All of the sudden, Lefties want to follow Constitution

If you don't know which side wastes money...
No need to vote unless the Senate majority is happy with the choice, especially so close to an election.

They don't want to confirm someone without giving the people a chance to elect a new POTUS and choose the path for the next 4 years.

It would be irresponsible.


Chuck Schumer
So you've changed your mind and don't think the Senate will follow the constitution. You're very changeable.
The left considers all money spent on making things to defend America a waste.


They also consider all welfare spent on making Democrat voters not a waste.

One of those is considerably cheaper. Ds just know a bargain.
I don't care one way or another but a bit silly to think that ignoring and refusing is tantamount to advising and consenting (or even not consenting).

It's been done for 200 years. Numerous Presidential nominees never even receive hearings let alone formal votes because there is no possibility they will ever be confirmed. In US History there have been 29 unsuccessful Supreme Court nominees. Only 12 were formally rejected by a full Senate vote. The others received no action or were forced to be withdrawn for various reasons. The most recent examples are Harriet Miers in 2005 and Doug Ginsburg in 1987.

There is this modern misconception that the President's nominee should simply be rubber stamped by the Senate unless he/she is clearly unqualified. That is just another modern mis-interpretation of what was actually intended. The Constitution makes it pretty clear that the executive branch and the legislative branch are 50/50 equal partners in the process as a check and balance on the other.
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One defends freedom. The other requires tyranny. Only a loony lefty could think Marxism is a bargain.
Our military subsidizes what you call marxism all around the globe. The US military is the biggest reason socialism is viable. You want to beat back socialism? Cut the military by 90% and it will go away. We pay for the socialism enjoyed by the reset of the world by keeping the world safe. You are the biggest welfare queen advocate on the planet.
Where in the Constitution does it say a President cannot nominate a new judge in an election year?

He can nominate as much as his little heart desires. HOWEVER-----------It is the Senate who has to CONFIRM any justice put up by president. Case closed
Maybe because they never want to follow it any other time??? Laughable.....
Yes, that is laughable, but we all agree we want to follow it now. The constitution says the President shall nominate. So you must agree the Rs are wrong to suggest he shall not. You're with the Ds on this issue this time.

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