A soft coup against a POTUS currently sidelined due to an illness

Biden is still the president right?
Harris’s name was on the ticket. The voters are being heard. If they didn’t like her, they wouldn’t have voted for her.
They didn't vote for her.

There also was zero opposition in any primary for the democrats. The ccp has more robust elections.
Damn, the democrats are savage.

On top of that, the voters have no say.

And they say Trump is a threat to Democracy.
The voters get their say in November. If you don't like the Dem party machinations in choosing their nominee vote for someone else. That's democracy. I know from your posting history that you were dead-set on voting for Joseph Robinette Biden in November but you'll have to get over it.

It wasn't even until the 1970's that nominees were chosen the way they are now for the Democrats anyway. Anyone heard of the smoke-filled room? Republicans later than that.
Maybe, and I’m just spitballing here, the usual suspects will complain about everything the democrats do …
And continue to claim they are against "both sides"... weird how we never hear one complaint and actually hear many many defenses to a man who has provided more to complain about than almost any other person in history. These people are cowards and not to be taken seriously.
Harris’s name was on the ticket. The voters are being heard. If they didn’t like her, they wouldn’t have voted for her.
Her name was not on the ticket for POTUS. There's no assurance right now that Harris' name will be on the ballot in November. Dems on this very forum have said people don't vote based on VP. Nice spin though.
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Wow, so the democrats can talk with the president, say hey you are hurting your party due to perceived competence issues due to age, and he steps down willingly. And republicans response is this looks like an insurrection or a coup? Wow Republicans really have some issues why are their panties all in a wad. They thought their dim witted Trump could beat Biden, but now worried can't beat Harris LOL. Well he could drop out too, and you guys could put up a better candidate. isn't that what we all wanted??
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Her name was not on the ticket for POTUS. There's no assurance right now that Harris' name will be on the ballot in November. Dems on this very forum have said people don't vote based on VP. Nice spin though.
Her name was on the ticket for POTUS, you can not deny that. When you vote President, you for Vice President as well.
Jfc. Dude is 80 years old. Maybe he realized it was a stupid ****ing idea for his health to continue. There is no difference than him just stepping aside down the road.

Why does maga care so much. You aren’t voting for either anyway.
I think they DO care about the impact on the election. Trumpers are upset that it messed up their campaign plans and made it more difficult to win. I also think few of the self-proclaimed Never Trumper GOP here were hoping for a Trump win even if they aren’t voting for him. This development could screw that up.
Wow, so the democrats can talk with the president, say hey you are hurting your party due to perceived competence issues due to age, and he steps down willingly. And republicans response is this looks like an insurrection or a coup? Wow Republicans really have some issues why are their panties all in a wad. They thought their dim witted Trump could beat Biden, but now worried can't beat Harris LOL. Well he could drop out too, and you guys could put up a better candidate. isn't that what we all wanted??
I don't think the most of the GOP is more worried about beating Harris.

I'm not GOP so I don't get the talking points. For me, it's the true hypocrisy of pretending to defend democracy, then subverting the democratic process. I think a lot of the GOP feels the same way.
I don't think the most of the GOP is more worried about beating Harris.

I'm not GOP so I don't get the talking points. For me, it's the true hypocrisy of pretending to defend democracy, then subverting the democratic process. I think a lot of the GOP feels the same way.
You’re pretty level headed but you really need to stop with the “I’m not a Republican” claims.
I don't think the most of the GOP is more worried about beating Harris.

I'm not GOP so I don't get the talking points. For me, it's the true hypocrisy of pretending to defend democracy, then subverting the democratic process. I think a lot of the GOP feels the same way.
LOL at you still pushing this whole "I'm not a Republican" narrative.

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