$5 million in reparations to each eligible black citizen due to the lasting impact of slavery inching forward in San Francisco


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
This is a committee pushing for this, but there appears to be friendly voices on the city council. Who would be defined as an eligible black citizen isn't being reported. Either the committee doesn't know, or is holding that back for now. I'd love to see some polling on this, and if the council approves this, it seems like they will need to pay reparations to a lot of groups historically infringed upon.
Slavery was never legal in California.
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Hmm…sounds like a good word problem for a 5th grade math class:

Say the annual funds available to the city of San Francisco is $13.9 billion to support its 815,201 citizens. Now let’s say that we pay all 41,575 African Americans living in SF $5M each (forget the house and the annual stipend for a second). For purposes here let’s assume every current AA citizen of SF is eligible and no one else.

Question A: how much more than SFs total funds available for everything (police, streets, museums, etc) is that amount?
Answer: $5 million per person is a payout of $207.875 billion which is $193.675 billion more than the city has available to use in this year’s budget.

Question B: how much would the city have to raise in debt per capita to make this happen without impacting current services?
Answer: $255K per person (Plus of course they have to give away 41,575 homes and find a way to support an incremental $4B in payments as an annual stipend but we are not worrying about those)

Question C: what is the population of San Francisco 1 year after implementing this asinine proposal?
Answer: 41,575

Question D: how dumb would someone have to be to make this silly ass proposal in the first place?

Hmm…sounds like a good word problem for a 5th grade math class:

Say the annual funds available to the city of San Francisco is $13.9 billion to support its 815,201 citizens. Now let’s say that we pay all 41,575 African Americans living in SF $5M each (forget the house and the annual stipend for a second). For purposes here let’s assume every current AA citizen of SF is eligible and no one else.

Question A: how much more than SFs total funds available for everything (police, streets, museums, etc) is that amount?
Answer: $5 million per person is a payout of $207.875 billion which is $193.675 billion more than the city has available to use in this year’s budget.

Question B: how much would the city have to raise in debt per capita to make this happen without impacting current services?
Answer: $255K per person (Plus of course they have to give away 41,575 homes and find a way to support an incremental $4B in payments as an annual stipend but we are not worrying about those)

Question C: what is the population of San Francisco 1 year after implementing this asinine proposal?
Answer: 41,575

Question D: how dumb would someone have to be to make this silly ass proposal in the first place?

The answer is in the article:

An estimate from Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, which leans conservative, has said it would cost each non-Black family in the city at least $600,000
The answer is in the article:

An estimate from Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, which leans conservative, has said it would cost each non-Black family in the city at least $600,000
Maybe a bit high, but in the ballpark. However they didn’t answer how many people would be left as residents after passing this stupid proposal.

Not many.
Hey, it's raining in Palm Springs right now. Anything is possible in California.
Google says 2,251,000 African Americans in California.

$5,000,000 per


Guessing a lot more people will decide they are African American with $5 million on the line.
Dear Lord, please let this happen. Just one time, answer this prayer. Well other than that time I had an onion ring in my fry box, but that doesn't really count.

I could see this going like this.

1- Get paid $5 million.
2- Finance a $3 million home in Bay area.
3- Buy $4 million in stuff for family members and yourself
4- Learn about property taxes
5- Realize you now only have a million left to pay for your $3 million home and said taxes
6- Complain that the reparation not only wasn't enough but made things worse.
7- Ask for reparations for the reparations
8- Repeat cycle
I am always told the left crazies aren't nearly as bad as the right crazies. Policy proposals like this beg to differ.
Sure. This is a case of left wing nuts trying to give away money they don't have. Check back in when they try and overthrow the government.
I don't know how a Lib broke you so badly, but it's sad to see.
Sure. This is a case of left wing nuts trying to give away money they don't have. Check back in when they try and overthrow the government.
I don't know how a Lib broke you so badly, but it's sad to see.
Giving away money? I would say this a little more substantial than that.
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Apparently there are no math majors involved with this.
This reminds me of the old Chappelle Show skit about what would happen if reparations were paid. Long lines at the liquor store and Cadillac selling millions of Escalades in one day. That skit would probably be too racist to air in today's climate.
While it is a rather ridiculous policy...It is in San Francisco, where no one here lives...If they want that in their city, so be it. Home Rule.

Its no different than the knuckle draggers refusing to mow lawns on Sundays in Sully.
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Dear Lord, please let this happen. Just one time, answer this prayer. Well other than that time I had an onion ring in my fry box, but that doesn't really count.

I could see this going like this.

1- Get paid $5 million.
2- Finance a $3 million home in Bay area.
3- Buy $4 million in stuff for family members and yourself
4- Learn about property taxes
5- Realize you now only have a million left to pay for your $3 million home and said taxes
6- Complain that the reparation not only wasn't enough but made things worse.
7- Ask for reparations for the reparations
8- Repeat cycle
No more taxes, and they get free housing.
While it is a rather ridiculous policy...It is in San Francisco, where no one here lives...If they want that in their city, so be it. Home Rule.

Its no different than the knuckle draggers refusing to mow lawns on Sundays in Sully.
Ahh yes, the left's new favorite go to - "how does this affect YOU???" Nevermind the ripple effect stupid policies like this would have across our country... if you don't live there you can't talk about it.
While it is a rather ridiculous policy...It is in San Francisco, where no one here lives...If they want that in their city, so be it. Home Rule.

Its no different than the knuckle draggers refusing to mow lawns on Sundays in Sully.
100% put in there to allow Florida to be brought up everyday by Iowans. Well done.
Ahh yes, the left's new favorite go to - "how does this affect YOU???" Nevermind the ripple effect stupid policies like this would have across our country... if you don't live there you can't talk about it.

I remember when that was the go to of the right.

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