A summary of the Democrat positions on the border over the past five years.

You Dems F'd this up.

Be a man and own it.
I think they should fix it, allow for a smoother and quicker asylum process. You shouldn't have to cross over to request asylum (then be deemed an illegal). We all came here via immigration except the Native Americans.
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I think they should fix it, allow for a smoother and quicker asylum process. You shouldn't have to cross over to request asylum (then be deemed an illegal). We all came here via immigration except the Native Americans.
I'm not judging you for day drinking but you should probably put the bottle down now.
Here's an idea for you.

Go take a high school civics class. It will really embarrass you though because you will (hopefully) learn what you missed your first time through.
You guys always seem to.leave out that pesky part about being able to impeach any president that denies Ukraine aid for thr next 6 years..
Well, that's not why Trump was impeached so there's that. But it's weird that you think we should just be a Russian proxy just doing their bidding. It's also weird that you seem to think they should just be able to run through Europe with no opposition. Because that's what cutting off aid is doing.
Well, that's not why Trump was impeached so there's that. But it's weird that you think we should just be a Russian proxy just doing their bidding. It's also weird that you seem to think they should just be able to run through Europe with no opposition. Because that's what cutting off aid is doing.
It's weird you had to make up all that shit to avoid what I actually said which was the bill had a clause in it that allowed thr president to be impeached for not giving aid to Ukraine but that shit you said about Russia running through Europe, as if Europe wouldn't be part of that equation sure was fun.
It's weird you had to make up all that shit to avoid what I actually said which was the bill had a clause in it that allowed thr president to be impeached for not giving aid to Ukraine but that shit you said about Russia running through Europe, as if Europe wouldn't be part of that equation sure was fun.
You specifically implied that the Democrats impeached Trump because he denied aid to Ukraine. That is not why he was impeached. Again, I'm not going to debate basic facts with you people.
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You specifically implied that the Democrats impeached Trump because he denied aid to Ukraine. That is not why he was impeached. Again, I'm not going to debate basic facts with you people.
No I didn't. As soon as you realize you put that on it, not me, it will make sense. My statement was a stand alone statement.

Fox News Anchor Reminds GOP Senator That Trump Killed His Border Deal​

William Vaillancourt
18 April 2024·2-min read

Fox News

Fox News
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), the GOP co-architect of the Senate’s failed immigration bill earlier this year, made what were perhaps his most critical comments yet on Donald Trump’s role in scuttling the legislation, alluding to Fox News Thursday that the former president was motivated by his political self-interest.
On Your World, Lankford was confronted by anchor Neil Cavuto about the players behind the bill’s demise.
“You are a real gentleman about this, and I know you’re not trying to zing your colleagues, but it’s your colleagues in your party, sir, who torpedoed this, who didn’t get the facts right on what you just outlined was in that measure,” Cavuto said. “They killed it, ironically. Not Democrats.”

During negotiations in February, Lankford lamented the right-wing pushback—led by Trump and his allies—and revealed that a popular conservative media figure even demanded that he not address the immigration topic until after the election, or else be “destroyed.”
MAGA Radio Host Says He Threatened GOP Senator Over Border Bill Support
The Oklahoma senator agreed with Cavuto.
“Right. It was, and it was painful to be able to watch it get stirred up in all the presidential politics,” he said, adding that a number of his Republican colleagues “started looking for ways” to pull out after Trump sought to maintain immigration as a key election issue.
Some, he said, “backed up and looked for a reason to be able to shoot against it, and then walked away.”
“I get that. That’s a decision everybody makes,” Lankford explained. “My issue is if we are pursuing everything, we often end up with nothing. If we are pursuing someone coming later to fix it, later seems to never come. When we have a moment to fix things, we should fix as many things as we can then, then come back later and fix the rest.”
Trump Now Falsely Claims He Didn’t Endorse Immigration Bill Co-Author
In a CNN interview in early February, Lankford similarly acknowledged the political lay of the land. “Obviously, a chaotic border is helpful to him,” he said then of Trump.
On Thursday, Cavuto reiterated Trump’s driving role in killing the legislation that Lankford helped negotiate, and which included much of what Republicans had asked for.
“That’s on Donald Trump, senator.”
Lankford then contrasted his position as an officeholder with that of Trump, a presidential candidate.
“Again, he’s got an office that he is running for. He’s got a campaign that he is running. I’m already in office. I’ve got a responsibility to be able to carry on this,” he said.

