“Trump tried to take away my vote.”


HR Legend
Apr 26, 2013
I have accused several posters of being bad Americans, and bad people, for continuing to defend Trump. This guy puts my feelings perfectly.

In October 2020, my wife and I arrived in Philadelphia just in time to be registered voters in our new home. We joined a long line of folks at our early voting location to be certain our vote was counted.

This being Philadelphia, the line was a blend of young and old, white and Black and Latinx, gay and straight. Despite the 45-minute wait, folks were patient, polite, and happy. It was obvious that the majority were excited to exercise their right to vote, and that Joe Biden was their choice for president — except for the elderly couple just in front of us. The husband and wife were frail, in their late 80s, and somewhat unsteady on their feet. Even without speaking much, it became obvious that the gentleman did not share his line-mates’ enthusiasm for the Democrat.

We struck up a conversation about nonpolitical stuff. He was a Marine Corps veteran who had seen combat in the Korean War. I mentioned that I, too, had combat service in the Middle East, and we thanked each other for that shared commitment to our Constitution. As we climbed the final few steps into the polling place, I reached my hand out behind his back every time he started to stumble. But thankfully he righted himself and pressed on, determined to complete the task at hand.

My wife and I finished voting and walked outside. Our Marine friend was already there, anxiously waiting for his wife to come out of the building. I assured him that I saw her just finishing up and that she would be out shortly. We bid him farewell.

I have thought of that experience often since the events of November 2020, and again on Jan. 6, 2021. I was proud of our new city and state for conducting a well-administered election. I was well aware that there were those who tried to upend that effort. While reading the entire federal indictment of former President Donald Trumpreleased last week, those thoughts came rushing back.

The indictment is clear: Trump has been charged for his role in efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in Pennsylvania and six other battleground states.

Trump and his coconspirators tried to cancel my vote. They tried to cancel that Marine’s vote. They tried to cancel the votes of millions of folks from both parties and overrule the clear mandate of the electorate.
The fact that they did not succeed because other Americans would not let them is irrelevant. (Thank you, “too honest” Mike Pence.) Their nefarious goal was clear and unambiguous.

Read the indictment for yourself, and you will see that Trump tried in every way he could imagine to overturn a free and fair election. He knew it was free and fair despite every corrosive lie he told and continues to tell.

Those lies may be protected free speech. But his documented actions to subvert the election were not. Trump conspired to destroy the linchpin of our republic: our sacred vote.

Trump was abetted by numerous elected Pennsylvania Republicans, including State Sen. Doug Mastriano, in his attempt to reverse our decision. Their lack of fidelity to the Constitution and the laws of the land is a stain on their character that can never be erased. And one we should never forget.

Whatever you may think about our disagreements about politics, about President Biden, about Democrats or Republicans, or about policies you wish to support or not, remember this: Donald Trump tried to take away my vote and yours, disregarding my 32 years of service to the nation in support of the Constitution.

If that does not disgust and anger you, then you are no friend of mine. Worse, you are no friend of America if you do not walk away from Trump now. Because if he ever gets the chance, he’ll do it again.

Irv Halter is a retired U.S. Air Force major general and proud citizen of Philadelphia.
Those lies may be protected free speech. But his documented actions to subvert the election were not. Trump conspired to destroy the linchpin of our republic: our sacred vote.
Trump’s free speech defense is bogus but it is all his attorneys have to work with.

None of the criminal conduct set forth in the indictment is disputed. That is why you see the legal smokescreen blitz by his DC attorney and Trump’s relentless and aggressive personal attacks against the prosecutor and judge.

In a nutshell: there is no valid legal defense and Trump is increasingly desperate.
Good deeds are not good deeds unless they are done with humility. (According to Socrates or Aristotle; one of those famous Greek philosophers.) Self-serving commentary is uncalled for.

An excerpt:

"As we climbed the final few steps into the polling place, I reached my hand out behind his back every time he started to stumble. But thankfully he righted himself and pressed on, determined to complete the task at hand."

I really do not like it when people jump in without asking and try to hold people up, or grab suitcases or groceries, belonging to able-bodied but older individuals. As bad as that is, I find it the height of rudeness and arrogance when they brag about it later.

