Proctor will be a bust

OP is totally right! New recruiting strategy: Recruit the best shotputters in the country! Never played a down of football before? We don't give two shits! You throw a shotput 69 feet so you are a future first round offensive lineman!

This board has reached a new low.
Even if Proctor is a bust at Alabama, an Alabama bust at OT is an Outland trophy winner compared to what Colby, Plum, Elsbury, or Dejong have shown at RT at Iowa. Proctor would have been a starter right away at Iowa as Freshman just by showing up with a Alabama he'll have to be a stud to see early time at OT.
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All this Proctor drama makes me want to re-watch Johnny Be Good. Love that flick, movie came out in 1988, for you young folks check it out. Those 5 star egos need a strong girlfriend/hs coach to keep their egos in check.
I will say this, he is no Wirfs. Wirfs was a very good multi sport athlete. Not sure if KP played bball or wrestled but I don’t see him jumping out of three feet of water like Wirfs did and stick the landing like it was no big deal, KP just doesn’t have that flexibility.

And based off of his comment about not wanting to be the star at Iowa that he would have been is concerning. You want to be the star and he sounded as if he wants to be one of the guys at Bama from his interview. It will be interesting to see how he does down south. And man did he burn that bridge down with regards to the comments he made about settling at Iowa. Kid needs to learn some class and just say he decided Bama was the right fit for him.
I think it is about the same odds that he will be a bust as it is that he will be an NFL 1st round pick like Wirfs. He has the size for sure, but he is definitely not a sure thing right now. I didn't ever see him in person, but his highlight tapes don't tell a whole lot because of the sheer size difference between him and the d ends he was facing. His technique in virtually all of his film shows him imposing his physical dominance by pushing down his opponent or throwing them out of the way, a technique you just don't see in college or pros because of the strength and quickness of the defensive ends at those levels. While he didn't wrestle like Wirfs did (which I think certainly develops a lot of leverage and hand fighting skills needed as an o linemen) he apparently plays basketball but I couldn't find any tape on that, so I have no idea how he moves in space. I will say that even before he committed to Iowa I did read some mixed reviews on people that saw him play football in high school, so that does say something too. So certainly no guarantee of a bust, but certainly no guarantee of a sure thing either. Only time will tell.

On a sidenote, and I will also say this about a player we did get: whether X and/or Proctor signed with Iowa was not really going to make a huge impact on the performance of this team. I am glad we have X, sure, and I wish we had gotten Proctor, especially at a position of need, but to me #1 impact would be QB, #2 would be a true X receiver that can beat man coverage and #3 would be an elite edge rusher like an AJ or Roth and #4 would be a space-eating defensive tackle. I think those positions when filled properly are the difference between an 8-4 type Iowa and an 11-1 type special team. So Proctor or no Proctor I think we will be serviceable on the o-line next year but the massive upgrade at QB will help that a lot, and, if we can be fortunate enough to get a true x receiver 2023 could be really really good. So hopefully they can take the NIL money that was dedicated to Proctor and get that x that we need so badly.
I'm a SEP fan so have watched most of his games. I've always wondered if he's as good as his rating, or if that's a product of his phenomenal size and pretty good agility. I'd focus on him several times/game and while he usually kept his player away from the ball, he did get beat off the edge a few times. What bothered me was I never had my attention drawn to him by a crazy standout play. I also observed what NCHawkeye mentioned about him just disposing of opponents with his hands; it accomplished the goal I guess but not a ton of steamrolling like you'd expect. Pretty graceful for his size on the basketball court, but not much vertical. I think wrestling is much better prep for linemen. Maybe he'll become an All-American...will be interesting to see his career unfold. As an aside, I thought it was comical when he mentioned (in Chad Leistikow's article) one of the Alabama draws was their medical team; don't think you could do better than U of I.
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What character issues has Proctor had so far? The answer is none.
Decommitting a day before signing day, texting the coaches instead of calling, ghosting the recruit text thread, and then throwing them under the bus basically saying they’re not good enough for him. All of this shows a lack of maturity at best, possibly lack of character.

