95% of Available ICU beds are Filled in Minnesota. "Hospitals, by in large, are full."

No, Trump’s ignorant statements at the onset of the pandemic were corrosive and harmful to millions of Americans. Democrats have been fighting an uphill battle ever since with these people.

Remember to drink your bleach like a good little Trumplican.
Ya, Trumps mind controlling statements in the top Democrat controlled states is what did it. Got it.
Ya, Trumps mind controlling statements in the top Democrat controlled states is what did it. Got it.

Yeah, I do. Because I have a feckin brain. What’s your excuse?

When 48% of the State voted for him and takes their medical advice from a former reality show TV host and 3 time bankrupted real estate failure instead of the medical community. Yeah I think he had an influence on people’s beliefs.


Being physically fit and eating healthy will absolutely have a positive impact on your situation.

Did it help this man?

Please explain what happened here. Phone a friend @ihhawk if you need to.

“42-year-old John Eyers, a fit and healthy man tested positive for coronavirus a month ago and, last week, passed away in hospital after succumbing to the virus.

The former bodybuilder, who had been climbing in the Welsh mountains before testing positive, had refused the COVID-19 vaccine as he believed he would only suffer a "mild illness" if he were to catch the respiratory virus.”

  • Haha
Reactions: dirtypool
Did it help this man?

Please explain what happened here. Phone a friend @ihhawk if you need to.

“42-year-old John Eyers, a fit and healthy man tested positive for coronavirus a month ago and, last week, passed away in hospital after succumbing to the virus.

The former bodybuilder, who had been climbing in the Welsh mountains before testing positive, had refused the COVID-19 vaccine as he believed he would only suffer a "mild illness" if he were to catch the respiratory virus.”

Ha. Take the 1 example and make it the standard. How about all the fat fuks that are 350lbs and 20 years old.
Ha. Take the 1 example and make it the standard. How about all the fat fuks that are 350lbs and 20 years old.

It is easy and weak minded to dismiss valid points that go against one’s position. It is much harder to acknowledge one is wrong and revise one’s beliefs. That would take courage.
Gotta keep ‘em scared. “We’ll talk it up to Marketing.”

They make fraud seem so....normal. LMFAO

So just to make sure you are are record, you are saying that ones physical health has ZERO impact on their ability to survive Covid?

Again with the binary thinking and inability to understand nuance.

Is it preferable to be healthy and not have serious health issues prior to becoming infected? Yes.

Will being healthy and having no underlying health issues preclude you from being seriously harmed or killed from Coronavirus? No.

Of course that is the point I’m making and backing up by real word examples.

Of course your preconceived conclusions and confirmation bias is prohibiting you to accept anything that threatens these biases and conclusions.

Don’t worry, I don’t blame you for being this way. It is entirely understandable. Millions of our fellow Americans suffer from these same psychological constraints.
Ya, Trumps mind controlling statements in the top Democrat controlled states is what did it. Got it.
Why do you play these dumb games? Even blue states have lots of Rs. And a lot of Rs are anti vaxxers. So beds fill up.

Rs are painfully behind everyone else for vaxx rates. Stop being babies and just get the jab.

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