What was the point of mentioning that part of the episode? That the General saved a vote even though it was not going for his candidate? Or that the wife who had clearly helped him navigate these situations before was incapable of doing so one additional time? He insulted both of them in my view.
Good deeds are not good deeds unless they are done with humility. (According to Socrates or Aristotle; one of those famous Greek philosophers.) Self-serving commentary is uncalled for.

An excerpt:

"As we climbed the final few steps into the polling place, I reached my hand out behind his back every time he started to stumble. But thankfully he righted himself and pressed on, determined to complete the task at hand."

I really do not like it when people jump in without asking and try to hold people up, or grab suitcases or groceries, belonging to able-bodied but older individuals. As bad as that is, I find it the height of rudeness and arrogance when they brag about it later.

What was the point of mentioning that part of the episode? That the General saved a vote even though it was not going for his candidate? Or that the wife who had clearly helped him navigate these situations before was incapable of doing so one additional time? He insulted both of them in my view.
Congrats, you picked that post clean of its nits. Are you entirely composed of grievance and obtuse pedantic arguments or does it just seem that way?
I have accused several posters of being bad Americans, and bad people, for continuing to defend Trump. This guy puts my feelings perfectly.

In October 2020, my wife and I arrived in Philadelphia just in time to be registered voters in our new home. We joined a long line of folks at our early voting location to be certain our vote was counted.

This being Philadelphia, the line was a blend of young and old, white and Black and Latinx, gay and straight. Despite the 45-minute wait, folks were patient, polite, and happy. It was obvious that the majority were excited to exercise their right to vote, and that Joe Biden was their choice for president — except for the elderly couple just in front of us. The husband and wife were frail, in their late 80s, and somewhat unsteady on their feet. Even without speaking much, it became obvious that the gentleman did not share his line-mates’ enthusiasm for the Democrat.

We struck up a conversation about nonpolitical stuff. He was a Marine Corps veteran who had seen combat in the Korean War. I mentioned that I, too, had combat service in the Middle East, and we thanked each other for that shared commitment to our Constitution. As we climbed the final few steps into the polling place, I reached my hand out behind his back every time he started to stumble. But thankfully he righted himself and pressed on, determined to complete the task at hand.

My wife and I finished voting and walked outside. Our Marine friend was already there, anxiously waiting for his wife to come out of the building. I assured him that I saw her just finishing up and that she would be out shortly. We bid him farewell.

I have thought of that experience often since the events of November 2020, and again on Jan. 6, 2021. I was proud of our new city and state for conducting a well-administered election. I was well aware that there were those who tried to upend that effort. While reading the entire federal indictment of former President Donald Trumpreleased last week, those thoughts came rushing back.

The indictment is clear: Trump has been charged for his role in efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in Pennsylvania and six other battleground states.

Trump and his coconspirators tried to cancel my vote. They tried to cancel that Marine’s vote. They tried to cancel the votes of millions of folks from both parties and overrule the clear mandate of the electorate.
The fact that they did not succeed because other Americans would not let them is irrelevant. (Thank you, “too honest” Mike Pence.) Their nefarious goal was clear and unambiguous.

Read the indictment for yourself, and you will see that Trump tried in every way he could imagine to overturn a free and fair election. He knew it was free and fair despite every corrosive lie he told and continues to tell.

Those lies may be protected free speech. But his documented actions to subvert the election were not. Trump conspired to destroy the linchpin of our republic: our sacred vote.

Trump was abetted by numerous elected Pennsylvania Republicans, including State Sen. Doug Mastriano, in his attempt to reverse our decision. Their lack of fidelity to the Constitution and the laws of the land is a stain on their character that can never be erased. And one we should never forget.

Whatever you may think about our disagreements about politics, about President Biden, about Democrats or Republicans, or about policies you wish to support or not, remember this: Donald Trump tried to take away my vote and yours, disregarding my 32 years of service to the nation in support of the Constitution.

If that does not disgust and anger you, then you are no friend of mine. Worse, you are no friend of America if you do not walk away from Trump now. Because if he ever gets the chance, he’ll do it again.

Irv Halter is a retired U.S. Air Force major general and proud citizen of Philadelphia.
I’ve got news for ya, your vote didn’t matter anyway. 😀
Good deeds are not good deeds unless they are done with humility. (According to Socrates or Aristotle; one of those famous Greek philosophers.) Self-serving commentary is uncalled for.

