30 years ago today....


HB Legend
Jul 24, 2001
Surprised no mention of 10/19/85. #1 vs #2. 12-10

A young 10 year old sitting in section M row 65 seat 12 almost broke into tears in joy. I'll never forget that day in the light rain. Seemed like forever before RH got to kick that ball. The missed TD to Helverson, the whining of crowd noise by Bo and Harbaugh, the huge play on third down by Station, the 7 minute scoring drive with many third down conversions, the goal posts coming down. What a day!
Junior year at Iowa. Can't say exactly where I was because we never sat exactly where our ticketed seats were in the student section, but it was probably about the 20 yard line a third of the way up in the west stands. Close enough that we were on the field pretty damned fast after Houghtlin's kick sailed through. What an amazing end to an incredible game and week leading up to it!

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