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When republicans held majorities in the House and Senate, and a president in the Whitehouse, how many border security bills were passed and signed?
They actually had one ready to go but then Trump tanked that one too. It seems to be a pattern with him.
You try and you fail...over and over and over. You're not Edison and the light're never going to get it right.

The Obama admin did not "rip kids from their parents" as you asserted. The only time parents and children were separated was when the parent was charged with a crime OTHER than crossing the border illegally or if there was a legitimate fear that the child wasn't theirs. When families were detained under Obama with no underlying crime, an ankle bracelet was put on one of the parents and they were taken by volunteers to a processing center where they got a court date and were released to friends or a family unit. The friends or families paid the costs of those individuals being in the country...including the cost of the ankle bracelet.

Yes, unaccompanied children numbers increased dramatically in 2014 and overwhelmed the Border Patrol facilities. They did set up temporary shelters where, by law, they could only hold them for 72 hours. That policy does not - read carefully here - in ANY way mirror the Trump practice of separating families as P-O-L-I-C-Y.

So... you are lying.

As to the rest, I'm on record as favoring that Biden step down but that I would vote for a house plant before I would vote for Trump. You're wrong again. And I have a rich and full life. Unlike lying morans, I can do two things at once, so I can post while doing other things like having breakfast.

Take your own advice and step away. Looking like a lying idiot is no way to go through life, son.
Look, reading comprehension is CLEARLY not your thing. I have stated all along that the issues with kids started under Obama/Biden...spin it ANYWAY you like. Keeping kids in CAGES was deplorable! Now, nowhere have I said that Trumps policy with kids was great. I think that was terrible as well. But, to ignore what has happened BEFORE Trump and AFTER Trump, while only focusing only on Trump's policy is idiotic. At the very least he was trying to discourage border crossers and slow down the flow. Trumps policy was...and read carefully here....NOT A SECRET to ANYONE. They wanted people to know that if you do this there would be consequences. Still, a terrible enforcement of it. The Migrant Sponsorship Program was receiving no press and now it looks like THOUSANDS of kids have been trafficked into this country ON PURPOSE by this administration.

And, you were only for Biden stepping down after the media and your Liberal friends got caught LYING about his mental state. What a crock, so stop with your own lies. :rolleyes:

As for your guess is with 75000+ failed post you probably could post blindfolded as well as come out of your basement to eat breakfast while going right back down afterwords.

Old, Stupid and pulling a Biden is no way for YOU to go through life grandpa. 😂

Ok, off to take a bike ride with the wife and kids. Enjoy. 👍
Look, reading comprehension is CLEARLY not your thing. I have stated all along that the issues with kids started under Obama/Biden...spin it ANYWAY you like. Keeping kids in CAGES was deplorable! Now, nowhere have I said that Trumps policy with kids was great. I think that was terrible as well. But, to ignore what has happened BEFORE Trump and AFTER Trump, while only focusing only on Trump's policy is idiotic. At the very least he was trying to discourage border crossers and slow down the flow. Trumps policy was...and read carefully here....NOT A SECRET to ANYONE. They wanted people to know that if you do this there would be consequences. Still, a terrible enforcement of it. The Migrant Sponsorship Program was receiving no press and now it looks like THOUSANDS of kids have been trafficked into this country ON PURPOSE by this administration.

And, you were only for Biden stepping down after the media and your Liberal friends got caught LYING about his mental state. What a crock, so stop with your own lies. :rolleyes:

As for your guess is with 75000+ failed post you probably could post blindfolded as well as come out of your basement to eat breakfast while going right back down afterwords.

Old, Stupid and pulling a Biden is no way for YOU to go through life grandpa. 😂

Ok, off to take a bike ride with the wife and kids. Enjoy. 👍
I'll say this again so pay close attention...the Obama policy was not - ever - to separate children from thier families. EVER.

Read that again.

Read it again.

If you're still struggling, I can't help you.

