32 Venezuelan Gangmembers Stick up Chicago apartment building

Heard the Hells Angels were headed to Colorado to take care of the problem there with Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings…..

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Do you think you’re funny, or cool, for not giving a shit?
Hw doesn't realize that everything he is doing is egg on the face of the current "leadership" or lack there of.

This is the kind of guy that hates cops, but is going to be begging for them when they knock on his apartment.

This is not going to go away before November and Biden is not going to fix it from the beach.
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Colombia has really suffered from an influx of Venezuelans crossing the border and looking for work. That regime needs to be taken out. Venezuela used to be one of the wealthiest countries, but it still has a myriad of valuable natural resources.
The OP blaming Kamala for gang violence in Chicago is the equivalent of blaming Trump for starting the pandemic.
Or all the gang violence that went on there from 2016 to 2020 on that administration. I mean, if Biden was leading the charge for the 18th amendment to be reinstated and Al Capone (who Trump loves) was resurrected then maybe we could blame the administration for gang violence in Chicago.
What a moron. You'd think that at some point he'd stop following shit sources that are constantly wrong - I've always heard that it's tough to leave a cult though.
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The twitter algorithms do a great job of pushing your preconceived notions. The reality is, if you know anything about Chicago, the disciples aren’t going to let a bunch of Venezuelans role into 61st and king and take over their territory.
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