An excerpt:

"As we climbed the final few steps into the polling place, I reached my hand out behind his back every time he started to stumble. But thankfully he righted himself and pressed on, determined to complete the task at hand."

I really do not like it when people jump in without asking and try to hold people up, or grab suitcases or groceries, belonging to able-bodied but older individuals. As bad as that is, I find it the height of rudeness and arrogance when they brag about it later.

What was the point of mentioning that part of the episode? That the General saved a vote even though it was not going for his candidate? Or that the wife who had clearly helped him navigate these situations before was incapable of doing so one additional time? He insulted both of them in my view.

That’s it? Surely you have some far more important grievances to air than a veteran concerned about another’s unsteady balance, right? Are you so unaware of your own silliness that you find this to be a valid complaint?

Would you prefer the old man to fall over without intervention from a meddling liberal? Seems like a story you’d enjoy more.
That’s it? Surely you have some far more important grievances to air than a veteran concerned about another’s unsteady balance, right? Are you so unaware of your own silliness that you find this to be a valid complaint?

Would you prefer the old man to fall over without intervention from a meddling liberal? Seems like a story you’d enjoy more.

Titan is the kind of person I'm talking about. He is so ingrained in defending his team he refuses to join good Americans in taking a stand against Trump. His kind enables Trump, and emboldens his supporters.
Titan is the kind of person I'm talking about. He is so ingrained in defending his team he refuses to join good Americans in taking a stand against Trump. His kind enables Trump, and emboldens his supporters.
I don't have team, sorry. I do believe states handled the election wrong in 2020 as proven by the Wisconsin Supreme Court last year, which said their election process was wrong, but too late to do anything about it. Same with Pennsylvania and Delaware courts last year. If one gets past the overused and intellectually bankrupt use of "Big Lie" and "Overturn", there should be a clear discussion on how the electoral processes were handled. The claims that "experts found no widespread fraud" and recounting ballots as nauseum, do not address what the real concerns were - potential improper modifications to the process.

I'm ingrained with trying to dealing in facts and I do not enable Trump anymore than I enable you by responding to you. Perhaps that's a bad thing.
I don't have team, sorry. I do believe states handled the election wrong in 2020 as proven by the Wisconsin Supreme Court last year, which said their election process was wrong, but too late to do anything about it. Same with Pennsylvania and Delaware courts last year. If one gets past the overused and intellectually bankrupt use of "Big Lie" and "Overturn", there should be a clear discussion on how the electoral processes were handled. The claims that "experts found no widespread fraud" and recounting ballots as nauseum, do not address what the real concerns were - potential improper modifications to the process.

I'm ingrained with trying to dealing in facts and I do not enable Trump anymore than I enable you by responding to you. Perhaps that's a bad thing.

None of that has a single thing to do with Trump's actions - which were criminal and an attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election.

That you choose to criticize everything else - especially those people who oppose Trump - tells us exactly what "team" you are on, despite your protestations.

You do enable Trump by refusing to acknowledge his criminality, and by instead criticizing those who stress his criminality. 100%. You are in the wrong here. You are damaging our country. You are ignoring your civic duty to put country first.
I don't have team, sorry. I do believe states handled the election wrong in 2020 as proven by the Wisconsin Supreme Court last year, which said their election process was wrong, but too late to do anything about it. Same with Pennsylvania and Delaware courts last year. If one gets past the overused and intellectually bankrupt use of "Big Lie" and "Overturn", there should be a clear discussion on how the electoral processes were handled. The claims that "experts found no widespread fraud" and recounting ballots as nauseum, do not address what the real concerns were - potential improper modifications to the process.

I'm ingrained with trying to dealing in facts and I do not enable Trump anymore than I enable you by responding to you. Perhaps that's a bad thing.
I don't care who says it, this is top notch humor.
Yeah they don't care. About you or your right to vote.

When you get right down to it they are ok with it because authoritarianism is fun when your side is the authoritarians.

It's the same old selfish white boomer mentality. "I've got mine, f*** you"

Why do you think the Republicans have never put together any sort of plan to deal with things like healthcare, the rising cost of college, the rising cost of homes. Because doing so would either require some sort of sacrifice or actively hurt the interests of the white boomers that back them to the hilt.

I mean if home prices came down boomers net worths would go down quite a bit.

