Why has the House of Representatives failed so miserably?


HR All-American
Oct 24, 2001
They've had lots of time on the job, and they have failed epically to come up with any meaningful legislation that helps make America great again. To steal a phrase. Is it because they are beholden to their lunatic far right wing that gums everything up? Is it because their leadership is so feckless in McCarthy Johnson and Gym Jordan? Is it because they are all so afraid of Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser that they're afraid to do anything? Is it because they simply don't want to do anything, being happy to have nothing happen and then blame nothing happening on the Democrats? I mean to be so do nothing, to fail so epically, there has to be a good reason for it.
They've had lots of time on the job, and they have failed epically to come up with any meaningful legislation that helps make America great again. To steal a phrase. Is it because they are beholden to their lunatic far right wing that gums everything up? Is it because their leadership is so feckless in McCarthy Johnson and Gym Jordan? Is it because they are all so afraid of Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser that they're afraid to do anything? Is it because they simply don't want to do anything, being happy to have nothing happen and then blame nothing happening on the Democrats? I mean to be so do nothing, to fail so epically, there has to be a good reason for it.
Because most of them have an IQ below 50. I mean look at these guys. Gym Jordan, Marge, Boebert, Johnson, they’re all like characters from a Steven King movie.
Not defending the GOP loons. But did anyone expect much to get done? Margin is too thin. If they do get something passed, margin is too thin in the senate. Then needs to get past Biden. If any legislation leans a touch Republican, it’s not getting through. Unfortunately, there is so much hatred towards each other’s side, I have zero hope for meaningful bipartisan bills. Add in the hard core MAGA idiots who are there only to sabotage and showboat, nothing will get done.
Not defending the GOP loons. But did anyone expect much to get done? Margin is too thin. If they do get something passed, margin is too thin in the senate. Then needs to get past Biden. If any legislation leans a touch Republican, it’s not getting through. Unfortunately, there is so much hatred towards each other’s side, I have zero hope for meaningful bipartisan bills. Add in the hard core MAGA idiots who are there only to sabotage and showboat, nothing will get done.
The immigration bill giving the GOP 80-90% of what they wanted was DOA. Just like the ACA, the GOP refuses to take yes for an answer.
Not defending the GOP loons. But did anyone expect much to get done? Margin is too thin. If they do get something passed, margin is too thin in the senate. Then needs to get past Biden. If any legislation leans a touch Republican, it’s not getting through. Unfortunately, there is so much hatred towards each other’s side, I have zero hope for meaningful bipartisan bills. Add in the hard core MAGA idiots who are there only to sabotage and showboat, nothing will get done.
Nancy Pelosi had a thin margin 21-22 and got plenty done
“Is it because they are all so afraid of Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser that they're afraid to do anything? ”

you made excuses for the GOP cuz of the thin majority. pelosi had a thin majority. pelosi got shit done. republicans have no clue how to govern. BTW, hows that biden impeachment working for ya????
You have me mistaken as a GOP supporter. Maybe you missed the part that said I’m not defending the GOP and that they are loons. Not every comment made in a post is automatically partisan. I have a dislike for all DC politicians. I despise the Republicans more than the Democrats.
you made excuses for the GOP cuz of the thin majority. pelosi had a thin majority. pelosi got shit done. republicans have no clue how to govern. BTW, hows that biden impeachment working for ya????
I’ll add. Go through my posting history. I’ve never once stated support for impeaching Biden. But everything is either Right or Left for some of you.
Because Republicans can't govern and are not even the slightest bit interested in doing it. It's why Russians love Republicans.
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They've had lots of time on the job, and they have failed epically to come up with any meaningful legislation that helps make America great again. To steal a phrase. Is it because they are beholden to their lunatic far right wing that gums everything up? Is it because their leadership is so feckless in McCarthy Johnson and Gym Jordan? Is it because they are all so afraid of Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser that they're afraid to do anything? Is it because they simply don't want to do anything, being happy to have nothing happen and then blame nothing happening on the Democrats? I mean to be so do nothing, to fail so epically, there has to be a good reason for it.
The House has failed in some regards because the GOP doesn't have the same unity as Democrats, especially under Pelosi. They did manage to somewhat rein in spending, but not nearly enough. They did pass a border bill last May. Of course they are limited in what they can do because of a Democrat majority in the Senate, and a Democrat in the White House.

All that said, they waste a lot of time and effort on corruption hearings that are going nowhere, no matter what they find. Heck, they stand in front of the media with a copy of a check to Joe Biden for $40,000 from his brother, and supposedly intelligent people deny there was any payment to Joe. Yes, the check memo said loan repayment. The funds are 10% of the money paid to Joe's brother from a Chinese deal. There's no evidence Joe ever lent his brother $40,000. It's all a big circus show, and people fall in line based on team red or blue. Rationalization and spin are now a sport. If you criticize one side you must be a partisan for the other side. There's no possibility a person can actually think for themselves. I have no use for the GOP House, other than they aren't spending tax money and borrowed money quite as fast as the Dems.

IMO, gridlock is better than bad legislation.
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Their only job is to deflect their ineffectiveness to the Democratic in the Oval Office. Border issues? Do nothing and blame the President. Inflation? Do nothing and blame the President. Government shutdown? Do nothing and blame the President.
Especially the cult leader. He is on record as being in love with Putin and KJU. He's their lapdog... and that is an embarrassment to the USA. He loves him world dictators. Thats his dream job.
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I am probably over simplifying things but I just think the GOP has had the many give all the power to the few. (Gaetz,MTG,etc.) When you have a border bill that was negotiated in a bipartisan manner and most everyone thinks it would easily pass with a bipartisan vote and you can’t even get it on the floor for a vote really tells you all you need to know IMO.
It’s entirely by design. The GOP doesn’t want solutions. Their goals are obstruction, outrage, and raw power.
Jurassic Park Ian Malcom GIF
They've had lots of time on the job, and they have failed epically to come up with any meaningful legislation that helps make America great again. To steal a phrase. Is it because they are beholden to their lunatic far right wing that gums everything up? Is it because their leadership is so feckless in McCarthy Johnson and Gym Jordan? Is it because they are all so afraid of Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser that they're afraid to do anything? Is it because they simply don't want to do anything, being happy to have nothing happen and then blame nothing happening on the Democrats? I mean to be so do nothing, to fail so epically, there has to be a good reason for it.
It's been a thing for a while now, GOP promises things and never deliver. That is something I will give Democrats credit for; they will pass stuff (much of which I don't like) but they do pass stuff. The GOP tries too hard to get everyone on board. Democrats will pass stuff without any support from the opposite party.

I like it better when nothing is getting passed. Less money being spend and less rights being taken away.
The House has failed in some regards because the GOP doesn't have the same unity as Democrats, especially under Pelosi.

This is pretty much it,... Pelosi controlled a group of Democrat robots, while speaker Johnson is attempting to herd Republican cats.
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Party before America. They only care about getting elected so they can burn the other side at all costs and regardless of what their constituents want and need.
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Thin majority. Allows nut jobs to say no to everything. Also the agreeing by limp dick McCarthy to agree to the one vote rule on Speakership.