They should do the organ skin tight suits for game around Halloween. Shows all the internal organs, etc.
Why?These are the uniforms from 2010. These need to be worn once a year, no questions asked.
Those were my favorites too.These are the uniforms from 2010. These need to be worn once a year, no questions asked.
Because they are really cool uniforms from the pinnacle era of Iowa football?Why?
2019 vs Penn StateThere aren't that many, surely. It will also depend on how you define alternate. Is removing the Tigerhawk enough? Is having a different pants color enough? Or do you need a full on throwback or alt scheme?
2004 won a warmup game
2010 won a warmup game
2012 abomination to Purdue with gray helmets, two different colored logos including the flag one, and a mishmash of fonts
(wasn't there another Veterans game gimmick against PU where it was regular kit but just the FlagHawk?)
2015 numbers on helmet for CyHawk
2015 wild Minny game with blackouts and overlarge logo
2017 woodshed
2023 asterisk
5-2 in those games
(edited to fix wob)
Major crisis averted for the GetOfMyLawn crowd. 😂