PSU Fans Singing Praises of Former AD Tim Curley

Bones Malone

Jan 21, 2019

HVI(BWI) Thread “The Dynasty: How it happened”​

PSU fan in response to video posted on their board detailing Carl’s departure from ISU & hiring by PSU - “Thank you, Tim Curley. Anyone who considers Curley (or any of those other major PSU players) an "idiot," by the way, is completely ignorant of the financial and institutional parameters under which Curley operated at Penn State.”

Tim Curley was AD during Sandusky’s crimes /coverup who pled guilty to child endangerment charges. Nitwit - “Tim got a raw deal from PSU and the PA OAG”.

Ironically, he was also the person who secretly hired Cael Sanderson and laid the foundation for the “financial and institutional parameters…operated by Penn State”, as noted above. “It could have only happened at one place…”

Are these the parameters which allowed Carl to work the “gray areas” when building his program prior to NIL?? This coming after he got his own well respected coach & mentor “retired” from the head Cyclone job, enabling Carl to take over the ISU program.

As highlighted in the video, after 3 years as head coach at his alma mater, Carl interviews incognito with PSU @ Des Moines airport & abruptly leaves ISU, rubbing salt in the wounds of Bobby D. Nitwit - “That’s the difference between mere mortals and greats”.

Oddly, PSU fans wonder why Iowa folks hold Carl in such low regard.

PSU fans are still singing the praises of Tim Curley & adding “Likes” to the post. And they wonder why opposing fans affectionately refer to them as “Ped State” & conveniently remind them of the Paterno/Sandusky era which generally comes on the heels of their “holier than thou” attitude towards other programs. I do not partake in such name calling but it’s worth pointing out simply due to the high opinions they hold of themselves & university.
Lots going on in one post. Just as an FYI, for every Like that the thread/post is garnering there are PSU people rolling their eyes.

Do you take issue with the video itself and the person or people who created it? Seems to me they are celebrating those who were responsible in the hiring of Cael...which undoubtedly included Curley AND Spanier.

It's somewhat funny the disdain some of you have for Cael. I'm sure some is warranted but some of it is undoubtedly based on the simple fact that he is kicking Brands' asses at every turn. I'm sure that's a tough pill to swallow.

Ped State doesn't bother me but I find it odd since there are many alumni, including me, that find the inaction of several of PSU's folks as inexcusable. I also find the actions of Dr. McQueary inexcusable as well.

Finally, Success With Honor & The Grand Experiment led to PSU Alumni like myself acting like our shit didn't stink. Rude awakening for those like me when Sandusky info came out. Whoops. What's more, PSU's academics are on the decline as well.
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HVI(BWI) Thread “The Dynasty: How it happened”​

PSU fan in response to video posted on their board detailing Carl’s departure from ISU & hiring by PSU - “Thank you, Tim Curley. Anyone who considers Curley (or any of those other major PSU players) an "idiot," by the way, is completely ignorant of the financial and institutional parameters under which Curley operated at Penn State.”

Tim Curley was AD during Sandusky’s crimes /coverup who pled guilty to child endangerment charges. Nitwit - “Tim got a raw deal from PSU and the PA OAG”.

Ironically, he was also the person who secretly hired Cael Sanderson and laid the foundation for the “financial and institutional parameters…operated by Penn State”, as noted above. “It could have only happened at one place…”

Are these the parameters which allowed Carl to work the “gray areas” when building his program prior to NIL?? This coming after he got his own well respected coach & mentor “retired” from the head Cyclone job, enabling Carl to take over the ISU program.

As highlighted in the video, after 3 years as head coach at his alma mater, Carl interviews incognito with PSU @ Des Moines airport & abruptly leaves ISU, rubbing salt in the wounds of Bobby D. Nitwit - “That’s the difference between mere mortals and greats”.

Oddly, PSU fans wonder why Iowa folks hold Carl in such low regard.