When the border was overwhelmed with unaccompanied minors (oh...I see..."unaccompanied" means they had no family with them), temporary facilities had to be set up to give them some place to stay. It was a terrible thing but - read this very carefully - It. Wasn't. Policy.

For you to champion Trump for tearing families apart as a threat is par for the course for Trumpers. And your "ON PURPOSE trafficking" horseshit is the proof that you're a Trump ass kisser trafficking in lies. They running that out of the basement of a pizza joint that doesn't have a basement, junior?

Take a hike, moran.
I'll say this again so pay close attention...the Obama policy was not - ever - to separate children from thier families. EVER.

Read that again.

Read it again.

If you're still struggling, I can't help you.

When the border was overwhelmed with unaccompanied minors (oh...I see..."unaccompanied" means they had no family with them), temporary facilities had to be set up to give them some place to stay. It was a terrible thing but - read this very carefully - It. Wasn't. Policy.

For you to champion Trump for tearing families apart as a threat is par for the course for Trumpers. And your "ON PURPOSE trafficking" horseshit is the proof that you're a Trump ass kisser trafficking in lies. They running that out of the basement of a pizza joint that doesn't have a basement, junior?

Take a hike, moran.
Good continue to fail.....over and over and over. You lie about the cages being for ONLY unaccompanied minors. And where I EVER championed Trump splitting up families? You can't, because I didn't. I said I wasn't for that either. But hey, you have shown your extreme liberal partisan colors by now you claiming the horrific disaster unfolding with the Biden/Harris Migrant Sponsorship Program is horseshit. You take the hike wonder you thought Biden was on the top of his game.......compared to you HE WAS!!! 😂

75000+ failed post and counting!! Unreal Idiot.
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There's always a receipt. Dems own the border crisis. The border czar has not visited the crisis at the southern border to date even (she's not visited Europe either, apparently). They undid trump's executive orders, lied and denied an obvious crisis, them when they couldn't deny it anymore they pivoted to blaming the other team for a problem they claimed wasn't real for over 3 years. All they have is gas lighting. With Kamala now hiding and running a basement campaign I imagine they'll just keep running propaganda into the election. Hopefully the American people don't fall for their BS.

This is how dumb the demcrat party thinks the average person is. They can say to your face for 3 years the border is secure, there's no issue at the border. Then when they do admit there's a problem, they blame a guy who hasn't been in office in nearly 4 years while the border was supposedly as secure as the election he lost.
And, this is your brain on MSNBC.
There are a helluva lot of RINOs on MSNBC these days. Why is that?

I'll tell you why since you won't admit the truth.

They have decency and have not sold out to Trump like those others of their "party" of today. They are not blinded like you are.

Now, go laugh your ass off, because thats the only response you can come up with. There is no otherwise reasonable defense.

There were probably people laughing on the deck of the Titanic because they knew they were about to meet their fate. Laughing helps to alleviate fear.
I'm old enough to remember when Texas tried to secure the border because the Biden Admin refused to do their job, and then took the state of Texas to court and argued they don't have the right to defend themselves against a foreign invasion. Then turned around and blamed republicans for the issue at the border after saying for 3 years there was no issue at the border.

Fox News Anchor Reminds GOP Senator That Trump Killed His Border Deal​

William Vaillancourt
18 April 2024·2-min read

Fox News

Fox News
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), the GOP co-architect of the Senate’s failed immigration bill earlier this year, made what were perhaps his most critical comments yet on Donald Trump’s role in scuttling the legislation, alluding to Fox News Thursday that the former president was motivated by his political self-interest.
On Your World, Lankford was confronted by anchor Neil Cavuto about the players behind the bill’s demise.
“You are a real gentleman about this, and I know you’re not trying to zing your colleagues, but it’s your colleagues in your party, sir, who torpedoed this, who didn’t get the facts right on what you just outlined was in that measure,” Cavuto said. “They killed it, ironically. Not Democrats.”

