Another race baiter


HB Legend
Jan 28, 2008
Unfortunately, the media and society have brought it to this point where no matter how polite and courteous an officer is, under various circumstances, he/she will be accused of racism for simply trying to not only enforce the law, but also trying to help prevent an unfortunate accident from occurring. The fact that the lady who is highly educated, perceives she is being pulled over for "walking while black" and then tries to agitate the cops by accusing them of singling her out because of her race and taking their pictures and such for her documentation is so frustrating. It is moments like this that test the resolve and patience of an officer, reinforces their own need for cameras, and justifies much of the "Ferguson effect" debate.
What's sad is, had they not turned on the dash cam for this incredibly simple stop that was done for her own safety, they would be labeled racists and the PD would have to release statements attesting to the attributes of the officers while the country freaks out.

Doesn't this race baiting crap get old?
If you post about race baiting, are you race baiting? It almost seems to rise to the level of master baiting. Stroking the fires so to speak. Pulling on the issue trying to get a rise. Threads like this always turn out so messy.
The wingnuts seem be be obsessive about race baiting. It's brainwashed into them by the echo chamber.
Hahaha What!?!?!

You are the king of these boards of spewing nothing but what's spoon fed to you. You probably have never had an original thought.
The wingnuts seem be be obsessive about race baiting. It's brainwashed into them by the echo chamber.
Only when It's to counter a bogus racism charge made by a proud lib. I am surprised the paper did not contact the police dept for comment prior to publication
Does not look to good when you are the Dean of Journalism and you write a column where you get so much wrong. How do you lecture your class about reporting the truth when you don't?

What a wasted opportunity to write a "I was stopped and everybody handled themselves professionally" column.

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