What's the latest report on DeSanto? Is he done for the year?

Im hoping he’s not done. I wanna see if he weighed in. Trust me I will be scouring the webs for that info.

it could just be that Cullan doesn’t want to be in school six years and Austin is getting some time off to rest a few bumps and bruises. Yes, this is me being optimistic.
Do the maths, dudes….
That is 4 red shirts pulled this year. The 2 at 125 I get. The 174 and 133 I don't. I have given up on trying to guess our lineup this year. Just enjoy whoever goes. All the replacements are talented and I'm just glad to be able to watch wrestling after the last 22 months.
Someone mentioned Tom Brands potentially knowing something more than we all do about Covid and NCAA Wrestling…

Just the mere thought or possibility of that being the case relieved a lot of stress for me. Thank you to whoever posted that.
Someone mentioned Tom Brands potentially knowing something more than we all do about Covid and NCAA Wrestling…

Just the mere thought or possibility of that being the case relieved a lot of stress for me. Thank you to whoever posted that.
Who? Link?
I’m going out on a limb here and guessing he’s dealing with the after effects of something that rhymes with “on my pron”.
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My 2 cents. No insider. Desanto has had a mental lapse or 2. Nothing huge but enough to require some discipline. Schriever probably doesn't want to be a 3rd year freshman. With this being such weird times. Kids might get to use red shirts on seasons they wrestle 5 or less matches or something along those lines. Kind of like other ncaa sports.
Because of the thought of Tom Brands knowing something about Covid that we don’t…
It seems unlikely that they would cancel NCAA’s when the omicron variant is supposed to peak sometime this month. I could see them not allowing fans again. That would seem more likely. Idk.
There is really not a need to get our undies in a bunch. As general fans, we will never know what is really going on from an injury & discipline perspective with the team.
How would it help the team if the cesspool knew? God help us.
Dad always said, “If you can’t help & you’re just curious, it’s not any of your f***** business.
My 2 cents. No insider. Desanto has had a mental lapse or 2. Nothing huge but enough to require some discipline. Schriever probably doesn't want to be a 3rd year freshman. With this being such weird times. Kids might get to use red shirts on seasons they wrestle 5 or less matches or something along those lines. Kind of like other ncaa sports.
I think this is accurate.

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