During negotiations in February, Lankford lamented the right-wing pushback—led by Trump and his allies—and revealed that a popular conservative media figure even demanded that he not address the immigration topic until after the election, or else be “destroyed.”
MAGA Radio Host Says He Threatened GOP Senator Over Border Bill Support
The Oklahoma senator agreed with Cavuto.
“Right. It was, and it was painful to be able to watch it get stirred up in all the presidential politics,” he said, adding that a number of his Republican colleagues “started looking for ways” to pull out after Trump sought to maintain immigration as a key election issue.
Some, he said, “backed up and looked for a reason to be able to shoot against it, and then walked away.”
“I get that. That’s a decision everybody makes,” Lankford explained. “My issue is if we are pursuing everything, we often end up with nothing. If we are pursuing someone coming later to fix it, later seems to never come. When we have a moment to fix things, we should fix as many things as we can then, then come back later and fix the rest.”
Trump Now Falsely Claims He Didn’t Endorse Immigration Bill Co-Author
In a CNN interview in early February, Lankford similarly acknowledged the political lay of the land. “Obviously, a chaotic border is helpful to him,” he said then of Trump.
On Thursday, Cavuto reiterated Trump’s driving role in killing the legislation that Lankford helped negotiate, and which included much of what Republicans had asked for.
“That’s on Donald Trump, senator.”
Lankford then contrasted his position as an officeholder with that of Trump, a presidential candidate.
“Again, he’s got an office that he is running for. He’s got a campaign that he is running. I’m already in office. I’ve got a responsibility to be able to carry on this,” he said.

Here is a Republican telling you who is to blame. This isn’t difficult.
When republicans held majorities in the House and Senate, and a president in the Whitehouse, how many border security bills were passed and signed?

The same number that were passed by Democrats when they also held the presidency and simple majorities in both House and Senate,.. Unfortunately, to pass legislation a Super majority is required in the Senate,.. but you probably already knew that.
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There are a helluva lot of RINOs on MSNBC these days. Why is that?

I'll tell you why since you won't admit the truth.

They have decency and have not sold out to Trump like those others of their "party" of today. They are not blinded like you are.

Now, go laugh your ass off, because thats the only response you can come up with. There is no otherwise reasonable defense.

There were probably people laughing on the deck of the Titanic because they knew they were about to meet their fate. Laughing helps to alleviate fear.
Please, I don't watch cable news. And just how many RINO's, who are not idiots, actually show up on your MSNBC network....since you watch them.

Now, I did see the clips on social media of Scarborough being made a fool of with his "Biden is the BEST he has ever been" joke he made. And, I am sure you were probably another one who was right there with him on that. And, sorry bud, I am not laughing with you....I am laughing AT YOU. 😂
How can Republicans be blamed for an issue that doesn't exist? That makes no sense. The border is secure and everything is fine.
Here is the funniest thing about that terrible border bill. These Dems ALSO voted against it. LOL!
  1. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
  2. Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts
  3. Senator Alex Padilla of California
  4. Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey
  5. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York
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And where I EVER championed Trump splitting up families?
Right. Here.

“At the very least he was trying to discourage border crossers and slow down the flow. Trumps policy was...and read carefully here....NOT A SECRET to ANYONE. They wanted people to know that if you do this there would be consequences.”

These families left everything and everyone they knew. They crossed hundreds or thousands of miles. In many cases, it cost them every penny they had. These were families who wanted the same things we want...actually far less than we want - they just want their families to be safe and secure.

And you think Trump's policy wasn't a secret to them? Are you fvcking kidding? Thousands of families crossed the border having no idea what Trump’s policy was. They weren’t watching tv on their way here, dumbass. They weren't getting official WH briefings. They came here looking for a chance at safety and the adults were immediately arrested and taken into detention. Their children were ripped from their arms with no effort made to ensure they could be reunited.

It was reprehensible at every level and your attempt to excuse it as just an attempt to send a message equally vile. Then, in true Trumpkin fashion, YOU cry out "Wait! Look over there!" and try to conflate this official govt policy with something that bears not even the remotest resemblance to it.

But hey, you have shown your extreme liberal partisan colors by now you claiming the horrific disaster unfolding with the Biden/Harris Migrant Sponsorship Program is horseshit.

And look! Pulling out the old hits, you accuse the current admin of actively running a child trafficking just exchanged a govt program for a pizza joint basement. Same song, different day. As I've said elsewhere, the only thing that gives me hope for the future of this country is that most Trumpers possess a less than room temp IQ. You might be scraping the low end of even that pathetic group.

