Restrictions on porn, social media advancing in Iowa Legislature


HR King
May 29, 2001
DES MOINES — Online pornography sites would require age verification and parental consent would be required for a minor to create a social media account in the state under proposals advancing in the Iowa Legislature.

The proposed bills take different approaches at achieving a similar goal: to protect Iowa children from pornography and other online content that proponents believe to be objectionable or harmful.

“Protecting children from harm is a primary duty that parents have. And the state of Iowa also has a vested interest in doing that as well. Yet, in this day and age, the devices that children use on a daily basis have let it be available — hard-core pornography content, videos and pictures that harm the minds of these minors,” Cheryl Elsloo, with the Pella-based advocacy group Protect My Innocence, said during the public comment period of a legislative hearing on one of the proposals Tuesday at the Iowa Capitol.

Keeping pornography away from minors​

Under one bill, parental consent would be required for anyone in Iowa under the age of 18 to create a social media account. That bill is scheduled for its first legislative hearing Wednesday morning.

The other bill which was featured in Tuesday’s subcommittee hearing, is destined for some changes, according to its manager.

Originally, that bill would have required the activation of a filter whenever a minor in Iowa activated a phone or created an account on a phone. But the bill is being reworked after phone manufacturers said such a law would be infeasible because manufacturers do not delineate to which states phones are shipped.


Computer & Communications Industry Association, a national trade organization that represents communications and technology firms, issued a statement agreeing with the legislation’s stated goal but also noting the ways it would be logistically difficult for manufacturers to comply.

“CCIA shares the overall goal of increased privacy and security for younger users online and has concerns about how technically infeasible and sweeping laws could give rise to consumer confusion and costly litigation without providing meaningful protections,” CCIA State Policy Director Khara Boender said in the statement.

Lobbyists for mobile companies Apple and T-Mobile spoke at the legislative hearing, and in addition to noting the logistical hurdles, pointed out that there already are options on devices, websites and applications for parents to restrict content from their children.

Rep. John Wills, a Republican from Spirit Lake, said that in the process of running the bill he learned more about how phones are manufactured and sold. Because of that, Wills said, he plans to change the proposal to focus on an age verification requirement for pornography sites, plus an education campaign that teaches parents and children how to create safeguards on phones.

“What I learned is that, basically, the way this bill is written, we would have to make Apple and Google and all these great, big, worldwide corporations change their practices. Well, they’re not going to do that for Iowa,” Wills said. “So it became very evident that we’re going to have to make some changes to the bill.”

Wills said his plan is to model his proposal after an instruction and education program from Florida, and an age verification system recently enacted in Utah. As a result of Utah’s policy, the pornography website PornHub blocked access to its site from the state.

Wills’ proposal, House File 2114, was advanced Tuesday by the two Republicans on a three-member legislative panel. It is now eligible for consideration by the full House Judiciary Committee.

Parental consent for social media accounts​

The proposal to require parental consent for a minor to create a social media account, House File 2255, is scheduled for consideration in a subcommittee hearing Wednesday. It is also running through the House Judiciary Committee.

Rep. Charley Thomson, a Republican from Charles City, said his proposal attempts to help parents protect their children from the dangers of social media for young people.

According to the Mayo Clinic, while social media can be healthy for teens, it also can have negative effects: it can distract teens from their homework, disrupt sleep, create unrealistic body images, expose them to online predators and raise the risk of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

“The problem I see … is that there’s a gap in the ability of parents to control things that really they are responsible for,” Thomson said Tuesday. “Here’s all this social media out there, and not all of it is happy. Some of it can get very dark, very fast. … So this restores to parents a level of control that they have traditionally had.”

Thomson said believes the bill also is fair to social media companies, and that he has been working with their lobbyists at the Iowa Capitol.

The lone group registered in opposition to the bill is TechNet, which represents dozens of tech companies, including Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram.
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. . .

Thomson said believes the bill also is fair to social media companies, and that he has been working with their lobbyists at the Iowa Capitol.

The lone group registered in opposition to the bill is TechNet, which represents dozens of tech companies, including Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram.
FYI . . .

Tomorrow, my group, Parents for Porn, is registering against it.
The Big Government swamp talk by the GOP was always projection. Glad you finally are getting it.
With respect, it wasn’t always this way. Once upon a time the GOP was the party of small government, fiscal responsibility, even environmental CONSERVation.

The grand ol’ party is no longer. MAGA doubled down on old, killed the grand and added the populist aggrieved.
Finally the GOP doing something meaningful to protect kids!! It is about time. I applaud this move.

