The G.O.P. Bumper Sticker: Trump First. Putin Second. America Third.

All the laws needed to work on the border already exist, no bill is needed. And this bill has 3x as much money going to Ukraine than what is going to the border, so how is this a border bill. What don’t I know? Sounds like Biden is sending more money to Ukraine so it can get to Hunter and back to Joe himself.
What a ridiculous post.

A) If all the laws Republicans want to exist to control the border did exist, then Trump wouldn't have needed to write a bunch of legally dubious executive orders to carry out his policies. Of course, the constitutionality of those laws is an issue, but given the stacked court would probably end up holding muster.

B) Our border isn't being attacked with artillery and tanks. Of course aid to Ukraine is going to cost more. But it's a lot cheaper than the alternative will be when we actually have to use troops and our own hardware to protect Poland or the Baltic states.

C) Your conspiracy theories are stupid. How many times are Republicans going to get publicly castrated by Hunter every time they try to bring that up? But hey, we've never had a dumber group of politicians than the modern Republican Party so I'm sure the last ass whipping is about healed over so it's time for more public lashings as they get made fools of, again.
It's hilarious how quickly you guys turn on your own. VERY CONSERVATIVE Republicans create a bill to fix what you snowflakes have been crying about since Ted Cruz told you to, and as soon as Dear Leader says no, you rip the bill. It's truly remarkable. Cult members are scary.
What you call scary, i call CRAZY.
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