Universal Basic Income... Not a matter of "if", but "when"


HR Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
As more and more jobs are automated and there are fewer and fewer actual jobs for people, only corporations will earn income. Government will need to tax it heavily and propagate it... like govt cheese. It's gonna be a mess. I'm not a fan of UBI but I think the world we are moving towards will necessitate it. The link has nothing to to with UBI but is just another example of decent paying jobs going away.

As more and more jobs are automated and there are fewer and fewer actual jobs for people, only corporations will earn income. Government will need to tax it heavily and propagate it... like govt cheese. It's gonna be a mess. I'm not a fan of UBI but I think the world we are moving towards will necessitate it. The link has nothing to to with UBI but is just another example of decent paying jobs going away.

Wait, Whut? What about the millions upon millions of jobs the ILLEGALS are coming to fill?? So many in fact, thousands are coming each and every day? Someone needs to tell Denver!!
Wait, Whut? What about the millions upon millions of jobs the ILLEGALS are coming to fill?? So many in fact, thousands are coming each and every day? Someone needs to tell Denver!!
You going to go pick apples or watermelons? The ag industry needs migrants. Youre a moron. If anyone should be deported it’s you. We don’t need morons.
As more and more jobs are automated and there are fewer and fewer actual jobs for people, only corporations will earn income. Government will need to tax it heavily and propagate it... like govt cheese. It's gonna be a mess. I'm not a fan of UBI but I think the world we are moving towards will necessitate it. The link has nothing to to with UBI but is just another example of decent paying jobs going away.

And it's not just low skill manufacturing jobs that will go away. Lawyers and doctors will likely have large parts of their jobs replaced. While I doubt all lawyers and doctors are replaced, we won't need nearly as many. In the case of doctors that might actually improved things since we don't have nearly enough of them. I think the Covid shutdowns showed that we can't just replace teachers with AI. Most kids just won't do anything when they are at home. I'm even skeptical of a hybrid version where a single teacher monitors a hundred students.

But it is coming and to maintain civil order they will need to do something. That said, I think we are a long, long time away from trade skill jobs being replaced, like electricians, plumbers, and mechanics. Unless you are going to be an engineer making sure the AI runs properly or one of the corporate elites (you likely will have to be born into that), then learning a trade skill might actually be the easiest way to make an income higher than the universal basic income being provided. I suppose being a politician will still be available but it won't be much better work than being a prostitute.
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Meh, the world can support a lot more. You just want the ‘others’ dead. It’s become obvious what kind of person you are. Rhymes with racist.
And it's not just low skill manufacturing jobs that will go away. Lawyers and doctors will likely have large parts of their jobs replaced. While I doubt all lawyers and doctors are replaced, we won't need nearly as many. In the case of doctors that might actually improved things since we don't have nearly enough of them. I think the Covid shutdowns showed that we can't just replace teachers with AI. Most kids just won't do anything when they are at home. I'm even skeptical of a hybrid version where a single teacher monitors a hundred students.

