An Iowa farm county seeks answers amid cancer rates 50% higher than national average

This isn't new. A major plot point of the novel "A Thousand Acres" from over 30 years ago were the cancers and health issues produced by modern farming methods. A character who dies of cancer is remembered as having put his arm all the way into a vat of Roundup to retrieve something or other. The sister of the main character is dying of cancer.
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In the midst of the optimism on #cancer is this scary bit from scientist Charles Swanton;“we've been doing some experiments in the lab with fluorescent #microplastics, 2.5 micron inhaled microplastics. We find them in every mouse organ a week after. And these #pollutants even get through into the brain through the olfactory bulb we think.”

Eric Topol:“this is scary because here we are, we have these potentially ingenious ways to prevent cancer in the future, but we're chasing our tails by not doing anything to deal with our environment.” Interview here.

It's GOTTA be the windmills, yo....

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