All you mountain bikers.....Wouldja?

Of all the things he did in that video, doing a flip over a short fence seemed the craziest to you?

And for the record, no. That applies to pretty much anything done by a guy wearing a helmet with the Red Bull logo on it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by TJ8869:
Of all the things he did in that video, doing a flip over a short fence seemed the craziest to you?

And for the record, no. That applies to pretty much anything done by a guy wearing a helmet with the Red Bull logo on it.

Posted from Rivals Mobile

I didn't say it was the craziest, I said it was icing on the crazy cake
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Too many factors involved. Too much could go wrong to cause your own death. Failed brakes, flat tire, a rock slips loose, cramp in the arm/hands, or one little slip and your toast.

Originally posted by hawkitd:

Originally posted by torbee:
I do stuff like that all the time in Grand Theft Auto. No big deal.
LOL at a grown man who still plays video games.
If it's good enough for President Frank Underwood....