I said before the conservative opposition leader in Canada was talking about deregulating construction to get more homes built to bring home prices back down. Now I don't know how much regulations is preventing new construction, quite frankly I'm guessing it's a multi-faceted problem as these things often are. However running on deregulating an industry to theoretically make shit cheaper was the old Republican's bread and butter. Now it's just culture wars and doing whatever their new god wants them to do.

Guarantee at least 60% of Republicans would happily make that man an autocratic ruler for life.
Yeah they don't care. About you or your right to vote.

When you get right down to it they are ok with it because authoritarianism is fun when your side is the authoritarians.

It's the same old selfish white boomer mentality. "I've got mine, f*** you"

Why do you think the Republicans have never put together any sort of plan to deal with things like healthcare, the rising cost of college, the rising cost of homes. Because doing so would either require some sort of sacrifice or actively hurt the interests of the white boomers that back them to the hilt.

I mean if home prices came down boomers net worths would go down quite a bit.

I said before the conservative opposition leader in Canada was talking about deregulating construction to get more homes built to bring home prices back down. Now I don't know how much regulations is preventing new construction, quite frankly I'm guessing it's a multi-faceted problem as these things often are. However running on deregulating an industry to theoretically make shit cheaper was the old Republican's bread and butter. Now it's just culture wars and doing whatever their new god wants them to do.

Guarantee at least 60% of Republicans would happily make that man an autocratic ruler for life.

When we look at the housing issue, one of the big problems is Boomers over 65 living in 4-5 bedroom houses as an old couple or by themselves.
Yeah they don't care. About you or your right to vote.

When you get right down to it they are ok with it because authoritarianism is fun when your side is the authoritarians.

It's the same old selfish white boomer mentality. "I've got mine, f*** you"

Why do you think the Republicans have never put together any sort of plan to deal with things like healthcare, the rising cost of college, the rising cost of homes. Because doing so would either require some sort of sacrifice or actively hurt the interests of the white boomers that back them to the hilt.

I mean if home prices came down boomers net worths would go down quite a bit.

I said before the conservative opposition leader in Canada was talking about deregulating construction to get more homes built to bring home prices back down. Now I don't know how much regulations is preventing new construction, quite frankly I'm guessing it's a multi-faceted problem as these things often are. However running on deregulating an industry to theoretically make shit cheaper was the old Republican's bread and butter. Now it's just culture wars and doing whatever their new god wants them to do.

Guarantee at least 60% of Republicans would happily make that man an autocratic ruler for life.
A plan has to include “paying for it” otherwise it really isn’t a plan.

$32 trillion and counting.

Too bad there isn’t a piece of the constitution that says new spending must have new revenue or spending cuts to exiting programs to offset the new spending.

When the interest on the debt is more than total taxes collected everybody is F’d and both parties are to blame. If you can’t raise the money stop spending it.
When we look at the housing issue, one of the big problems is Boomers over 65 living in 4-5 bedroom houses as an old couple or by themselves.

Oh yeah. My In-laws have 2 guest rooms and that's after they downsized from a home that was much bigger.

To be fair it's nice because my wife and I can take a room and we can put the kids in another room. But when we arn't down there, those rooms sit empty. My BIL and his fiance are fairly local (I think they live like an hour away) so they don't usually spend the night.
A plan has to include “paying for it” otherwise it really isn’t a plan.

$32 trillion and counting.

Too bad there isn’t a piece of the constitution that says new spending must have new revenue or spending cuts to exiting programs to offset the new spending.

When the interest on the debt is more than total taxes collected everybody is F’d and both parties are to blame. If you can’t raise the money stop spending it.

How many Republican tax cuts have we gone through? Lets go undo all of the tax cuts in the last 40 years and I'm guessing the fed would have a hell of a lot more money.
Yeah they don't care. About you or your right to vote.

When you get right down to it they are ok with it because authoritarianism is fun when your side is the authoritarians.

It's the same old selfish white boomer mentality. "I've got mine, f*** you"

Why do you think the Republicans have never put together any sort of plan to deal with things like healthcare, the rising cost of college, the rising cost of homes. Because doing so would either require some sort of sacrifice or actively hurt the interests of the white boomers that back them to the hilt.

I mean if home prices came down boomers net worths would go down quite a bit.

