158.6 million employed in 2019, 161.3 million employed in '24. Majority of jobs were just reopening after Covid. Slow overall job growth.


HB All-State
Feb 15, 2015
All you have to do is search google "Total employed 2019" and "total employed 2024".

Here's the graph from the Bureau of Labor statistics:

Pandemic killed the economy,.. Joe basically stared blindly into the abyss while it slowly crept back..
Why did the US economy suffer more than other industrialized countries? Maybe because we had a certified doofus who said we could pray it away by Easter, broke up Obama’s pandemic team, and called 30 or 40k dying a wildly exaggerated media “hoax” all while publicly blowing the Chinese government because he wanted to take advantage of his family’s business interests there. Corrupt and America-last to the core.
Pandemic killed the economy,.. Joe basically stared blindly into the abyss while it slowly crept back..
The infrastructure bill has been a major boost to the economy. There is so much work for my company that we can't meet our staffing requirements. You can thank Joe for that.

IIRC, you also said on the basketball board that Purdue wouldn't go far in the NCAA tourament because they are "a one trick pony". Looks like you missed that one too.
It took a little while for the 90 IQs to catch on but it's good to see them finally recognize these JoB numbers Biden has been touting are, and always have been, bullshit.
The current unemployment rate is 3.7%. This is a good sign.
My only concern is with the new rising employment figures.
How many new jobs were full-time and how many new jobs
were part-time? Some people want full-time and can only
get part-time.
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Again, you guys can't give him credit for anything positive.
You or I could have been President and the Covid job would have still come back.

In most job loss events it is hard for most Americans to understand why the job numbers are bad. March of 2020 was a different animal. Everyone was watching the “shelter for 2 weeks” which turned into a ton of states in total lockdown for months. We all saw it happen. Then when the GOP states opened up early so people could go back to work, the Governors were called murders . Texas, Florida, Georgia.

The economy was already rebounding in the 4th quarter of 2020
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Biden trying to force a vaccine mandate on 80 million people was genius level stuff.

It’s funny how the Democrats suddenly have no idea what Covid was in order to help team D.
What did Biden do to bring jobs back during and immediately after COVID?
Well, here are 10 things he has accomplished:

  • Inflation Reduction Act is generating $1.7 Trillion in US investments
  • CHIPS Act has created more than 84,000 jobs
  • Infrastructure and Jobs Act has already created over 40,000 projects
  • Collecting $500 Billion from millionaire and billionaire tax cheats
  • Added 700,000 construction jobs
  • Record level of new small businesses created
  • Largest investment ever to fight climate change
  • Renewable energy surpassed coal for the first time ever
  • Capped prescription prices for seniors and insulin at $35 per month
  • Expanded veterans’ healthcare through the PACT Act
What did Biden do to bring jobs back during and immediately after COVID?
Post 26. Why can’t you guys learn this stuff? We’ll have this same discussion another half dozen times just like everything else on here. Trump accomplished ONE thing. He made the wealthy wealthier. That’s it. He and his family profited off of our tax dollars. That’s fact.
Showed zero leadership during COVID. Best he could come up with was to drink bleach.
How many businesses did Trump shut down?

Yeah, we know about the bleach and ultraviolet light suggestions you're talking about.

Didn't Trump support an accelerated rollout of the vaccine? As a Covid Vax person, shouldn't you be supportive of Trump's effort? Against the Democrat screams of racism, didn't Trump try to close the borders to people coming from the most infected areas?
How many businesses did Trump shut down?

Yeah, we know about the bleach and ultraviolet light suggestions you're talking about.

Didn't Trump support an accelerated rollout of the vaccine? As a Covid Vax person, shouldn't you be supportive of Trump's effort? Against the Democrat screams of racism, didn't Trump try to close the borders to people coming from the most infected areas?
Covid clearly destroyed the economy. Didn't matter who the president was at the time. Anyone saying it was Trump's fault is a moron.

The economy grew under Biden because you can only go up from where it was. Anyone saying it didn't is also a moron.

In summary, they both suck. Anyone saying otherwise is, you guessed it, a moron.
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