1. Gaslight 2. Dismiss 3. Cope 4. Attack

Also called projection. Straight from one party’s playbook.
Exactly. Projection. Like how we always hear how Rs are racist, while Ds want to hire based on skin color, claim minorities can't figure out how to get IDs, that people with dark skin can't figure out how to find their polling place, and oh yeah... founded the KKK.

It's actually been a fairly effective strategy for them. It'll work one more time since the Rs decided to run Trump for president, but I think people are onto this now.
Does op have a single option of his own? Jesus dude, stop gargling elons nuts.
I think we should start a thread (topic choice of the GIAOT collective) and have that Chis Guy and the OP debate w/o the use of twitter. Both are just sharebots of other's work.

I will admit, though, I'd probably give Chis a slight edge.
Exactly. Projection. Like how we always hear how Rs are racist, while Ds want to hire based on skin color, claim minorities can't figure out how to get IDs, that people with dark skin can't figure out how to find their polling place, and oh yeah... founded the KKK.

It's actually been a fairly effective strategy for them. It'll work one more time since the Rs decided to run Trump for president, but I think people are onto this now.
I don’t think you understand. That response is confusing and not even close.
Exactly. Projection. Like how we always hear how Rs are racist, while Ds want to hire based on skin color, claim minorities can't figure out how to get IDs, that people with dark skin can't figure out how to find their polling place, and oh yeah... founded the KKK.

It's actually been a fairly effective strategy for them. It'll work one more time since the Rs decided to run Trump for president, but I think people are onto this now.
Damn what a bad take.

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