Some will make excuses for this behavior saying “this is just the recruiting game now.” That’s a poor excuse for this kind of behavior. I played a sport in college, not football but a different sport. I didn’t commit until I was 100% sure of my decision, called the other coaches that recruited me to let them know, and would never even consider making public comments indicating the other schools were somehow beneath me.

The idea that these things are ok because he’s only 18, or that this is just how recruiting works now… is completely BS, in my opinion.
I would recommend people compare how Harrison Barnes carried himself with his recruitment vs this example. Then think about 2 major factors that were different:
1) NIL
2) family influences

It's easy to attack the kid. Remember he's only 17 years old. The adults are where the focus should be and has been. Accept his decision to leave and move on. There may not have been a fit factor beyond the obvious that he lived 90 minutes west of IC.
Decommitting a day before signing day, texting the coaches instead of calling, ghosting the recruit text thread, and then throwing them under the bus basically saying they’re not good enough for him. All of this shows a lack of maturity at best, possibly lack of character.

Some will make excuses for this behavior saying “this is just the recruiting game now.” That’s a poor excuse for this kind of behavior. I played a sport in college, not football but a different sport. I didn’t commit until I was 100% sure of my decision, called the other coaches that recruited me to let them know, and would never even consider making public comments indicating the other schools were somehow beneath me.

The idea that these things are ok because he’s only 18, or that this is just how recruiting works now… is completely BS, in my opinion.
Look, the kid and his family clearly could have handled it better. I don’t know what sport you played and how long ago but let’s not compare your recruitment to a top 5 player in the entire country. It’s just a different animal.
Decommitting a day before signing day, texting the coaches instead of calling, ghosting the recruit text thread, and then throwing them under the bus basically saying they’re not good enough for him. All of this shows a lack of maturity at best, possibly lack of character.

Some will make excuses for this behavior saying “this is just the recruiting game now.” That’s a poor excuse for this kind of behavior. I played a sport in college, not football but a different sport. I didn’t commit until I was 100% sure of my decision, called the other coaches that recruited me to let them know, and would never even consider making public comments indicating the other schools were somehow beneath me.

The idea that these things are ok because he’s only 18, or that this is just how recruiting works now… is completely BS, in my opinion.
We don't have a clue how he contacted the Iowa coaches. The texting was from a poster and could be a rumor or assumption. Iowa had a final in home with him the week before and maybe he told them at that time.
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I could see him being a bust. Too much mom from that camp. Even if he is a bust, I think he'd be good enough to be at least our second best OT, and it hurts to lose him. You can still be a decent college OT, not make the NFL, and help a team out.
I know this is going to come off as sour grapes and sounds like a crazy theory, but hear me out. Kadyn Proctor is going to be a bust because his PR in the shot put is only 52 feet. That's pretty pathetic for someone who is supposedly one of the top athletes in the country. Someone with his size and strength should be throwing at least in the high 50s even with terrible technique. It really makes me question how athletic and explosive he actually is. For comparison, Brandon Scherff threw 61 feet and Tristan Wirfs threw 66 feet. Still don't buy into my theory? Check out this page which shows a correlation between being a good shot put/discus thrower with being an elite offensive lineman.
Time will tell, your reasoning for it is suspect
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He wasn’t recruited at Alabama, he was drafted. Programs like Alabama and Georgia draft according to their needs. He will go against better athletes in both practice and games than he would have at Iowa. If he is a legitimate NFL prospect, his development will be enhanced.
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Lol he's not going to be a bust. Just a bunch of old dudes with hurt feelings trying to puff out their chests and tough it out. I saw him play when he was 9 years old. I emailed coaches from UofI then telling them he was a can't miss player. Yes, that's weird but I mostly did it for myself to document. I watched him play over 100 games. He's a freak athlete. Dominant. Great technique, which will only improve. A mean streak. Legit 6'8 345. He has it all. Barring injury a 1st round pick. He's a great kid and his folks are caring parents.

