1985 Hawks

If Shonn Greene would have came back in 09, then I firmly believe Iowa could have won the NT. That was all that was missing from that team.
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I don't believe the 09 team was near as good as the 85 team. Losing to NWstrn and getting very fortunate to beat UNI and Indiana is not good for the argument. The 85 Iowa team blew teams out. 59-0 over a good Illinois team, beating #2 Michigan, beating a very good team at Purdue with Jim Everett at QB, beating Michigan St with one of the best RB's in the B10 in the 80's Lorenzo White. Yup, lost to Ohio St on the road, same as the 09 team, and lost to UCLA in a home game for the Bruins in which one guy single handily gave the game away. Every other game they won wasn't a contest. The 09 team was in almost every game they played and came out on the good side fortunately.

I love the 09 team and they had a great defense, but the 85 team was much more dominant and you won't find may people over 40 that would agree that 09 was better. Look what that team did the next year with almost the exact same roster. 2010 was the most disappointing Iowa team in my lifetime, just ahead of 1997.
I love the 09 team and they had a great defense, but the 85 team was much more dominant and you won't find may people over 40 that would agree that 09 was better. Look what that team did the next year with almost the exact same roster. 2010 was the most disappointing Iowa team in my lifetime, just ahead of 1997.

Exactly correct. That group of players (and coaches) was just addicted to playing close games. They won most of them in '09 and lost most of them the next year. '85 and '02 would rather just kick the shit out of the other team.
In agreement about the 85 game with UM...Absolutely one of the first and best memories of Iowa football. The scope of the game, the elements, the crowd, all of it made for the best game ever in history in my opinion. Still get the chills when the kick goes thru and the fans and HF go nuts...Just a perfect Iowa memory
My bad. I must have suppressed that memory. In any case, Harmon's '86 Rose Bowl was known more for the 4 fumbles than for the 1 drop. I'd assert that dropped TD pass for the Bills was easily his most notorious drop.

If the only game you ever saw Ronnie play was the Rose Bowl, you could possibly think it was just a tough luck game. But, c'mon! The guy had hands the size of softball gloves. He never dropped anything. When he played receiver he made circus catches. Did he fumble against the #1 defense in the country when they played Michigan? I don't think so. In the rain against tOSU? I don't think so (could be wrong, but I know he only fumbled once that year). In both of those case, they were protecting being #1 in the NATION. Arguably, more important than the Rose Bowl.

Those fumbles in the Rose Bowl - it looked like he just ... dropped them. They weren't ripped out of his hands.

How can you play for 4 years with great hands and then fumble 4 times in a half?? The answer is - you can't.

So, he was either on the take, or it was the biggest choke job in history. He is a World Class Goat.
He absolutely did drop a sure TD in the first quarter of the Rose Bowl. Every bit as suspicious as any of the fumbles.

I think I'll side with both the FBI and Hayden Fry when they concluded it was just a very bad day for Harmon.
We shut you down after those first 5 minutes didn't we, while scoring 17 unanswered points to finish the game. Sorry, but Stanzi got all shaky when he saw purple. He fumbled all over the place in 2008, fumbled again in 2009, and threw costly picks in 2010. Zero and three for Stanzi the Pansy.
It took a missed facemask to take him out of the game. That would have taken a score away. Then there was the bs holding calll that took away a td run. The officials played to big a role in that game and iowa got caught looking past nw. Play that game ten times iowa wins nine of them. Ten with competent officiating.

Talk crap when you finish in the top ten. This way we won't see you here again.
2009 team wouldn't have beaten Northwestern even if Stanzi was healthy. NU had shut him down for three series before the injury.
We were up 10-0 before the injury/fumble for a NW touchdown. Lost 17-10. Stanzi doesn't get injured/fumble we probably win that game. Vandy did absolutely nothing the rest of that NW game.
In agreement about the 85 game with UM...Absolutely one of the first and best memories of Iowa football. The scope of the game, the elements, the crowd, all of it made for the best game ever in history in my opinion. Still get the chills when the kick goes thru and the fans and HF go nuts...Just a perfect Iowa memory
I am with you on this one was the most electric atmosphere I have witnessed before or after.
We were up 10-0 before the injury/fumble for a NW touchdown. Lost 17-10. Stanzi doesn't get injured/fumble we probably win that game. Vandy did absolutely nothing the rest of that NW game.
Stanzi was a pain in the ass with all his Rush Limbaugh bullshit! He should have went to an ultra right school like Iowa State and saved spewing his John Wayne bullshit in liberal Iowa City. I knew 100s who felt the same!
Long was definitely deserving of all the awards and accolades he received but I would loved to have seen what Chuck Hartlieb would have done with that 85 team. Hartlieb pretty much carried the Iowa offense his senior year. Definitely one of my all time favorite HAWKEYES....
What I remember is Ohio native Stross dropping a perfect TD pass in the chest. I also remember him dropping another perfect first down in his hands, and another drop at the goal line. I feel bad for him, because that game will always haunt him.

Did he take money like the other poster said about Ronny Harmon?
100s huh?Who the hell do you hang out with?
Catch on moron 50 percent of the people in Americas think big mouths like him are assholes! He thinks liberals should leave the country, what a complete dic! I got an idea why doesn't he get on the next plane out to the Middle East, they could use more bodies. Why don't you and him get together and talk it over.
Catch on moron 50 percent of the people in Americas think big mouths like him are assholes! He thinks liberals should leave the country, what a complete dic! I got an idea why doesn't he get on the next plane out to the Middle East, they could use more bodies. Why don't you and him get together and talk it over.

Please kill yourself.

The world will be a better place when you're gone.
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The '85 team was better than any of the KF teams. We lose to a very good tOSU team in the rain, and lose the Rose Bowl when Larry Station gets hurt and Ronnie "goat" Harmon decides money is more important than glory.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.....

Not defensively. 85 team gave up a ton of yards on the ground. An average UCLA team had a 3rd string guy go for 220. Lorenzo White went for more than 200 as well.

Offensively, yes, pretty good. One of the best.

People underrate KF's best teams who were bigger and probably as good or better. Definitely on the defensive side of the ball.
My heart tells me had we beat OSU in 85, Harmon turns down the check from Walters, and we win the NC that year.

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