Another pitiful "media" post about Biden refuted

Disgusting the absolute lies and deception that can occur now and passed as "news"...

system guess GIF
The edited clip was a misleading item passed as news. The other clip was what actually happened. You laughing at me is generally a good thing for me, considering.
Misleading how? You have to be a troll right? Is it possible for you to think for yourself without just regurgitating Biden's talking points? Honestly when they dump Biden your 180 on here is going to be complete gold. This whole site will be comedy hour when they dump Biden and your cult does a complete 180.
Misleading how? You have to be a troll right? Is it possible for you to think for yourself without just regurgitating Biden's talking points? Honestly when they dump Biden your 180 on here is going to be complete gold. This whole site will be comedy hour when they dump Biden and your cult does a complete 180.
A Trump supporter telling anyone this is pure projection and quite frankly, pathetic.
A Trump supporter telling anyone this is pure projection and quite frankly, pathetic.
Shocked you answered zero of my questions. And you wonder why no one takes you serious on here. Have you ever had an actual discussion on here? Of course that would require to actually have an original opinion of your own to do that.
Shocked you answered zero of my questions. And you wonder why no one takes you serious on here. Have you ever had an actual discussion on here? Of course that would require to actually have an original opinion of your own to do that.
You should see his Facebook. The political radicalism is deeply rooted in his family tree. He is just the biggest nut.
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Misleading how? You have to be a troll right? Is it possible for you to think for yourself without just regurgitating Biden's talking points? Honestly when they dump Biden your 180 on here is going to be complete gold. This whole site will be comedy hour when they dump Biden and your cult does a complete 180.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.
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So this is supposed to be a positive video for Biden? Did you watch it at all? The dude is old and needs help. Have you ever been around old people in your life? Just look at the blank look on his face and how he needs some assistance everywhere he goes. He’s old, he should be able to relax and enjoy the last couple years he has left.
I’m 40 and out of tune with a lot that’s going on in this world, mostly because I couldn’t care less about some new fad. But how the hell is this old geezer supposed to be able to relate with anyone 50 and younger?
Get rid of both of these worthless old candidates. They both proved they are not what this country needs.
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What did Orwell say about the party demanding you reject what you see with your own eyes? Cultists gonna cult. Classic chis.
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I would trust an Al Jazeera article before a New York Post one.
Yes but you fell for the Russian collusion hoax, the bounties hoax, the fine people hoax, the Covington hoax, the smollet hoax, the hunter biden laptop hoax, etc.

You get the picture?
Yes but you fell for the Russian collusion hoax, the bounties hoax, the fine people hoax, the Covington hoax, the smollet hoax, the hunter biden laptop hoax, etc.

You get the picture?
That was different.
Those disinformation sources are still the trusted sources.