Wish he would have picked Iowa. Wish he wouldn't have committed in June just a few weeks after his 17th birthday. But it happened. No need to trash him. It's not like he murdered someone. He just picked a different school to play a game.
I know this is going to come off as sour grapes and sounds like a crazy theory, but hear me out. Kadyn Proctor is going to be a bust because his PR in the shot put is only 52 feet. That's pretty pathetic for someone who is supposedly one of the top athletes in the country. Someone with his size and strength should be throwing at least in the high 50s even with terrible technique. It really makes me question how athletic and explosive he actually is. For comparison, Brandon Scherff threw 61 feet and Tristan Wirfs threw 66 feet. Still don't buy into my theory? Check out this page which shows a correlation between being a good shot put/discus thrower with being an elite offensive lineman.
Pfft.. we didn't want him anyway. Grades, locker room cancer, is he better than what we've got...

That's how you're supposed to do it.
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I'm a SEP fan so have watched most of his games. I've always wondered if he's as good as his rating, or if that's a product of his phenomenal size and pretty good agility. I'd focus on him several times/game and while he usually kept his player away from the ball, he did get beat off the edge a few times. What bothered me was I never had my attention drawn to him by a crazy standout play. I also observed what NCHawkeye mentioned about him just disposing of opponents with his hands; it accomplished the goal I guess but not a ton of steamrolling like you'd expect. Pretty graceful for his size on the basketball court, but not much vertical. I think wrestling is much better prep for linemen. Maybe he'll become an All-American...will be interesting to see his career unfold. As an aside, I thought it was comical when he mentioned (in Chad Leistikow's article) one of the Alabama draws was their medical team; don't think you could do better than U of I.
With reference to last comment:
Dr. Jimmy Andrews made Bamas sports program famous (Andrew’s practice is private but has an association with Bama). He became the orthopedic surgeon of athletes such that nearly all high end professional athletes had surgery with him or saw him as a consult prior to surgery. His program is HUGE!

What’s interesting is that he is now as old as the hills and not doing much surgery. Additionally, his Sports fellows often perform the surgery. But they are still playing up his reputation with athletes. Quote: “If you get hurt here, we can guarantee we can still get you in the NFL because you are treated by the #1 NFL/MLB/NBA orthopedic surgeon.” (There are other famous professional athlete surgeons, but he been #1 for many injuries for a long time.)

In reality, some of the best Sports medicine surgeons are not team physicians. They just do not promote their ‘brand’ as much or get paid as much by the orthopedic ‘implant manufacturers’.

The Iowa Sports Medicine program is NOT highly rated. They may perform great surgery and excellent rehab, but perception is reality. Their medical school is highly rated, but this is different than their ratings in orthopedic sports fellowship.

This is why KP brought this up. It is reinforced to recruits and players at Bama.
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Thanks for posting this OP. As a former throws coach for 17 years I have an anecdotally thought this for years.
If he puts in the work he will be successful. If he rests on the NIL money he got he won’t. It’s all in his hands. The same would have been true at Iowa. Some definite differences betweenIowa and Alabama - for him if he struggles early he would be given a longer runway at Iowa to move in the right direction. In Alabama they will recruit over him and they have the ability to do so. Just my 2 cents
With reference to last comment:
Dr. Jimmy Andrews made Bamas sports program famous (Andrew’s practice is private but has an association with Bama). He became the orthopedic surgeon of athletes such that nearly all high end professional athletes had surgery with him or saw him as a consult prior to surgery. His program is HUGE!

What’s interesting is that he is now as old as the hills and not doing much surgery. Additionally, his Sports fellows often perform the surgery. But they are still playing up his reputation with athletes. Quote: “If you get hurt here, we can guarantee we can still get you in the NFL because you are treated by the #1 NFL/MLB/NBA orthopedic surgeon.” (There are other famous professional athlete surgeons, but he been #1 for many injuries for a long time.)

In reality, some of the best Sports medicine surgeons are not team physicians. They just do not promote their ‘brand’ as much or get paid as much by the orthopedic ‘implant manufacturers’.

The Iowa Sports Medicine program is NOT highly rated. They may perform great surgery and excellent rehab, but perception is reality. Their medical school is highly rated, but this is different than their ratings in orthopedic sports fellowship.

