95% of Available ICU beds are Filled in Minnesota. "Hospitals, by in large, are full."


HB King
Nov 3, 2012
Heaven, Iowa
Damn Democrat governors! ;)

Just kidding of course.

The unvaccinated sure have f'd things up. And hospital beds are filling up in states across the country, regardless of whether your your state is led by a D or an R.

The blame, NOW, is on the selfish unvaccinated folks. As this story states, hospitalizations currently are 10 times more likely in the unvaccinated population.

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

Minnesota's COVID-19 hospitalizations rise to 696, near April peak

Unchanged COVID-19 test positivity rate for 12 days offers continued hope of a peak in the latest pandemic wave in Minnesota.

By Jeremy Olson
Minneapolis Star Tribune
SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 — 11:49AM

COVID-19 hospitalizations have increased to 696 in Minnesota, which for the first time in the pandemic is reporting that more than 95% of available intensive care beds are filled.

While COVID-19 hospitalizations remain below the peaks in prior pandemic waves of 699 in April and 1,864 last November, hospital leaders said they are combining with seasonal trauma injuries and other urgent medical needs to stretch critical care resources.

ICU usage rates above 90% are common in Minnesota, especially in winter flu seasons, but have been steadily increasing since early August along with the latest pandemic wave that is being fueled by a delta variant of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The state's MNTrac monitoring system on Friday reported that 1,151 of 1,206 available ICU beds were occupied by patients with COVID-19 or other unrelated medical concerns — a usage rate of 95.4%.

"Hospitals, by in large, are full," said Dr. Paul Mueller, vice president of Mayo Clinic Health System, Southwest Wisconsin, in an online forum Friday morning to address vaccine misconceptions.

The Minnesota Department of Health on Friday reported 18 COVID-19 deaths and 2,050 coronavirus infections, raising the state's pandemic totals to 7,892 deaths and 666,496 infections. While 87% of Minnesota's COVID-19 fatalities have involved people 65 or older, the additions on Friday included two people in their forties from Anoka and Freeborn counties.

State health officials urged more COVID-19 vaccinations — with Gov. Tim Walz visiting K-12 schools for the fourth day in a row Friday to welcome children back to classes and encourage more immunizations in a student population that could serve as a source of viral transmission.

More than 72% of eligible Minnesotans 12 and older have received at least first doses of COVID-19 vaccine. The rate increases to more than 92% in more vulnerable senior citizens but drops below 60% in eligible teenagers, who are at substantially lower risk of severe COVID-19 illness but can spread the virus to others.

Two studies with Minnesota ties were released Friday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, showing some slippage in vaccine effectiveness amid the rise of the delta variant but strong protection against hospitalizations and deaths.

The Minnesota Department of Health contributed to a 13-state study showing that unvaccinated people made up 95% of infections and 93% of COVID-19 hospitalizations from April 4 to June 19 but only 82% of infections and 86% of hospitalizations at the start of the delta variant surge from June 20 to July 17. Even so, hospitalizations remained 10 times more likely in the unvaccinated population.

Researchers from Bloomington-based HealthPartners co-authored a nine-state study showing in the delta era that the three available vaccines were 86% effective at preventing hospitalizations and 82% effective at preventing emergency room or urgent care visits for COVID-like illnesses.

One encouraging sign in Minnesota is the continued leveling of the positivity rate of diagnostic testing at 6.6% — raising hope of a quick peak to the delta-fueled wave that has occurred in other countries. The rate remains above the state's 5% caution threshold for substantial viral spread, but hasn't increased in 12 days.

Two influential pandemic models by Mayo and CDC also predict slow or no COVID-19 growth in Minnesota in the short term. Mayo forecasts rapid growth in Iowa and North Dakota, but that Minnesota's rate of daily coronavirus infections will increase from a rate of 31 per 100,000 people to 35 in two weeks.

State health officials said they are closely monitoring to see if the start of K-12 classes or large events such as the Minnesota State Fair upsets the recent progress.

Rising hospitalizations at a time of modest infection growth isn't a surprise based on earlier pandemic waves. Trends in hospitalizations and COVID-19 deaths have tended to lag two to four weeks behind trends in infections.

In the first spring 2020 wave, Walz used his emergency authority to order a delay of non-urgent procedures in hospitals to conserve bed space and protective equipment such as masks and gowns that were in short supply.