In 8,179 days here, you have 2,825 posts since you attach some great importance to this. That works out to one post every three days. Suddenly, you're posting multiple times every day. Just how many alt-handles do you use?

Oh look...three more posts just since I started on this. That's nine days worth of your previous output...under this handle, anyway. LOL

You're done. Good day.
Here is the funniest thing about that terrible border bill. These Dems ALSO voted against it. LOL!
  1. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
  2. Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts
  3. Senator Alex Padilla of California
  4. Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey
  5. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York now your going with "But the Democrats didn't like it!" Of course, they voted against it because it contained every single thing that Republicans wanted in a border bill and would have made several of the Trump Executive Orders legal by writing them into law. But Trump said tank it. This, by the way, is exactly why the bill would have passed and why Johnson couldn't even bring it to the floor for a vote because it would have passed overwhelmingly. But keep blaming Democrats for why border legislation never happens even though it's always Republicans who get in the way.
  • Haha
Reactions: Hawkman34 now your going with "But the Democrats didn't like it!" Of course, they voted against it because it contained every single thing that Republicans wanted in a border bill and would have made several of the Trump Executive Orders legal by writing them into law. But Trump said tank it. This, by the way, is exactly why the bill would have passed and why Johnson couldn't even bring it to the floor for a vote because it would have passed overwhelmingly. But keep blaming Democrats for why border legislation never happens even though it's always Republicans who get in the way.
You keep acting like either side wants the border fixed. Dems are getting what they want with the border open, and Republicans get to keep bitching about it while doing nothing. It's a win-win-LOSE.
The same number that were passed by Democrats when they also held the presidency and simple majorities in both House and Senate,.. Unfortunately, to pass legislation a Super majority is required in the Senate,.. but you probably already knew that.
So 2009. You're probably too young to remember, but in 2009 when Obama took over the U.S. was fighting it's way out of a recession that was so bad, the likes of which hadn't been seen since the great depression. Democrats had their hands full getting the economy started again.

However, for context It's important to point out that President Obama deported more illegal aliens in each of his terms than trump did in his only term. now your going with "But the Democrats didn't like it!" Of course, they voted against it because it contained every single thing that Republicans wanted in a border bill and would have made several of the Trump Executive Orders legal by writing them into law. But Trump said tank it. This, by the way, is exactly why the bill would have passed and why Johnson couldn't even bring it to the floor for a vote because it would have passed overwhelmingly. But keep blaming Democrats for why border legislation never happens even though it's always Republicans who get in the way.
Do you even think before you type? Lets go over some facts that you and your ilk keep trying to scrub and ignore:
  • Biden reverses ALL Trumps effective rules on the border the minute he gets into office.
  • There was so much crap in that bill that even some of the Dems didn't want it. But ya, it was all Trump. LOL!
  • There was a REAL border bill put forward in 2023 that had EVERYTHING the last one did......WITHOUT THE CRAP (HR2- Secure the border act) and not a SINGLE dem voted for it.
  • Then Biden does and weak executive order during an election year while the previouse 3 years INSISTING "I can't do ANYTHING without congress!". LOL!
If you want to stick to lie that the left keeps telling, that's on you. But, facts matter and the Dems and this Admin are a JOKE.
Do you even think before you type? Lets go over some facts that you and your ilk keep trying to scrub and ignore:
  • Biden reverses ALL Trumps effective rules on the border the minute he gets into office.
  • There was so much crap in that bill that even some of the Dems didn't want it. But ya, it was all Trump. LOL!
  • There was a REAL border bill put forward in 2023 that had EVERYTHING the last one did......WITHOUT THE CRAP (HR2- Secure the border act) and not a SINGLE dem voted for it.
  • Then Biden does and weak executive order during an election year while the previouse 3 years INSISTING "I can't do ANYTHING without congress!". LOL!
If you want to stick to lie that the left keeps telling, that's on you. But, facts matter and the Dems and this Admin are a JOKE.
Again, if the bill were so bad Johnson could have brought it to a vote and watched it die in flames. Instead, it would have passed with such strong bipartisan support that the only option he had was to never bring it to a vote. All because Donnie wanted a campaign issue he could harp about and he knew people like you would be too stupid to see through it. Never mind that the last three serious attempts at immigration reform have been scuttled by Republicans at the last minute every, single, time. But you think Republicans have the solutions. Maybe it's because their "solutions" focus more on making people suffer than actually solving the problem.
Hate to break it to the Cons on this board, but the southern border has been an issue for about 50 years.