But it is coming and to maintain civil order they will need to do something. That said, I think we are a long, long time away from trade skill jobs being replaced, like electricians, plumbers, and mechanics. Unless you are going to be an engineer making sure the AI runs properly or one of the corporate elites (you likely will have to be born into that), then learning a trade skill might actually be the easiest way to make an income higher than the universal basic income being provided. I suppose being a politician will still be available but it won't be much better work than being a prostitute.
There has been too many lawyers for years. I could practice but I make more money doing IT for a government organization. I had multiple offers after school and getting passed on the bar. My highest offer was Boeing, and after being there a few years I went to the government and it was easy because I had gained secret credentials. Being a lawyer can’t be all that great
There has been too many lawyers for years. I could practice but I make more money doing IT for a government organization. I had multiple offers after school and getting passed on the bar. My highest offer was Boeing, and after being there a few years I went to the government and it was easy because I had gained secret credentials. Being a lawyer can’t be all that great
Well, the value of lawyers is a topic for another thread but the reality is they are high paying white collar jobs that likely won't exist, or certainly won't exist to the extent they do now, in 30 years. Your public defenders will almost certainly be AI (and may actually do a better job, really), but also the family "let's write a will" type lawyers as well. High profile criminal defense attorneys will still exist and I imagine corporate lawyers will still exist, if to a lesser extent but the day to day workers won't.
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All the automated jobs or the UBI? If UBI, I'm not talking in 5 years, but in 50 years? I don't like it either but what happens when the majority of current jobs are automated? In 2013 an Oxford study projected as many as 47% of jobs at the time were at risk of "computerization". Now 11 years later I imagine with the AI gains, etc, it would be even higher. Where will all these people get money to buy goods?
As more and more jobs are automated and there are fewer and fewer actual jobs for people, only corporations will earn income. Government will need to tax it heavily and propagate it... like govt cheese. It's gonna be a mess. I'm not a fan of UBI but I think the world we are moving towards will necessitate it. The link has nothing to to with UBI but is just another example of decent paying jobs going away.

You know technology changes in the past have killed a lot of jobs but also created very different jobs.

I'm not convinced that we are going to reach that point.
Long ways off.

Still plenty of jobs out there.

Before we get to “money for nothing” we can pay people to pick up litter.

I also don’t see money given out. I could see credits given for food, mortgage, and utility payments.

You want spending money? Guessing there will always be jobs to pick up liter or take care of those that can’t take care of themselves.

Too far off to speculate into much detail.

Jobs get that tight the flow of immigrants will stop, unless some dipshit wants to give UBI to illegals.

You also risk hyper inflation and massive debt unless you also get a damn aggressive tax to pay for UBI. Or you just figure full steam ahead of total control of economy by the government?
You going to go pick apples or watermelons? The ag industry needs migrants. Youre a moron. If anyone should be deported it’s you. We don’t need morons.
Currently, it's estimated only about 4% of illegals are being used for seasonal agricultural labor.
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As more and more jobs are automated and there are fewer and fewer actual jobs for people, only corporations will earn income. Government will need to tax it heavily and propagate it... like govt cheese. It's gonna be a mess. I'm not a fan of UBI but I think the world we are moving towards will necessitate it. The link has nothing to to with UBI but is just another example of decent paying jobs going away.

However they do it in Star Trek is how we should do it here. :cool:
To me, this is kind of like "a rose by any other name is still a rose..."
I don’t think so, want a car, TV, ability to dine out? Going to have to contribute to society’s greater good. You don’t get that otherwise.
As more and more jobs are automated and there are fewer and fewer actual jobs for people, only corporations will earn income. Government will need to tax it heavily and propagate it... like govt cheese. It's gonna be a mess. I'm not a fan of UBI but I think the world we are moving towards will necessitate it. The link has nothing to to with UBI but is just another example of decent paying jobs going away.

How can we sustain this stuff if we're paying for all this, and the work force keeps getting cut? The US Government is already the largest employer and at some point, when the drawing outweighs the taking, we are f***ed. I'm not too sure we aren't already there with the 35 trillion debts already owed. They've robbed Social Security into a basically a black hole already.
I think nearly everybody is underestimating how quickly the shift to AI is going to happen. We're not talking about 5 years off for a sizeable shift to happen, i.e. enough to make the unemployment figure to dramatically shoot through the roof.

And while it won't be perfect and the AI replacement will not 100% cover for what's lost from humans, it'll be a simple cost/benefit analysis to say 70% (or whatever) of productivity at 5% of the cost for AI is preferrable to 90% of productivity at 100% of the cost with humans.
As more and more jobs are automated and there are fewer and fewer actual jobs for people, only corporations will earn income. Government will need to tax it heavily and propagate it... like govt cheese. It's gonna be a mess. I'm not a fan of UBI but I think the world we are moving towards will necessitate it. The link has nothing to to with UBI but is just another example of decent paying jobs going away.

Star Trek predicted it. I believe.