearly recovered from the "covid recession" and the economy is rolling. Personally, I feel better about things at home and abroad with Biden running the show.
You will be voting for Harris to be POTUS.

There are lots of reports coming from the White House that Jill Biden is making a lot of decisions on staffing, appointments, and policy. There are undoubtedly a lot of heavy influencers in the background.

Inflation and energy policy changed after Biden took office. Fixing what one causes isn't really much of a win.
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You will be voting for Harris to be POTUS.

There are lots of reports coming from the White House that Jill Biden is making a lot of decisions on staffing, appointments, and policy. There are undoubtedly a lot of heavy influencers in the background.

Inflation and energy policy changed after Biden took office. Fixing what one causes isn't really much of a win.
A vote for Harris is still a wiser vote than a vote for autocracy. Trump is a fascist want to be. A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin, Xi, the Allytollah and Kim.

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