2,000 years of Earth's climate in one simple chart


HR King
May 29, 2001

What were global temperatures the year Jesus was born, during the 12th century when Genghis Khan ruled the Mongol Empire, and in 1503 when Leonardo da Vinci started painting the Mona Lisa — and how do they compare with temperatures in our modern world? There's now a chart for that.

The new visualization peers backwards for 2,000-plus years to estimate, year by year, what average global temperatures were like.

In the image, each line represents a year from 0 to 2019, with blue hues indicating temperatures below the 20th century average and red colors illustrating years when temperatures were above that level.

The shocking red spike as you approach the end of the timeline is a result of the rapid warming that's taken place in recent years.
2000 years is only 0.00033% of the 'history' of the earth. What does the chart look like for the other 99.999667%?
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Overlaying that graph with population growth over same period and with industrial revolution factors (naming increase in carbon outputs) would be interesting.

What were global temperatures the year Jesus was born, during the 12th century when Genghis Khan ruled the Mongol Empire, and in 1503 when Leonardo da Vinci started painting the Mona Lisa — and how do they compare with temperatures in our modern world? There's now a chart for that.

The new visualization peers backwards for 2,000-plus years to estimate, year by year, what average global temperatures were like.

In the image, each line represents a year from 0 to 2019, with blue hues indicating temperatures below the 20th century average and red colors illustrating years when temperatures were above that level.

The shocking red spike as you approach the end of the timeline is a result of the rapid warming that's taken place in recent years.
Man, someone really needs to adjust the horizontal on that old Zenith TV screen.
2000 years is only 0.00033% of the 'history' of the earth. What does the chart look like for the other 99.999667%?

This. This chart is the tip of the fingernail on a chart of time the length of an arm. Sample size is incredibly small and thus can be deceptive.
I always chuckle at the crowd that plays the long game on climate change. Part of the point is the rapid change from the beginning of the Industrial Age, on. 10,000 years ago doesn’t matter compared to what we pump into the atmosphere every day.
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The new visualization peers backwards for 2,000-plus years to estimate, year by year, what average global temperatures were like.

Wow...very scientific. Doesn't take into consideration anything at all but current recorded temps and does a reverse compound interest on them. Brilliant!

Now let's use the same method using data from the last 15 years and see how many airplanes crashed into buildings in New York going back to 1950. Hey 2001 it's Zero! 9/11 never happened!