2 COPS shot and killed in cold blood in Mississippi

  • Marvin Banks – two counts of capital murder, one count of grand theft auto and one count of felon in possession of a firearm.
  • Joanie Calloway – one count of capital murder
  • Curtis Banks – two counts of accessory after the fact

Care to wager whether Berries sends representatives to the funerals?
  • Marvin Banks – two counts of capital murder, one count of grand theft auto and one count of felon in possession of a firearm.
  • Joanie Calloway – one count of capital murder
  • Curtis Banks – two counts of accessory after the fact
Care to wager whether Berries sends representatives to the funerals?

Care to wager whether you would bitch at him for wasting tax payer dollars if he did?
Who's the guy in the video? Why should we give a shit what he has to say? Why'd you post this?
I'm fairly certain I have met this larken rose in Austin if he was here, but it would have been around 2006 or 2007 when he was supposed to be in jail for tax evasion, so maybe not
I suspect we will be seeing a lot more of this do the cops before the cops do me stuff. We are changing as a society since the Ferguson Fiasco.
It will be interesting to find out the details of the stop and what transpired. I think you're right though, people in this country are fearful of the police and I don't blame them.
It will be interesting to find out the details of the stop and what transpired. I think you're right though, people in this country are fearful of the police and I don't blame them.
Good thing people are killing cops since they are putting fear in people
I bet ole Rev Al and Jesse Jackson will be at the funerals.After all a African American law enforcement officer died in the line of duty.Isn't this how this media driven shoot from the hip lynching works now days?

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