A soft coup against a POTUS currently sidelined due to an illness

Not really a coup just a smart decision that was egged on by his peers. I really don't care if he could have or couldn't win I just felt bad for him. It wasn't because he was old. It was because he looked and sounded like ass while being old.
I don't think the most of the GOP is more worried about beating Harris.

I'm not GOP so I don't get the talking points. For me, it's the true hypocrisy of pretending to defend democracy, then subverting the democratic process. I think a lot of the GOP feels the same way.
Puh-lease. You can't wait to cast your ballot for the rapist.
Damn, the democrats are savage.

On top of that, the voters have no say.

And they say Trump is a threat to Democracy.
Anyone who supported Joe Biden’s bid to run the country for another 4 years accepted the fact that Harris would eventually take over when Biden declined far enough. If they didn’t, they weren’t thinking through things.
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One party tried to steal the 2020 presidential election by directing state election officials to "find votes" in GA, by organizing fake electors in numerous states, by interrupting the certification of the electoral votes, and trying to hang the VP for not going along. They also entangled their media partner in the lies which cost them a nearly billion dollar lawsuit.

One other party realized their presumptive nominee had a disastrous debate performance and seemed unlikely to win in what they believe is one of the most important elections in modern history. They pressured the presumptive nominee to end their campaign, and the presumptive nominee eventually did.

And the first party is scolding the second about subverting democracy and coups?

I realize politics requires the bending of truths, the reframing of narratives, but what the GOP consistently asks their followers to swallow is amazing, yet they continue to do it. 1/6 is another terrific example. Many normal Republicans probably thought that was finally the end for Trump and the MAGA movement, surely they can't survive that? Wrong. The white washing was successful, the followers swallowed it whole. Antifa? FBI plants? Tourists? It's like a buffet.
Not really a coup just a smart decision that was egged on by his peers. I really don't care if he could have or couldn't win I just felt bad for him. It wasn't because he was old. It was because he looked and sounded like ass while being old.

Biden has looked and sounded like an ass his entire career,.. Old and senile were simply recent developments.
Damn, the democrats are savage.

On top of that, the voters have no say.

And they say Trump is a threat to Democracy.
Sorry to burst bubbles, but parties choosing who THEY want to run in an election is not a part of the democratic process. Never has been, but they try give the illusion of it
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I don't think the most of the GOP is more worried about beating Harris.

I'm not GOP so I don't get the talking points. For me, it's the true hypocrisy of pretending to defend democracy, then subverting the democratic process. I think a lot of the GOP feels the same way.
LOL, you so aren’t a MAGA…
This must be on red pill Twitter because every Trump sock puppet on here has been saying it in every thread.
It doesn't require any red influence. Sometimes people can see what's obvious. Democrats voting for Biden in the primaries should be outraged.
They didn't vote for her.

There also was zero opposition in any primary for the democrats. The ccp has more robust elections.

What sort of competition did trump have in 2020? Is that different? How so?

I'll answer. Trump had no real competition in 2020. He was the incumbent president. Biden is the incumbent president now. This is how it works. I understand if you have a problem with that and would love to see your similar posts on the 2020 republican nomination process. This isn't some democrat secret, non-opposition thing. That's just how it works. So I trust you're not comparing Ds to the CCP but the american election system as a whole. Either way I disagree. Not because I'm an R or a D but because your assertion is incomplete at best and most like intentionally misleading. Why?
Jfc. Dude is 80 years old. Maybe he realized it was a stupid ****ing idea for his health to continue. There is no difference than him just stepping aside down the road.

Why does maga care so much. You aren’t voting for either anyway.

They care because they are afraid they will lose. Sorry for stating the obvious.
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Harris’s name was on the ticket. The voters are being heard. If they didn’t like her, they wouldn’t have voted for her.
How do you know they voted "for" her and not just against Trump OR for Biden while tolerating her?

Not always black and white.
How do you know they voted "for" her and not just against Trump OR for Biden while tolerating her?

Not always black and white.

You didn't believe the R talking point that a vote for joe is a vote for kamala? They seem convinced that was true so maybe the primary voters did vote "for" her. How do you know?