I said before the conservative opposition leader in Canada was talking about deregulating construction to get more homes built to bring home prices back down. Now I don't know how much regulations is preventing new construction, quite frankly I'm guessing it's a multi-faceted problem as these things often are. However running on deregulating an industry to theoretically make shit cheaper was the old Republican's bread and butter. Now it's just culture wars and doing whatever their new god wants them to do.

Guarantee at least 60% of Republicans would happily make that man an autocratic ruler for life.
And that is also why they are so scared of liberals. They think they are just like them and if they get control they will be authoritarian over them and it scares the bejeezus out of them.
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A plan has to include “paying for it” otherwise it really isn’t a plan.

$32 trillion and counting.

Too bad there isn’t a piece of the constitution that says new spending must have new revenue or spending cuts to exiting programs to offset the new spending.

When the interest on the debt is more than total taxes collected everybody is F’d and both parties are to blame. If you can’t raise the money stop spending it.
If I recall, we were running a surplus and actually reducing the debt in the late 90s and early 00s. Then the party that likes to call itself "fiscally conservative" cut taxes and began two unfunded wars. Then, in 2017, even though there was already a deficit, the same party of "fiscal conservatives" cut taxes again. Without those tax cuts and overseas adventures, we would be in very good shape.
Oh yeah. My In-laws have 2 guest rooms and that's after they downsized from a home that was much bigger.

To be fair it's nice because my wife and I can take a room and we can put the kids in another room. But when we arn't down there, those rooms sit empty. My BIL and his fiance are fairly local (I think they live like an hour away) so they don't usually spend the night.

So people aren't allowed to have guest rooms? I didn't get that memo.
We need to throw everyone off Medicare at 80. That will do it.

Sorry old people. You had your time.
We need to throw everyone off Medicare at 80. That will do it.

Sorry old people. You had your time.

So you want to through people off medicare so they have to sell their house? Why don't you just go in and steal it.
So you want to through people off medicare so they have to sell their house? Why don't you just go in and steal it.

I don't think anyone said to throw someone off medicare. I think he was pointing out an issue that is partially causing housing prices to stay high.

You are essentially talking about a resource that there is only so much of, but a large number of people are holding on to a part of that resource but also at the same time not using it.

That can be a huge issue if that resource is relatively scarce.

It was like during the pandemic when no one could buy TP and you had people who horded a bunch of TP in their garages. The only difference is that it takes a lot less time and resources to manufacture more TP and get it on the market than it takes to build and fill more homes.
The claims that "experts found no widespread fraud" and recounting ballots as nauseum, do not address what the real concerns were
Umm widespread voter fraud was literally the main claim for a long time from Trump and your ilk until it was proven wrong. Then they moved onto "process issues".

2020 was a legit election and you losers need to move on. You lost.
I don't think anyone said to throw someone off medicare. I think he was pointing out an issue that is partially causing housing prices to stay high.

You are essentially talking about a resource that there is only so much of, but a large number of people are holding on to a part of that resource but also at the same time not using it.

That can be a huge issue if that resource is relatively scarce.

It was like during the pandemic when no one could buy TP and you had people who horded a bunch of TP in their garages. The only difference is that it takes a lot less time and resources to manufacture more TP and get it on the market than it takes to build and fill more homes.

You lost me at your first sentence. Please read post 25 and then get back to me.
That was about Medicare. Where was the housing discussion in #25?

I was responding to Hoosier who actually made the statement that no one was saying to through people off medicare, and you had said exactly that. So he was wrong with his statements.
When you said to cut people off medicare at 80, it really says something about you as a person.

I include my own parents in that. My mother is mostly gone from Dementia. My Dad is half there.

Its a poor use of funds when we have a massive budget deficit.
I was responding to Hoosier who actually made the statement that no one was saying to through people off medicare, and you had said exactly that. So he was wrong with his statements.

Fair enough as I was only paying attention to the housing discussion but no one floated the idea of throwing someone off medicare for having too many guest rooms.

Now I disagree with the idea that we should limit medicare to 80. I believe all people should have access to quality healthcare from conception to natural death.
I include my own parents in that. My mother is mostly gone from Dementia. My Dad is half there.

Its a poor use of funds when we have a massive budget deficit.

I think the dementia has hit you as well. You can't even follow the threads. You're criticizing me in post 35 for a response to someone else's post and then you didn't even see that hoosier mentioned medicare. You're losing it just like your parents.