Real truth aid the Floyd lies


HR All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
A brilliant new crowdfunded documentary, “The Fall of Minneapolis,” aims to remedy our collective amnesia about the events of May 25, 2020 — a time when the country was already half mad from the ravages of COVID-19 and forced lockdowns, and when Democratic Party operatives, including candidates Biden and Harris, seized on the Defund Police movement, in order to bring down Donald Trump.

So many lies have been told since, and so much truth buried by the Big Tech censors who control reality, that the documentary arrives like a slap in the face.

Wake up, it says. Remember. Look at the truth and hang your head a little in shame that you allowed yourself to be fooled.

“The Fall of Minneapolis” reveals a shocking tale of injustice and perfidy, and a ruthless political operation that contained the seeds of the J6 Capitol riot eight months later and the consequent hyperbolic crackdown on Trump supporters.

The film was produced by Liz Collin, a former anchor at a CBS affiliate in the Twin Cities who was taken off air during the riots and demoted because her husband Bob Kroll was the Minneapolis police union chief at the time. Their house was besieged by angry mobs yelling abuse over megaphones and beating piñata effigies of the couple throughout the trial of police officer Derek Chauvin.

From false testimony in Chauvin’s trial to police bodycam footage of Floyd’s arrest that was withheld for two months, to the autopsy report that was altered after the FBI got involved, Collin presents a damning forensic record that needs avenging.

Collin draws on new evidence unveiled last month in a sexual harassment lawsuit, filed by former Hennepin County prosecutor Amy Sweasy, against then-County Attorney Mike Freeman.

Sweasy’s complaint details a revolt in the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office over the decision to charge Chauvin’s fellow officers Tou Thao, Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane, with aiding and abetting second-degree murder. Lane and Kueng, who is black, were fresh out of the academy.

Sweasy and three other prosecutors refused to work on the case because it “violated professional and ethical rules.”

In sworn testimony, prosecutors told of the “insane . . . extreme premium pressure” they were under to throw the book at Chauvin and charge the other cops because “the city was burning down.”

One said that Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison “taking over the Chauvin cases was difficult particularly when we had a governor who kind of threw us under the bus.”

The original autopsy report by Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker the day after Floyd died found there was “no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation. Mr. Floyd did not exhibit signs of petechiae, damage to his airways or thyroid, brain bleeding, bone injuries, or internal bruising.”

Sweasy claims that Baker also told her that day that “there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation.”

On May 31, 2020, Sweasy said Baker shared the results of toxicology tests with prosecutors, which showed that Floyd, 46, had a “fatal level of fentanyl” in his blood, along with methamphetamine.

Floyd also had COVID and severe “arteriosclerotic heart disease,” with one artery 75% obstructed, and “hypertensive heart disease.”

But Ben Crump. The ambulance-chasing attorney who represented the Floyd family and secured them a $27 million payout from the Minneapolis City Council, told the media: “George Floyd was a healthy young man.”

The private forensic pathologist he hired, Dr. Michael Baden, declared, without seeing Floyd’s body or slides of the autopsy, that “there was no underlying medical problem that caused or contributed to his death.”

The documentary says the FBI met with Baker after Baden’s review and soon after the official autopsy report was changed to find Chauvin was to blame. Floyd’s cause of death had become “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.”

There is so much that is shocking in the documentary.

For instance, it finds that the hold that Chauvin, a “by the book” cop, used on Floyd was an approved technique which he and every other cop had been trained to use by the Minneapolis Police Department. It was called the maximal restraint technique (MRT) for handcuffed, uncooperative suspects. All of the cops interviewed by Collin said MRT was part of official training.

In the bystander video that went viral after Floyd’s death, it appears Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s neck. But in bodycam footage his knee appears to be on Floyd’s shoulder.

Chief of police Medaria Arradondo testified under oath at Chauvin’s trial “it was not” a trained Minneapolis police defensive tactics technique.

But Chauvin’s mother pulled out her son’s training manuals in her interview with Collin, which show images of the MRT hold.

The images “sure as hell are in Derek’s training manuals so how can they say they don’t exist?”

But the judge refused to allow the evidence to be shown to the jury.

Everyone failed Minneapolis and, ultimately, failed America.

Rogue’s gallery
The prime offenders fingered in the film are:

- Arradondo, the cowardly police chief who immediately branded Floyd’s death “murder”;

- Judge Peter Cahill, who ruled out exculpatory evidence, refused defense requests to move the trial out of Minneapolis where the baying mob could be heard inside the courtroom, and refused to sequester the jury;

- Jacob Frey, the soy boy surrender mayor who ordered the Third Precinct sacrifice its police station to the mob;

- Keith Ellison, the Antifa-hugging attorney general who ran roughshod over the rule of law when he railroaded Chauvin and the three other police officers jailed with him, and lied that Trump supporters (whom he branded “white supremacists”) were to blame for the riots;

- Tim Walz, the Biden-loving governor who refused to deploy the National Guard and instead allowed arson, looting and violent mayhem to engulf Minneapolis for 13 days and spread to the rest of the country.

Frey, Ellison and Walz all won reelection. Arradondo retired early. None of them has been held to account. This insurrection of the incendiary left has been memory holed.

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Thought this was going to be about the pig. Leaving disappointed.
The fact is Chauvin didn't kill Georgie Floyd, Georgie was a victim of his chosen lifestyle.

He had enough drugs in him that day to kill an elephant.

The DA needed a scapegoat to throw to the mobs outside and Derek was it.
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I have sensed a lot of concern over what happened to Derek and George that differs based on someone’s point of view. Thanks for posting this.

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