Hospitals issued similar delays on their own during the fall 2020 wave but haven't broadly used such measures in the latest wave.

Mayo's Dr. Gregory Poland urged unvaccinated people to seek shots and put trust in science backing their safety and effectiveness rather than misinformation.

Recent growth in breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated individuals has created a "paradox" for some people, who don't understand that such growth is expected and that all infections would be breakthroughs if the vaccination rate was 100%, Poland said.

"We will expect this number to climb and climb and climb as we vaccinate more people, because of the simple reason that the only people left to get disease are people who are vaccinated. It does not mean the popular lay interpretation that the vaccine doesn't work," he said.

Wow, I guess we couldn’t have expected this. I’m totally surprised. I hope they wear masks so they feel they are doing something
My brethren in Midwest, get the vaccine now. I can’t tell you how awful it has been in Florida the last 75 days.
Isn’t there a mask mandate in Minnesota?
Hey I don’t live there but willing to bet the anti vax folks ain’t exactly following those nor all business adhering to them, especially in rural areas. This is on the anti vax idiots. If you don’t think masks work at all, then you are a complete loon for also not getting a jab.
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There is no better time in this world to be physically fit and eat healthy foods.

Good luck to you all.

Healthy eating won’t change how unpredictable a novel virus devastates your body upon infection. If i have to hear one more ****in time about “well i have a healthy immune system”

A novel virus is not detected by your immune system initially and does serious damage to your organs, healthy immune system or not.

Why is this so hard to understand?
So you are saying that mask mandates don’t work. Thank you for agreeing with me
Yes I agree with you that selfish little pricks like you are ruining the country and why people are dying over masking (gasp) and refusing a life saving vaccine like petulant children. Historians will look back at this as one of the biggest cult induced suicide in human history. Well done.
Haven’t you seen enough death and suffering? Why persist in this cause?
Im trying to highlight the politics of all of it. Folks love to rail on republican governors but are quite as hell when there are issues in Democrat states. Look at all of the threads about not having mask mandates in Florida and Texas and that it is the reason the numbers jumped.
Now the Democrat states with mask mandates are seeing increases and the response is “well they ignore the mandate”.
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Yes I agree with you that selfish little pricks like you are ruining the country and why people are dying. Historians will look back at this as one of the biggest cult induced suicide in human history. Well done.
First off, I’m not little. 2nd off I’ve been fully vaccinated since April 22nd.
What are "seasonal trauma injuries"? Are we in trauma season?
Im trying to highlight the politics of all of it. Folks love to rail on republican governors but are quite as hell when there are issues in Democrat states. Look at all of the threads about not having mask mandates in Florida and Texas and that it is the reason the numbers jumped.
Now the Democrat states with mask mandates are seeing increases and the response is “well they ignore the mandate”.
Blame Rs. They are the ones refusing to vaccinate and are the ones filling these hospitals.
Im trying to highlight the politics of all of it. Folks love to rail on republican governors but are quite as hell when there are issues in Democrat states. Look at all of the threads about not having mask mandates in Florida and Texas and that it is the reason the numbers jumped.
Now the Democrat states with mask mandates are seeing increases and the response is “well they ignore the mandate”.
Oh I forgot MN is 90 percent democrats. Most of the folks filling up hospitals voted for Trump. Not much a Dem can do to fight that stupidity.
Healthy eating won’t change how unpredictable a novel virus devastates your body upon infection. If i have to hear one more ****in time about “well i have a healthy immune system”

A novel virus is not detected by your immune system initially and does serious damage to your organs, healthy immune system or not.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Being physically fit and eating healthy will absolutely have a positive impact on your situation.
Im trying to highlight the politics of all of it. Folks love to rail on republican governors but are quite as hell when there are issues in Democrat states. Look at all of the threads about not having mask mandates in Florida and Texas and that it is the reason the numbers jumped.
Now the Democrat states with mask mandates are seeing increases and the response is “well they ignore the mandate”.
What the hell point are you even trying to make? I was in Minnesota in late July and early August and there were no mask mandates, and in rural Minnesota it was the same as a year ago, mask mandate or no mask mandate, people in rural Minnesota were mostly not wearing masks.

And rural Minnesota is unfortunately like rural areas across the country and has low vaccination rates, not helped at all by deliberate Republican disinformation campaigns.

