It's selective outrage either way.
Obviously, some are concerned that when you focus on the cops (cops that, mind you, have to work in environments where there are 50 shootings and 6 deaths over a weekend) you ignore the larger problem. The greater issue being the ridiculous amount of violence in these communities period. Calling out the police issue seems to be a bit of a distraction.
If you look at these numbers week after week that's a hell of a lot of dangerous people cops have to deal with, and to think cops are the problem rather than a reflection of it seems generous to the wrong side of the equation. Not that they haven't become confrontational I suspect, but is that really what needs all the coverage?
If you're a cop, it's Saturday, and there's already been 4-10 murders how patient and compassionate would you be (week after week) with a belligerent asshole with a record? Frankly, your job at some point is just to get home safe.