This is why KP brought this up. It is reinforced to recruits and players at Bama.
Great info, thanks for the education.
So you think that of all the areas the team should focus on to improve, the Offensive Line is not in the top 4? Interesting. I must have watched a different team. I'd say O Line first, then QB, then WR. I might jump to the defensive side then to plug places where we've lost talent.
My point wasn't what Iowa needed to focus on to improve from last year. My point was what Iowa needs for talent that is out of the norm that can make the difference between an "average" team and a "special" team. I agree that o line was by far the worst position group on the team last year and I am on the record saying that many times. But it would be a fools errand to think that a kid out of high school is going to jump in at tackle and make the difference that this team needs to be great. But even if he was able to start day 1 and was as good as you can expect a freshman to be, without upgrades at other positions his impact would be minimal at best.

Under KF, for the most part, there are several positions that have performed at a pretty high level in most years. Of course it ebbs and flows a bit as you can't just duplicate players, but, the position groups of o line, safeties, linebackers, defensive tackles, tight ends and kickers have been pretty solid in most years with average recruits. So if a 5 star recruit from one of those groups comes to Iowa, it is a great get, yes, but, the improvement from a B to an A would not have the same impact as a great player in a position group that isn't nearly as solid. The weakest group by far in KF's tenure has been at WR, so 5 star recruit here could take that positional group from a D to a B or even an A. Now pair that with a QB that can get him the ball, along with those NFL tight ends and even an average o line, and now we have an offense at all 3 levels. Average RB's are plentiful and are serviceable here, but add an above average back and this is a special offense. Pair that with the usually elite or somewhere close to elite defense and solid special teams play, and this team contends for a B1G title.
My point wasn't what Iowa needed to focus on to improve from last year. My point was what Iowa needs for talent that is out of the norm that can make the difference between an "average" team and a "special" team. I agree that o line was by far the worst position group on the team last year and I am on the record saying that many times. But it would be a fools errand to think that a kid out of high school is going to jump in at tackle and make the difference that this team needs to be great. But even if he was able to start day 1 and was as good as you can expect a freshman to be, without upgrades at other positions his impact would be minimal at best.

Under KF, for the most part, there are several positions that have performed at a pretty high level in most years. Of course it ebbs and flows a bit as you can't just duplicate players, but, the position groups of o line, safeties, linebackers, defensive tackles, tight ends and kickers have been pretty solid in most years with average recruits. So if a 5 star recruit from one of those groups comes to Iowa, it is a great get, yes, but, the improvement from a B to an A would not have the same impact as a great player in a position group that isn't nearly as solid. The weakest group by far in KF's tenure has been at WR, so 5 star recruit here could take that positional group from a D to a B or even an A. Now pair that with a QB that can get him the ball, along with those NFL tight ends and even an average o line, and now we have an offense at all 3 levels. Average RB's are plentiful and are serviceable here, but add an above average back and this is a special offense. Pair that with the usually elite or somewhere close to elite defense and solid special teams play, and this team contends for a B1G title. said a lot here. Nice work....I suppose.

My original comments to you were based on you stating that, without getting any new O linemen (including Proctor), our offensive line would be "serviceable" next year. I disagree. You go on to suggest that our magically upgraded and serviceable O line, with the addition of a good QB and a good X receiver (along with an edge pass rusher), would get this team to 11 and 1. Again I disagree. I'm wondering if you remember actually how pathetic our line was. I'm sorry....but our new stud QB isn't going to fair well with the current line...even with your playmaker at the X. That combo without a couple of upgrades on the line will likely get us another 7-5 or 8-4 season. Why? Because the defense won't be as good/great next year, IMO.

Anyway....I appreciate your opinion and I've stated mine. It's ok to disagree.

Merry Christmas!
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OT here and quite possibly looney here but was there a Fr offensive lineman a couple years ago at I think CR Kennedy that was like 6’6” 300?
Remember seeing a pic in football gear and he was a big kid, in the TW, KP size range.
Lol his ego got too inflated. Awful presumptuous comment from a kid that’s never taken a college snap.

I agree with others he’s likely regurgitating Saban’s talking points.
No question that is a slap in the face of Iowa’s current roster. He must be getting a boatload of cash, that has really empowered him to display the level of arrogance he has. Has to be maddening to watch him just piss all over the Iowa football program.

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