How many of these wrongfully incarcerated black men were married before they had children and committed the crimes that caused them to be incarcerated?Originally posted by slieb85:
Marriage is a prerequisite for being a good father?Originally posted by UIHawkGrad:
So those black fathers were married to the black mothers of their children before they committed the crimes that lead to their incarceration?Originally posted by slieb85:
You guys do realize that Sarandon's comments are the opposite of rules, and it's you, old, white, crusty, midwestern, conservative, men, who are trying to push your societal norms onto others.Originally posted by aflachawk:
Well stated. All libs do is make rules for others to follow(after all it's for their own good) look no further than Michelle's school lunch fiasco. Telling kids they need to eat food they do not like and ending up throwing it awayOriginally posted by hawkbleeder:
But of course that's what liberals do, tell us how to live our lives.  Drink this, eat that, don't do this...and that was before these control freaks were running healthcare (having stolen it on a Christmas Eve vote without one single vote from the Right).Originally posted by BubsFinn:
Perhaps if the "wisdom" about relationships came from someone other than a person who has never been in a truly committed relationship, the old, white, self-proclaimed "conservative" men might take it a little more seriously.ÂÂÂ
I don't give a shit if Susan Sarandon is in a relationship with a blender; as long as she's not telling me how I should live my life.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
As to the nonsense above about societal norms ruining black communities now that there's not as much racism, maybe, just maybe, black families would generally include fathers at a higher percentage if we didn't incarcerate them at such a high rate?
Might want to do a little research and think about this more before you play the race card. Typical liberal mindset. Personal responsibility be damned! It is someone else's fault.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
May want to do some research yourself. Look back at the beginning of the war on drugs. Check out the statistics on single mothers in black communities. Then look at the numbers of black males that have been incarcerated since the start of the war on drugs. Then look at the statistics for single mothers in black communities today.
Hopefully, you can then learn that it's not a "race card" that anyone is playing, it's reality.
As was already said. Nothing like a bunch of crusty, old, white, republican men to tell people how to live their lives. PARTY OF FREEDOM!!!!
Marriage is a familial, emotional and legal commitment not only to their spouse but also the children they produce. That cannot be taken lightly. It is easy to "spread the man seed" without the marriage commitment. Men who marry their spouse and then have children are much less likely to engage in activities that would put their family in jeopardy.
Posted from Rivals Mobile