High Cholesterol and Statins

50 years ago, the total cholesterol reference range was 150 - 300 mg/dL. Your 277 mg/dl would be normal. Not today.

My cholesterol was in the 160 mg/dL range but my triglyceride level was about 175 mg/dL. My PCP prescribed a 10 mg statin, triglycerides down significantly and my cholesterol is around 105 mg/dL. No side effects.
Taking 40 mg Atorvastatin for about a year and a half. Cholesterol 263, Triglycerides 263, HDL 49, LDL 169 when I got blood work done first time. I changed my diet for a year to see if didn't need meds. Year later, Cholesterol 257. Very little change. Got on statin and checked 6 months later. Cholesterol 137, Triglycerides 85, HDL 48, LDL 73.

So yea statin the way to go.
I used to be able to control my cholesterol with exercise (lots of basketball and running, including half marathons and a full, typically 5-6 mile runs per day). Then I tore my ACL and meniscus twice, and can't do much more than walk. So my cholesterol went way up and I have been on that for several years. It always tests good now and I have had no side effects at all. I worked with someone that couldn't take it due to body aches, but I have noticed nothing.
I would also add that strength training may be helpful in lowering cholesterol. Most people jump to cardio but strength training may be as good. Particularly if you aren't muscular.

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