Because of Delta, there are going to be increasing cases everywhere no matter what, but the use of masks obviously mitigates the spread. Again, in especially the southern states that have eliminated or reduced mitigation efforts cases and hospitalizations and deaths have skyrocketed, while in other areas the increases have been much smaller.

Again, I don't get the point you're trying to make other than hurr durr De Santis/Abbott good, Democrat bad.
Im trying to highlight the politics of all of it. Folks love to rail on republican governors but are quite as hell when there are issues in Democrat states. Look at all of the threads about not having mask mandates in Florida and Texas and that it is the reason the numbers jumped.
Now the Democrat states with mask mandates are seeing increases and the response is “well they ignore the mandate”.

Thank you for responding and I gather there is some truth to the charge. However, the responses you see are not mutually exclusive. Your view is so binary it excludes nuance. You have been conditioned to think in these terms. Think more deeply.

Folks rail on people like Abbott and Desantis because they have staked their political futures on opposition to public health officials and the scientifically backed best practices of mitigating the spread of the virus. This has licensed whole swaths of the citizenry to believe conspiracies and behave in ways that are selfish and harmful to others. When the more transmissible variant started devastating their communities they received justifiable criticism for encouraging these bad behaviors and practices. A free for all devil may care attitude towards others. These politicians are reaping what they sow! Selfish reckless indifference towards others is BAD political policy.

Folks who are harmed and affected by this ignorance and oppositional stance are turning against these charlatans.

In primarily Democrat led places like CA and MN, the guidance and political support is there and the guidance is sound.

This does not mean that folks will listen to the guidance, follow the guidance properly, BUT AT LEAST, they are Trying to advise people in the best possible manner. Whether the conservatives in CA and MN follow their guidance, and there are plenty, is completely out of their control.

Of course charlatans are ridiculed and folks giving good sound health policy are viewed in different lights, of course.

Use the brain God gave ya man.
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Being physically fit and eating healthy will absolutely have a positive impact on your situation.

You do not understand biology or viruses nearly as well as you think you do. Keep an open mind. Have some humility man. Talk to your doctor and ask them what a novel virus means in terms of infection.
Rs have the lowest vaccination rate. It's excuse making on your part to not blame them for making this pandemic worse.
Have you looked at the vaccination rate of Florida vs Minnesota? There is a 2% difference in the fully vaccinated rate.
I also want to point out that Illinois will be the next hotspot. Their vaccination rate is at 50%
Thank you for responding and I gather there is some truth to the charge. However, the responses you see are not mutually exclusive. Your view is so binary it excludes nuance. You have been conditioned to think in these terms. Think more deeply.

Folks rail on people like Abbott and Desantis because they have staked their political futures on opposition to public health officials and the scientifically backed best practices of mitigating the spread of the virus. This has licensed whole swaths of the citizenry to believe conspiracies and behave in ways that are selfish and harmful to others. When the more transmissible variant started devastating their communities they received justifiable criticism for encouraging these bad behaviors and practices. A free for all devil may care attitude towards others. These politicians are reaping what they sow! Selfish reckless indifference towards others is BAD political policy.

Folks who are harmed and affected by this ignorance and oppositional stance are turning against these charlatans.

In primarily Democrat led places like CA and MN, the guidance and political support is there and the guidance is sound.

This does not mean that folks will listen to the guidance, follow the guidance properly, BUT AT LEAST, they are Trying to advise people in the best possible manner. Whether the conservatives in CA and MN follow their guidance, and there are plenty, is completely out of their control.

Of course charlatans are ridiculed and folks giving good sound healthy policy are viewed in different lights, of course.

Use the brain God gave ya man.
You lost me at California having a sound Covid policy
So a virus is spreading? Started down south and working its way north, masks or no masks. And some people still want to hold on to the ridiculous idea that masks will stop a virus from spreading regardless of all the evidence to the contrary.

Get vaccinated, or don’t, your choice. But doesn’t make any sense not too. The vaccines actually work, masks are a joke.
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Anyone else find it odd that the states with the top two death totals are the ones that Democrats say had the best policy

No, Trump’s ignorant statements at the onset of the pandemic were corrosive and harmful to millions of Americans. Democrats have been fighting an uphill battle ever since with these people.

Remember to drink your bleach like a good little Trumplican.
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