Andrew Napolitano: I would vote to impeach

and he got kicked off all the prime time shows because of it.

Which prime time shows was he on but has now been kicked off of? I only ever saw him regularly on Bill Hemmer's morning program (America's Newsroom) starting at 8:00 a.m. CT and he is still regularly on that. Then again, that is the only Fox program I watch regularly. I don't ever watch anything after 8:00 p.m.
Which prime time shows was he on but has now been kicked off of? I only ever saw him regularly on Bill Hemmer's morning program (America's Newsroom) starting at 8:00 a.m. CT and he is still regularly on that. Then again, that is the only Fox program I watch regularly. I don't ever watch anything after 8:00 p.m.

I don’t know but that what the article says
He may be right or wrong on his analysis of issues, but what I like about him as a guest is that he gives his opinion and the legal basis for that opinion. That is a lot better than a partisan just screaming an unsupported opinion because he/she is butt hurt about politics.

What you don't understand is that Napolitano is exactly that,... a partisan screaming unsupported opinion because he is butt hurt about politics,... the left likes him now because he's typically a Fox contrarian,.. He wasn't always like this.
What you don't understand is that Napolitano is exactly that,... a partisan screaming unsupported opinion because he is butt hurt about politics,... the left likes him now because he's typically a Fox contrarian,.. He wasn't always like this.

I've not read the article yet, but I have never seen him not discuss the support for his opinions. He can be wrong, but he offers support for his opinions.
Talk about a one-eighty. Wonder if he’s with little boys or little girls in the incriminating pics?
Judge Nap is a straight shooter who aims to tell the
truth at all times. The only thing I have against him
is his wardrobe. He looks like he is wearing suits
the Mafia wore in the 1950's. Jumbo pin stripe suits
are a bad look in front of a TV camera.
Judge Nap is a straight shooter who aims to tell the
truth at all times. The only thing I have against him
is his wardrobe. He looks like he is wearing suits
the Mafia wore in the 1950's. Jumbo pin stripe suits
are a bad look in front of a TV camera.

But Lute , you keep saying this is a hoax? Which is it if napalotano tells the truth ?
But Lute , you keep saying this is a hoax? Which is it if napalotano tells the truth ?

It isn't like Napolitano said Trump should be impeached as a matter of fact. He said there is a legal argument that can be made to support impeachment. That is what I like about Napalotano. He is going to tell you the legal arguments for and against on most issues.

When asked whether Trump should be impeached, Napolitano said that is a political judgment.

“If I could modify your question to ask if there’s a legal basis to argue high crimes and misdemeanors, then the answer is yes,” he said. “That’s really beyond dispute ... If I were a Democrat in the House, which I am not and never will be, I would vote to impeach.”

And if he were a Republican in the Senate?

“I think they’re going to find some of his behavior difficult to defend,” he said.

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