1963 photo of Bernie Sanders emerges...

I believe the OP said the Bern was arrested during a civil rights protest on Chicago's south side, did it not? With civil rights secured, are those Chicagoan's better off today? Over 3,000 shootings last year alone.
What does "shootings" have to do with civil rights? People have been shooting people forever........they even did it in the Soviet Union, where civil rights were minimal, at best.......However, "we the people" have raised the bar on folks shooting folks, like no one else. But I fail to see that as any type of outgrowth of civil rights. You'll have to 'splain that one to me.

Just out of curiosity, could you post a link to support this. Maybe a mainstream media story that refers to the Tea Party using any of the rhetoric of your cartoon? And opinion pieces don't count because they' know...opinions.


A Chicago Tribune archival photo of a young man being arrested in 1963 at a South Side protest is Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, his campaign has confirmed, bolstering the candidate's narrative about his civil rights activism.

The black-and-white photo shows a 21-year-old Sanders, then a University of Chicago student, being taken by Chicago police toward a police wagon. An acetate negative of the photo was found in the Tribune's archives, said Marianne Mather, a Chicago Tribune photo editor.

Only in bizarro-land Democrat America does this burnish a presidential candidate's credentials.
Just out of curiosity, could you post a link to support this. Maybe a mainstream media story that refers to the Tea Party using any of the rhetoric of your cartoon? And opinion pieces don't count because they' know...opinions.


All media is opinion.
I believe the OP said the Bern was arrested during a civil rights protest on Chicago's south side, did it not? With civil rights secured, are those Chicagoan's better off today? Over 3,000 shootings last year alone.

WTF? What does one have to do with the other? Are you seriously suggesting that legal discrimination would make things better?

It's thinking like this that makes the right wing look like idiots...stop it.
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So you can't. That's kinda what I thought.

Show me a news story (not opinion) that says anything other than "_____ protesters marched on Washington today." The only way you can make any sort of value judgement about a protest is if you veer into the realm of "opinion."

You're also confusing "media" with "news".
The Republicans have NEVER been happy with however has been in the WH. I bet they preferred JFK compared to who they got a few months later! ;)

Enter LBJ, the most productive POTUS in my lifetime, bar none.

A historical fact lost on many.
The list of LBJ's legislative victories, especially as it applies to Civil Right, is unsurpassed by any POTUS in my lifetime. I was born in 1950.
'49 here...The guy is a true dichotomy as POTUS. He tried so damn hard to do the right thing for those who were discriminated against as far as civil rights and poverty and missed the boat so badly on Viet Nam. And the anti-VietNam crowd crucified him. It literally ended his political career as he lost all of his fight. The Dixiecrats and cons were easy pickings for him as compared to the anti-Viet Nam crowd. He had power and he knew how to use it and was not afraid to use it, mostly for good things.
So why are people screaming that we need to DOOOOO more about the poor?
to lower them (poverty rates) more???
The same thing happened to FDR after the '36 election and Congress cut way back on his programs that help stimulate (and promote the false sense the Depression was over)....and shortly after these cutbacks, FDR's second depression began.
We should get a picture soon of Hillary riding a Freedom Bus.

Do you realize the Feedon Riders were exceptional brave people, who were in the right? A picture of somebody on a Freedom ride would be a huge badge of honor.
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'49 here...The guy is a true dichotomy as POTUS. He tried so damn hard to do the right thing for those who were discriminated against as far as civil rights and poverty and missed the boat so badly on Viet Nam. And the anti-VietNam crowd crucified him. It literally ended his political career as he lost all of his fight. The Dixiecrats and cons were easy pickings for him as compared to the anti-Viet Nam crowd. He had power and he knew how to use it and was not afraid to use it, mostly for good things.

All correct Joel. LBJ is often reviled for the Vietnam War, but he did so much for the Civil Rights movement. It may have required a Southerner as president to convince the old racists in Congress to go along with things like the Civil Rights Act of 1965. Of course Johnson was a bigot and bully, A conniving politician and ass kisser (until he became president). Read "Master of the Senate." by Robert Caro. He was a flawed man who did a lot for his country.

For the Camelot worshipers,Johnson retained some significantcabinet members from the Kennedy administration. Dean Rusk was Secretary of State from 1961-1969 and Robert McNamara was Secretary of Defense from 1961-1968.
Would you venture to guess whether more blacks were dying at the end of a gun in Chicago in 1963 or 2015. The Bern has brought real progress to Chicago.

Kind of hard to affect change in Chicago via Vermont. Ironically, had Chicago done more to address systematic inequalities in 1963, we might have a better situation now.
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All correct Joel. LBJ is often reviled for the Vietnam War, but he did so much for the Civil Rights movement. It may have required a Southerner as president to convince the old racists in Congress to go along with things like the Civil Rights Act of 1965.

Uh, it's the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Is he really wearing dark socks with white trousers? Commie.