PSU fans are still singing the praises of Tim Curley & adding “Likes” to the post. And they wonder why opposing fans affectionately refer to them as “Ped State” & conveniently remind them of the Paterno/Sandusky era which generally comes on the heels of their “holier than thou” attitude towards other programs. I do not partake in such name calling but it’s worth pointing out simply due to the high opinions they hold of themselves & university.
I saw a video clip where the narrator called various folk at PSU simpletons for not getting back to Sanderson at first. I think Curley was a penny pincher, scandal stuff aside and believed Sanderson was using them for contract talk leverage. Seems like an accurate take and I could see them thinking that.
So it seems somehow Sanderson sent PSU a note asking if they like him? Curley seeing this thought he was not serious and was afraid everyone would laugh at him when he sent the note. Sanderson sent him another note later saying he was serious and asked Curley if he liked him?
Curley responded with like like?? Sanderson said yeah, like like so then a jet some millionaire stuff and reasons blah blah. I was shocked at the initial salary he had at PSU and then remembered it's not football.
Lots going on in one post. Just as an FYI, for every Like that the thread/post is garnering there are PSU people rolling their eyes.

Do you take issue with the video itself and the person or people who created it? Seems to me they are celebrating those who were responsible in the hiring of Cael...which undoubtedly included Curley AND Spanier.

It's somewhat funny the disdain some of you have for Cael. I'm some is warranted I'm sure but some of it is undoubtedly based on the simple fact that he is kicking Brands' asses at every turn. I'm sure that's a tough pill to swallow.

Ped State doesn't bother me but I find it odd since there are many alumni, including me, that find the inaction of several of PSU's folks as inexcusable. I also find the actions of Dr. McQueary inexcusable as well.

Finally, Success With Honor & The Grand Experiment led to PSU Alumni like myself acting like our shit didn't stink. Rude awakening for those like me when Sandusky info came out. Whoops. What's more, PSU's academics are on the decline as well.
If you were more aware of what went on you wouldn't be as harsh on his dad.
If you were more aware of what went on you wouldn't be as harsh on his dad.
With all due respect B&B, why not be harsh on his dad? He raised a son that was a big strong football player that tiptoed out of the locker room after he claimed he heard a 70 year old man raping a kid. After Sandusky, I think Mike McQueary was the most grotesque character in the entire saga. Number one, who does that? Number two, who does that and then plays the victim?
With all due respect B&B, why not be harsh on his dad? He raised a son that was a big strong football player that tiptoed out of the locker room after he claimed he heard a 70 year old man raping a kid. After Sandusky, I think Mike McQueary was the most grotesque character in the entire saga. Number one, who does that? Number two, who does that and then plays the victim?
That's not why I was being harsh. Like the others, he knew. If anything, he may actually be worse than the rest since I don't know of any HR laws that would preclude him from following up about what happened. Whole thing was a mess.

Oh, and he had him call Paterno rather than the police. Probably was the proper protocol since similar actions by Paterno give him a pass in the minds of many. Oddly enough, that incident McQueary witnessed was judged to be nothing.
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With all due respect B&B, why not be harsh on his dad? He raised a son that was a big strong football player that tiptoed out of the locker room after he claimed he heard a 70 year old man raping a kid. After Sandusky, I think Mike McQueary was the most grotesque character in the entire saga. Number one, who does that? Number two, who does that and then plays the victim?
Because I'm a very good friend of a detective who was on the case. He's seen all of the evidence, and has interviewed these people among other things. If we ever meet up I'll fill you in.
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That's not why I was being harsh. Like the others, he knew. If anything, he may actually be worse than the rest since I don't know of any HR laws that would preclude him from following up about what happened. Whole thing was a mess.

Oh, and he had him call Paterno rather than the police. Probably was the proper protocol since similar actions by Paterno give him a pass in the minds of many. Oddly enough, that incident McQueary witnessed was judged to be nothing.
Normal people will follow the proper channels and assume if they do so things get handled. They didn't get handled.
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Is there a way to ignore or skip a thread so it don't keep showing up highlighted as not read and at the top of the list?

My apologies for taking folks time.

I simply find it sad PSU fans still openly hold folks involved in the Sandusky cover up, in such high regard despite what these same people did for the wrestling program. Also, while PSU fans view Carl as godlike, most folks in Iowa share a different perspective. JMO

Ignore the thread. It’ll slowly move on down & inevitably fade away..,