ActBlue is currently under investigation for allowing foreign and illegal donations in criminal violation of campaign finance regulations.

Do when gun nuts shoot up a place or school it's independent loons, but when it's against perceived GOP interests is all deep state Soros funded baby eating devil worshiping Demoncracts / Libtard synchronized anarchy. Occams razor, social and political climate is pushing people to act out.

If we are going down the conspiracy rabbit hole I'd say it more likely Bannon/ Alex Jones / Muskrat stirring up trouble to rile up an base that already feels victimized.

If we have a deep state, they are a bunch of ineffective losers that should be deeper than a puddle.
What part is conspiracy?
Law enforcement let protestors into the Capitol. They were walking in calmly and slowly, casual. LE were giving them directions. There is video of this happenjng that Democrats withheld for months. Some overthrow.

Not even a bad try. TV cameras caught everything, not just what conspiracy nutcases and Stupid TV wanted.

I kept switching over to Stupid TV to see how they were covering the attack on the U.S Capitol Building. The biggest journalist story since 911. Zero. Zilch. "Fox News"? Give me a break,