I can rest easy knowing that when my kid is being shot up at school they won't have been witness the horror and filth that is porn. That $hit could scar a kid for life!
This is why the GOP deserves to lose. This is the 21st century. Don't want your kids watching porn? Monitor their devices. The government shouldn't be controlling what kids see. That's a parent responsibility.
I agree. It's pretty easy to do in the home. I can assign groups within my eero mesh app and put my son's devices in those groups and filter content, Wi-Fi access times, etc. Or I can install a program like safe eyes or something similar on his PC.

I haven't looked into how to do that on his phone once he has one? I know I can control what apps he installs, but what about internet browsing?

That said, I'm 100% all in for limiting the age of who can access and use social media. We already do it for drugs, firearms, alcohol, and movies--things potentially bad for our kiddos, so I'm A-OK with adding one more to the list.
With respect, it wasn’t always this way. Once upon a time the GOP was the party of small government, fiscal responsibility, even environmental CONSERVation.

The grand ol’ party is no longer. MAGA doubled down on old, killed the grand and added the populist aggrieved.
When the GOP used it as talking points this century it was projection, one of Trumps main campaign talking points in 2016 and the rubes bought it
I'd love to see how much porn the Republicans pushing this legislation consume. My guess is it's a lot. Kinky stuff, and lots of say stuff. But, that's just for research purposes so they know what to ban.
LMAO at the libs upset at measures to keep easily accessible porn from children. You guys really are sick…
The GOP guaranteeing another generation of voters never votes for them. So, if my math is correct, when the Boomers finally die off the GOP will never see another majority anywhere.

BTW, MAGA, you shouldn't be worrying about the Dems trying to get illegals here to vote (which isn't actually happening). You should be worrying about your party pissing off 3 entire generations, all of which will be for the next, oh, 40-50 years.
I think it's weird how popular it is to broadly blame social media for social problems. The same thing happened with the telegraph and telephone. I get the feeling that that mindset is kissing cousins with satanic panics.
I'm all for restricting pron to kids

cannot make it too easy for those of us that dealt with this

When we were living in Denver during the 1980s i scanned past the naughty channels and the scrambling had failed. They were showing Talk Dirty To Me Part 2....I still have it on tape somewhere:)
Some people ITT should actually do the research on what porn is doing to young undeveloped brains. I hate government overreach, but parents are doing a poor job these days. Just look at the number of kids at a restaurant plugged into an IPad so mom and dad can get drunk off of watered down cocktails in peace. People wonder why kids are so messed up now days.
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I think it's weird how popular it is to broadly blame social media for social problems. The same thing happened with the telegraph and telephone. I get the feeling that that mindset is kissing cousins with satanic panics.
Weird? Isn’t it people just following the “science” when they say this? Guess the left only likes the “science” when it favors a policy position they are for.

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Some people ITT should actually do the research on what porn is doing to young undeveloped brains. I hate government overreach, but parents are doing a poor job these days. Just look at the number of kids at a restaurant plugged into an IPad so mom and dad can get drunk off of watered down cocktails in peace. People wonder why kids are so messed up now days.

Are they though?
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So what happens when a person wants to research "breast exam" or "breast cancer". Or "penis" or "anal" alongside a term for a medical disorder? A lot of times these search results include pictures. Is everything going to be blocked now?

What if a 12 to 15 year old wants to research info regarding her first period, or human childbirth, which may include some pictures of private parts. What happens then?

I know the internet has a lot of junk on it (as it were), and we don't want children accessing porn, but regulating it this way is probably the wrong move.

Maybe make it so a person can "opt in" to these restrictions through their ISP if they really want them?
This is why the GOP deserves to lose. This is the 21st century. Don't want your kids watching porn? Monitor their devices. The government shouldn't be controlling what kids see. That's a parent responsibility.
Should companies be required to obtain parental permission before they start manipulating their children?
Once again another thread with people clutching pearls about social media. Parents need to set the example, kill their social media accounts and set the example for their kids. Everybody bitching about how bad social media is for society dont have the balls to delete their accounts. Many of those same people will vote for a guy who has has no self control with his social media usage.

As for pr0n, I wonder what percentage of parents would be horrified of what they would find on their childs phone. I am over three weeks pr0n free. Not because i am a prude, but i made a personal decision last month to not consume a product from an industry notorious for human trafficking.

As far as this bill, im wondering how easy any roadblocks they attenpt to put will easily be thwarted by tech savvy kids.
Some people ITT should actually do the research on what porn is doing to young undeveloped brains. I hate government overreach, but parents are doing a poor job these days. Just look at the number of kids at a restaurant plugged into an IPad so mom and dad can get drunk off of watered down cocktails in peace. People wonder why kids are so messed up now days.
And this from a guy who, on vacation, decided to rush to HROT to post about "the biggest cucking of all time."

Totally sane.