Will you move if Trump wins?

Will you?

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Nov 23, 2021
Genuinely curious if some of you will. I have faith that this country will survive 4 more years of either candidate. I remember a ton of celebrities threatening to move in 2016 that never did. So I ask if it so obvious that the USA will turn to a Fascist or Communist country with a Trump victory will you move and where to?
We have started gaming out the possibility, depending on how serious he actually is in being a fascist. I still think Americans have had too long being relatively independent to really lean in (unlike Weimar Germany which was a nascent democracy).

In many ways - as upper middle class, whites raised Christian - we would likely actually thrive economically under a Christian Nationalist theocracy, but I really would prefer not to.

As to where, I love fishing and the outdoors so Canada might be nice - the spouse has relatives in Quebec and we both speak some French - I could see that.
Genuinely curious if some of you will. I have faith that this country will survive 4 more years of either candidate. I remember a ton of celebrities threatening to move in 2016 that never did. So I ask if it so obvious that the USA will turn to a Fascist or Communist country with a Trump victory will you move and where to?
Are you kidding? I can't move because I'm so poor because of Biden and all his policies!
Donald Trump Thumbs Up GIF by Justin Gammon

FTR, I'm totally messing around. I loathe Trump but if he doesn’t end up in jail or somehow wins in November, I would certainly be disappointed that a majority of this country thinks he would be our best choice and would probably avoid any conversations with any of his supporters, like I do now, but would never move.
We need a counter balance of rational people to offset the MAGA morons.
Confused Trump GIF by BabylonBee
For me it’s also beyond Trump himself.

I had no idea anti-intellectual, conspiracy minded, self-defeating idiocy was AS widespread as is becoming increasingly obvious.

Frankly, I am pretty disgusted with a large percentage of my fellow Americans, particularly here in Iowa where the majority insists on voting against their own and their children’s better future.

That concerns me. America is heading towards Idiocacy at an accelerating rate.
Nope, but the fiance no pics and I have discussed moving out of Iowa more and more over the last couple months because of the people "leading" the state. I could see that happening at some point in the coming years, but I could also just see us staying put.
For me it’s also beyond Trump himself.

I had no idea anti-intellectual, conspiracy minded, self-defeating idiocy was AS widespread as is becoming increasingly obvious.

Frankly, I am pretty disgusted with a large percentage of my fellow Americans, particularly here in Iowa where the majority insists on voting against their own and their children’s better future.

That concerns me. America is heading towards Idiocacy at an accelerating rate.
Only a leftist would be so arrogant and oblivious to the realities around him that he would presume to know what someone else's best interests are.:rolleyes:
Why is it that the left are always the one's threatening to pick up their little baby ball and go home?
What he's saying: "I shouldn’t joke because you know what? Running against the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics puts pressure on me," Trump said. "Could you imagine if I lose? My whole life, what am I gonna do? I'm gonna say: 'I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics.' I'm not gonna feel so good. Maybe I'll have to leave the country — I don't know."

Genuinely curious if some of you will. I have faith that this country will survive 4 more years of either candidate. I remember a ton of celebrities threatening to move in 2016 that never did. So I ask if it so obvious that the USA will turn to a Fascist or Communist country with a Trump victory will you move and where to?
If Trump wins, will you join these assholes on their "journey" back to the sewers they crawled out of >
Nope, but the fiance no pics and I have discussed moving out of Iowa more and more over the last couple months because of the people "leading" the state. I could see that happening at some point in the coming years, but I could also just see us staying put.
It's amazing to me how pathetic one's life must be that they would consider moving simply by who is leading the state. You're just an unhappy person. You'd be unhappy regardless of who leads our state.
Nope, but the fiance no pics and I have discussed moving out of Iowa more and more over the last couple months because of the people "leading" the state. I could see that happening at some point in the coming years, but I could also just see us staying put.
Are you both on welfare?
It's amazing to me how pathetic one's life must be that they would consider moving simply by who is leading the state. You're just an unhappy person. You'd be unhappy regardless of who leads our state.
I'm happy as **** dude lol

I'm sorry I offended you when I said that I've discussed moving out of Iowa.
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As to where, I love fishing and the outdoors so Canada might be nice - the spouse has relatives in Quebec and we both speak some French - I could see that.
Too late!

Temporary immigration is too high and putting undue pressure on Canadians, Justin Trudeau has claimed.

“Over the past few years we’ve seen a massive spike in temporary immigration,” the Canadian Prime Minister told an audience on Tuesday. “Whether it’s temporary foreign workers, or whether it’s international students in particular that have grown at a rate that’s far beyond what Canada has been able to absorb.”

Trudeau delivered the remarks while promoting an infrastructure project aimed at building more housing. While he reiterated his support for immigration generally, he warned that the surge in temporary migrants was causing problems and needed to be reined in. “In 2017, 2% of Canada’s population was made up by temporary immigrants,” he said. “Now we’re at 7.5% of our population […] That’s something that we need to get back under control.”

The comments come amid a deluge of bad polls for Trudeau, who is currently trailing Conservative rival Pierre Poilievre by 14 percentage points in popularity. Poilievre has repeatedly campaigned on immigration, saying that “after eight years of Trudeau, our entire immigration system is ruined”, and that the PM “opened the floodgates” in a way that was disconnected from the number of homes to house people, and the amount of jobs to employ them.
You didn't offend me. You amazed me. Don't apologize. Thank you, for amazing (and amusing) me.
I stated that my fiance and I had discussed moving, and you responded by saying I have a pathetic life and I'm an unhappy person.