Reagan did nothing. Bush did nothing. Clinton did nothing. Bush did nothing. Obama did nothing. Trump did nothing. Biden did nothing.

Congress for all of those presidents did nothing. They will keep doing nothing next term.
Again, if the bill were so bad Johnson could have brought it to a vote and watched it die in flames. Instead, it would have passed with such strong bipartisan support that the only option he had was to never bring it to a vote. All because Donnie wanted a campaign issue he could harp about and he knew people like you would be too stupid to see through it. Never mind that the last three serious attempts at immigration reform have been scuttled by Republicans at the last minute every, single, time. But you think Republicans have the solutions. Maybe it's because their "solutions" focus more on making people suffer than actually solving the problem.
What are you talking about? It DID come to a vote. And even these Dems voted against it.
  1. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
  2. Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts
  3. Senator Alex Padilla of California
  4. Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey
  5. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York
You claim: "the last three serious attempts at immigration reform have been scuttled by Republicans." Please provide info on the other 2 times that occured AFTER HR-2 by the Rep in 2023, but before this last bill that got voted down.

And again, one more time, if the Dems were SO serious about the border why did the following occure?
  • Biden reverses ALL Trumps effective rules on the border the minute he gets into office.
  • There was a REAL border bill put forward in 2023 that had EVERYTHING the last one did......WITHOUT THE CRAP (HR2- Secure the border act) and not a SINGLE dem voted for it.
  • Then Biden does and weak executive order during an election year, while the previouse 3 years INSISTING "I can't do ANYTHING without congress!". LOL!
What are you talking about? It DID come to a vote. And even these Dems voted against it.
  1. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
  2. Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts
  3. Senator Alex Padilla of California
  4. Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey
  5. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York
You claim: "the last three serious attempts at immigration reform have been scuttled by Republicans." Please provide info on the other 2 times that occured AFTER HR-2 by the Rep in 2023, but before this last bill that got voted down.

And again, one more time, if the Dems were SO serious about the border why did the following occure?
  • Biden reverses ALL Trumps effective rules on the border the minute he gets into office.
  • There was a REAL border bill put forward in 2023 that had EVERYTHING the last one did......WITHOUT THE CRAP (HR2- Secure the border act) and not a SINGLE dem voted for it.
  • Then Biden does and weak executive order during an election year, while the previouse 3 years INSISTING "I can't do ANYTHING without congress!". LOL!
The Senate is not the House. Those Senators voted against it because the bill gives way too much power to the President. But Johnson is Speaker of the House and he did not bring it to a vote because it would have passed easily, likely with more Republican votes than Democratic ones.

Read this for the long history of Republican obstructionism to immigration reform. Democrats only had one opportunity in that time where they controlled all three branches but they were a little preoccupied with trying to save the economy that was in complete downfall and then they chose to go with healthcare reform. Maybe they could have done more in that time but Obama mistakenly believed that Republicans would be good faith negotiators during that time and wasted a lot of time trying to get bipartisan support from them when their whole strategy was to block even the most basic bills from passing.

Again, committing crimes against humanity is not what Biden wants for immigration reform. Separating children from their parents is a violation of the Geneva Convention.

The partisan bill is not bipartisan . If they wanted that bill they should have passed it when they controlled the House, Senate, and Presidency. But they didn't. Just another example of Republicans not understanding that governing requires compromise if you actually want to accomplish something. But it has been shown that accomplishing things is completely the opposite of what Republicans actually want. Then they would have to find a new issue that doesn't completely repulse the majority of the country to run on. Governing by executive order is not how our government is supposed to work but increasingly due to Republican obstruction, it is the only way to accomplish anything. Only after a complete failure to get legislation passed did Biden change his approach. If not for a last minute effort by Trump (again), the legislation would have passed.
Ummm. you cannot pass a bill without BOTH sides of congress. If it's dead in the senate...then it is dead period. And we did not need a MASSIVE reform bill for the border until Biden and Harris got in there and destroyed it. Facts matter and there was no real issue until Biden/Harris said (come on up!). Yes, there is actual video of your hero saying these words. LINK - Biden tells migrants to surge to the border But, go ahead and try and change/delete history like every democrate. LOL!

