Another one bites the dust?

This election cycle appears to be heading in one direction, and one direction only. We will be essentially voting AGAINST someone, not FOR someone.
I will vote against the republican establishment and Hillary all day long and twice on sundays. fine with me
Sadly for Paul's chances and for those of us with non-trivial libertarian streaks, he has waffled and backpedaled on too many things to inspire the kind of devotion his father earned. Basically he's no longer representing libertarian values in a meaningful way. So why would anyone care about him?

His chances were slim to begin with. So why sell out on things like the TPP, science, the Iran deal. If he really thinks we should be killing innocents in the Middle East, he could at least try to explain why that isn't a violation of libertarian principles.
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this is why I respect bernie, he does not lie, he says he's a whack job socialist, and he goes against Hillary

but the people in the Hillary camp know where to hide the bodies, literally
Sadly for Paul's chances and for those of us with non-trivial libertarian streaks, he has waffled and backpedaled on too many things to inspire the kind of devotion his father earned. Basically he's no longer representing libertarian values in a meaningful way. So why would anyone care about him?

His chances were slim to begin with. So why sell out on things like the TPP, science, the Iran deal. If he really thinks we should be killing innocents in the Middle East, he could at least try to explain why that isn't a violation of libertarian principles.
the iran deal was about killing americans and Israelis with nukes, so he thought he might go pre-emptive and kill mid easterners before they kill us. it's an old neocon trick. doesn't work for anyone with "paul" as a last name.
Voter fraud?

So . . . whom do you expect to vote for? Or will you stay home?
trump all the way. I view trump as ron paul 2008. as far as vote fraud. so many votes went to ron paul but they used fraud to say the votes went elsewhere. McCain. give me a break. so many votes went to Hillary but they said the votes went to Obama. now, so many votes are going to trump but they are saying no way. they will fraudulently take his votes and assign them elsewhere. I want to be able to be one of the ones who recorded his vote for trump, as millions will, only to go back home and watch my tv tell me I did not. just like ron paul. just like algore. same crap.

jfk= if you don't like the votes just kill the guy who got them.
Now if Huck, Santorum, and Carly disappear... we can have a new, meaningful debate with who's left.
not saying I voted for algore, nor was I alive for jfk

but algore got screwed on the hanging chad thing
I view votes as a way for me to drive into town about 5 miles, go record my vote, get my ticket stamped, which is probably illegal, look at the voter registration docket see how many signers are on there, usually like two me and my wife, hee hee
have election officials do gawd knows what to my vote
go home
watch tv, see how they lie about how I voted

then get called in for jury duty cause that's how they call you in tx for jury duty, they see who signed the docket for voting
I wonder how different the world would be if the Florida AG hadn't made that ruling?
I dunno. my guess is we would have had the leftist communist socialist fascist hybrid a little quicker - we would not have had to wait for obama
And at least two less wars!
oh, I dunno about that. first of all, we have not had a war declared since WW2. secondly, as Obama has shown, the left just picks different places such as Egypt and Syria and Africa and Libya and so on, you may have had two different police actions, rather than Iraq and afghan, maybe Libya and Syria, just a swap or trade
This election cycle appears to be heading in one direction, and one direction only. We will be essentially voting AGAINST someone, not FOR someone.
This has been the story for the last dozen elections.
This election cycle appears to be heading in one direction, and one direction only. We will be essentially voting AGAINST someone, not FOR someone.

Which makes this different than every other election in the history of this country, how?
Rand Paul got elected on the appeal of his father. When you abandon the appeal of your father, it affects your future chances of being considered the guy to carry the torch. I often think the real power structure sorta co-opted him as a less dangerous, more in-line GOP flunkie that might gain favor with the true spirit of the Ron Paul Revolution. He's not even close to what Ron Paul was or stood for. Like him or not, Ron Paul had integrity, principles, and he never sold out. He was a threat to the establishment. He is similar to Bernie Sanders. I like threats to the establishment.

I'd love to see another Ron Paul (with a different name) make an impact on politics.
This election cycle appears to be heading in one direction, and one direction only. We will be essentially voting AGAINST someone, not FOR someone.
I have always voted for someone I liked, and hope to again next year. I have voted for 6 Ds and 6 3rd party candidates in presidential elections. The person I voted for wasn't always my first choice, but was always a good choice.
Hillary could do us all a favor and drop out.
Haven't you heard? Trump is only in the race because he and Hillary have formed an alliance behind closed doors. The Far right is going to use that one until Trump fades away. In the meantime...Cruz will keep from criticizing Trump and only attack Rubio who seems like his only "establishment" rival.
The GOP is truly a mess and Hillary likely wins the WH by default.
Does anyone remember when Republicans were crowing about the incredible field of candidates they had? Senators, governors, captains of industry galore. Turned out they had a lot of crap.
well, no, those people are still around and they are still pretty awesome, brain surgeons, ceo's of companies, senators, governors.... what happened is they all got trumped by awesome.
Sounds like Rand Paul is close to dropping out.

I think for the last couple months or more Paul has been more consumed with Donald Trump not winning the party's nomination than he himself winning it.
Mike Huckabee lost his communications director today. Same woman who had been with him in his previous races. Now, maybe she was just doing a bad job, or maybe he can't pay her anymore.
Mike Huckabee lost his communications director today. Same woman who had been with him in his previous races. Now, maybe she was just doing a bad job, or maybe he can't pay her anymore.
I'm guessing his guitar playing finally drove her to leave!