You got offended. It's okay to admit it. You may need to do a bit of self reflection, it's not healthy to get so worked up over someone else's life decisions. I'm glad we had this talk though. Have a great afternoon! I'm pullin' for ya!
We have started gaming out the possibility, depending on how serious he actually is in being a fascist. I still think Americans have had too long being relatively independent to really lean in (unlike Weimar Germany which was a nascent democracy).

In many ways - as upper middle class, whites raised Christian - we would likely actually thrive economically under a Christian Nationalist theocracy, but I really would prefer not to.

As to where, I love fishing and the outdoors so Canada might be nice - the spouse has relatives in Quebec and we both speak some French - I could see that.
1. You should definitely move to Canada. You'd love it there.
2. "How serious Trump is about being a fascist." LOL. I agree he'll undo all of Biden's reversals of Trump EOs on day 1, but that's only being as fascist as Biden or Obama were in that regard. I wonder if Trump will have his political opponents arrested... That would certainly be fascist.
3. Pretty genius how you juxtaposed fascism with the likelihood the country would be very successful under trump and managed to take a shot at Christians at the same time. That takes at least a decade of training in "how to argue like a liberal" to pull off.

What a post. Your writing skills remain sharp. I happen to disagree with the tenor of nearly all of it, but appreciate it nonetheless.
Moving? Or moving out of the country? I'm already moving somewhere that more closely aligns with my values. Even my wackiest new neighbors at least believe in climate change and protecting our natural resources.
Would I move out of the country just because he won? Not likely. But if he behaves in the way many of us fear I do have family land in Canada somewhere and would likely start trying to figure out how to get there.
We have started gaming out the possibility, depending on how serious he actually is in being a fascist. I still think Americans have had too long being relatively independent to really lean in (unlike Weimar Germany which was a nascent democracy).

In many ways - as upper middle class, whites raised Christian - we would likely actually thrive economically under a Christian Nationalist theocracy, but I really would prefer not to.

As to where, I love fishing and the outdoors so Canada might be nice - the spouse has relatives in Quebec and we both speak some French - I could see that.
Have you paid attention to.whats going o up in Canada right now?
Genuinely curious if some of you will. I have faith that this country will survive 4 more years of either candidate. I remember a ton of celebrities threatening to move in 2016 that never did. So I ask if it so obvious that the USA will turn to a Fascist or Communist country with a Trump victory will you move and where to?
Won't move. But will send a sternly-written email to the Des Moines Register opinion section about how stupid we are.
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Nope, but the fiance no pics and I have discussed moving out of Iowa more and more over the last couple months because of the people "leading" the state. I could see that happening at some point in the coming years, but I could also just see us staying put.

If I understand correctly, you have to continue paying US income taxes (while also paying taxes abroad) OR renounce your US citizenship?

If not for that, I'd probably consider it.
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Genuinely curious if some of you will. I have faith that this country will survive 4 more years of either candidate. I remember a ton of celebrities threatening to move in 2016 that never did. So I ask if it so obvious that the USA will turn to a Fascist or Communist country with a Trump victory will you move and where to?
Trump's administration ended with a 10 million job loss and a violent coup.

Biden's so far has produced record jobs and an amazingly productive economy.

We only fear one party getting back in control.
We have started gaming out the possibility, depending on how serious he actually is in being a fascist. I still think Americans have had too long being relatively independent to really lean in (unlike Weimar Germany which was a nascent democracy).

In many ways - as upper middle class, whites raised Christian - we would likely actually thrive economically under a Christian Nationalist theocracy, but I really would prefer not to.

As to where, I love fishing and the outdoors so Canada might be nice - the spouse has relatives in Quebec and we both speak some French - I could see that.
There is zero chance what you fear will actually happen. Zero. My honest guess is that, though the tenor out of Washington will be different than it is currently, very little will actually change.

Everyone has you believing you have something to fear, and that’s the key to their maintenance of power.
There is zero chance what you fear will actually happen. Zero. My honest guess is that, though the tenor out of Washington will be different than it is currently, very little will actually change.

Everyone has you believing you have something to fear, and that’s the key to their maintenance of power.
Trump lead a coup, is claiming that has president he can commit whatever crime he wants, and is flexing that moronic belief daily with his endless criminal cases. He is 100% dangerous.
Trump's administration ended with a 10 million job loss and a violent coup.

Biden's so far has produced record jobs and an amazingly productive economy.

We only fear one party getting back in control.
10 million job loss was caused by Marxist liberals and Chinamen working together. You’re a pussy if you thought January 6th was a violent coup.
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Trump's administration ended with a 10 million job loss and a violent coup.

Biden's so far has produced record jobs and an amazingly productive economy.

We only fear one party getting back in control.
Smh. Fear fear fear. Same old shit.

Fascism, genocide, dictatorship, authoritarian, Nazi. Language of today’s left.

Dude, you seem like an OK guy but you’ve been manipulated bro. The problem is you just don’t see it.
Trump lead a coup, is claiming that has president he can commit whatever crime he wants, and is flexing that moronic belief daily with his endless criminal cases. He is 100% dangerous.
You’re more dangerous than Trump with all of your diseases you can spread.
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