As for the lame excuse that Biden ONLY took that measure this year because there was no way to get a bill passed...again, HR-2 did EVERYTHING the last bill (which again, some Dems helped defeat) did WITHOUT the extra NONE BORDER crap in there. And, who blocked it? Why, it was the Dems. Not a single yes vote from the Dems. Imagine that.

Look, your senile leader (whom you, your friends, dang near EVERY Dem and the mainstream media all lied and said was at the top of his game) said the words come on up. No Republican said it. And again, he knew he could take action on it ANY TIME HE WANTED with an Executive order because he SCREWED up the boarder with an Executive order on his FIRST DAY IN OFFICE. Election year, down in the polls...yep...Now I will save the day. LOL!

You cannot whipe any of this from history, but you will continue to deny more time, facts matter. :rolleyes:
Ummm. you cannot pass a bill without BOTH sides of congress. If it's dead in the senate...then it is dead period. And we did not need a MASSIVE reform bill for the border until Biden and Harris got in there and destroyed it. Facts matter and there was no real issue until Biden/Harris said (come on up!). Yes, there is actual video of your hero saying these words. LINK - Biden tells migrants to surge to the border But, go ahead and try and change/delete history like every democrate. LOL!

As for the lame excuse that Biden ONLY took that measure this year because there was no way to get a bill passed...again, HR-2 did EVERYTHING the last bill (which again, some Dems helped defeat) did WITHOUT the extra NONE BORDER crap in there. And, who blocked it? Why, it was the Dems. Not a single yes vote from the Dems. Imagine that.

Look, your senile leader (whom you, your friends, dang near EVERY Dem and the mainstream media all lied and said was at the top of his game) said the words come on up. No Republican said it. And again, he knew he could take action on it ANY TIME HE WANTED with an Executive order because he SCREWED up the boarder with an Executive order on his FIRST DAY IN OFFICE. Election year, down in the polls...yep...Now I will save the day. LOL!

You cannot whipe any of this from history, but you will continue to deny more time, facts matter. :rolleyes:
Facts do matter. Maybe you should try dealing with reality rather than whatever this is. The bipartisan bill was not dead in the House. One guy, the Speaker, decided to unilaterally kill it by not bringing it to a vote. As long as people like you continue to encourage the behavior the Republican party demonstrates you will never see reform on the immigration issue. They can't afford to let that happen because then they have NOTHING to run on.
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Facts do matter. Maybe you should try dealing with reality rather than whatever this is. The bipartisan bill was not dead in the House. One guy, the Speaker, decided to unilaterally kill it by not bringing it to a vote. As long as people like you continue to encourage the behavior the Republican party demonstrates you will never see reform on the immigration issue. They can't afford to let that happen because then they have NOTHING to run on.
Seriously, just stop already. Again, it would not have mattered what happened in the house as it was DEAD in the Senate. Goodness man, google is your friend (if you know how to do a simple search).

Here let me help you:

The bill did not get all Democrats on board, which Schumer acknowledged earlier this week was a possibility.

We do not expect every Democrat or every Republican to come out in favor of this bill,” Schumer said on the Senate floor Tuesday. “The only way to pass this bill – or any border bill – is with broad bipartisan support.”

But the bill failed to attract that broad support, losing backing even from Democrats who’d voted for the foreign aid package.

And, as is expected, you didn't even attempt to refute ANY of the other points I made. Because you can't. LOL!
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Seriously, just stop already. Again, it would not have mattered what happened in the house as it was DEAD in the Senate. Goodness man, google is your friend (if you know how to do a simple search).

Here let me help you:

The bill did not get all Democrats on board, which Schumer acknowledged earlier this week was a possibility.

We do not expect every Democrat or every Republican to come out in favor of this bill,” Schumer said on the Senate floor Tuesday. “The only way to pass this bill – or any border bill – is with broad bipartisan support.”

But the bill failed to attract that broad support, losing backing even from Democrats who’d voted for the foreign aid package.

And, as is expected, you didn't even attempt to refute ANY of the other points I made. Because you can't. LOL!
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