26 degrees in Washington DC right now.

It's comical to me that Trump moved this indoors to avoid seizing up like an old man. And he wound up seizing up anyway in his rambling old man inauguration speech.
It's comical to me that Trump moved this indoors to avoid seizing up like an old man. And he wound up seizing up anyway in his rambling old man inauguration speech.
Why is that comical? I have fibromyalgia and the cold makes me seize up and I'm only 50. There's a dozen other things to get worked up over...this one is weird.
Why is that comical? I have fibromyalgia and the cold makes me seize up and I'm only 50. There's a dozen other things to get worked up over...this one is weird.
Electing an 80 year old who refused to release his medical records because he is in poor health is nothing to get worked up over? It's weird you're missing the real point here.
Electing an 80 year old who refused to release his medical records because he is in poor health is nothing to get worked up over? It's weird you're missing the real point here.
You need to quit worrying about Donald Trump’s health and worry more about strengthening your immune system.
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