Anthony Knox Thread


Dec 28, 2014
Cedar Rapids

I wonder if this will hurt his recruitment with Cornell. I think it should. I mean really stupid. And we all believe, at least most, that A.J. is/was bad. Shish.
Why do u think it should? I haven’t seen that he did anything egregious besides leave the bench area which disqualified him by rule. You’re comparing serious SA charges and almost killing multiple people driving over 100mph to this?
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I saw this a day or TWOOOO ago and bit my lip about posting, BUT since it is here..........

I would luv to hear everyones thoughts on this???? AND of course I SIR IRON will learn you ALL on what you should be thinking!!!

This is of course going ONLY on what little details we have about this incident!!! What it APPEARS we know is, a fight broke out in the stands. The kids dad and Mom were involved.

So are you one to believe what this kid did was wrong????? IF he sees his dad and/or MOM in a fight, he should not go and help!?!?!? I mean I have seen comments posted elsewhere about this. From what I have seen, at least some understand that you have a GOD given right to defend your family!!!!

This GOD given right takes precedence OVER ANY stupid HS rule(s)

Regardless of what you believe about the kids reaction, I do not see how ANYONE could see this any other way!!! The kid did NOT start the fight. He saw his FAMILY in a fight and did what I would hope any good kid would.
I saw this a day or TWOOOO ago and bit my lip about posting, BUT since it is here..........

I would luv to hear everyones thoughts on this???? AND of course I SIR IRON will learn you ALL on what you should be thinking!!!

This is of course going ONLY on what little details we have about this incident!!! What it APPEARS we know is, a fight broke out in the stands. The kids dad and Mom were involved.

So are you one to believe what this kid did was wrong????? IF he sees his dad and/or MOM in a fight, he should not go and help!?!?!? I mean I have seen comments posted elsewhere about this. From what I have seen, at least some understand that you have a GOD given right to defend your family!!!!

This GOD given right takes precedence OVER ANY stupid HS rule(s)

Regardless of what you believe about the kids reaction, I do not see how ANYONE could see this any other way!!! The kid did NOT start the fight. He saw his FAMILY in a fight and did what I would hope any good kid would.
I get what you're saying, and even if the kid started it, he's in high school and unless there is a track record of this type of behavior, I'm a believer in second chances. If I were a coach recruiting him, I'd be more concerned with his father. That guy has toxic, live my dream thru my kid written all over him. The type that's been asked to leave an event more than once. We've likely all seen a parent or two act like this if our kids have participated in sports. Hard on the kid, parent gets in the way, and kids can get burned out or just go down a different path.

Sure, I don't know any of the inside story, so maybe coming across as a bit judgmental. But after watching that video, unless a guy was sleeping with his wife or threatening violence, that dad needs about 20 self-help books and a therapist.....maybe two.
I saw this a day or TWOOOO ago and bit my lip about posting, BUT since it is here..........

I would luv to hear everyones thoughts on this???? AND of course I SIR IRON will learn you ALL on what you should be thinking!!!

This is of course going ONLY on what little details we have about this incident!!! What it APPEARS we know is, a fight broke out in the stands. The kids dad and Mom were involved.

So are you one to believe what this kid did was wrong????? IF he sees his dad and/or MOM in a fight, he should not go and help!?!?!? I mean I have seen comments posted elsewhere about this. From what I have seen, at least some understand that you have a GOD given right to defend your family!!!!

This GOD given right takes precedence OVER ANY stupid HS rule(s)

Regardless of what you believe about the kids reaction, I do not see how ANYONE could see this any other way!!! The kid did NOT start the fight. He saw his FAMILY in a fight and did what I would hope any good kid would.
What about if your dad storms across a gym and stomps up the bleachers during a high school competition in order to start a fight with another parent? Would you still consider that "defending" your family? Of course not. Dad's clearly a raging pyscho and unfortunately some of that has rubbed off on the kid.
What about if your dad storms across a gym and stomps up the bleachers during a high school competition in order to start a fight with another parent? Would you still consider that "defending" your family? Of course not. Dad's clearly a raging pyscho and unfortunately some of that has rubbed off on the kid.
OH BOY!!!! Where do I start!?!?!?!? Are we going to play "what IFs" now???? Like I said, I am going on what has been reported!!!! I do not know the dad, was not at the meet etc...... Seems the cesspool ALWAYS has the most RIGHTEOUS people up in here, I mean I for one did not realize I was surrounded by SAINTS for GOD's sake!!!

So with that being said, my 1st order of business is to have you ALL pray that SIR IRON hits the MEGA POWER BALL!!! TY

Now the dad could very well be a psycho??? Have NO idea, but IF my DAD ran across the gym, I would have been right with him!!! Now maybe I am going to try and stop him??? But I am 100% going!!!! Again NOT knowing this dad like his son must. The kid most likely has a good idea about how his dad is?

Kid is a THREEEEEE time NJ champ and I have not heard about any other brawls, so again while the dad may be toxic or what not? THIS type of thing seems to never have happened before!!!!

ALL this being said, the dad did NOT run across the gym AND from what I heard, the MOM was also in the stands!!!

Now IF we are going to play the "what IFs" game? I turn it on you!!!! What IF YOUR mom was getting pummeled???? Would YOU sit on the F-in bench eating your rice crispy treats and watch!??!?!?!

HONESTLY!!!!! I have NO idea what in ALL HELL is going on in this country!!!! When a fight breaks out, it is not like you have a lot of time to sit and ANALYZE the situation! I would compare it to when a Police Officer shoots someone! The REAL QUESTION is(or should be) did the officer act accordingly when pulling his/her weapon????

REGARDLESS of what takes place after!!!!! Did the situation warrant the pulling of the weapon? Once that situation requires an officer to make a decision that is LIFE or DEATH, everything after has to take THAT into account because NOW you are in REAL life SHEEEEEET!!!!

You have heard, "well the suspect ONLY reached for a knife, and they should not have shot him" CRAP like this takes place ALL the time!!!! Once AGAIN, they do NOT have time to "hold a conference, set up a committee, etc....."

So getting back to what was REPORTED. This kids Father AND Mother were in a fight in the stands and he went to help DEFEND them!!!

GOOD kid, I give him a 100 GRADE!!!! I was hoping Cornell dropped him so we could get him!!! Maybe him and AJ could share a room!
OH BOY!!!! Where do I start!?!?!?!? Are we going to play "what IFs" now???? Like I said, I am going on what has been reported!!!! I do not know the dad, was not at the meet etc...... Seems the cesspool ALWAYS has the most RIGHTEOUS people up in here, I mean I for one did not realize I was surrounded by SAINTS for GOD's sake!!!

So with that being said, my 1st order of business is to have you ALL pray that SIR IRON hits the MEGA POWER BALL!!! TY

Now the dad could very well be a psycho??? Have NO idea, but IF my DAD ran across the gym, I would have been right with him!!! Now maybe I am going to try and stop him??? But I am 100% going!!!! Again NOT knowing this dad like his son must. The kid most likely has a good idea about how his dad is?

Kid is a THREEEEEE time NJ champ and I have not heard about any other brawls, so again while the dad may be toxic or what not? THIS type of thing seems to never have happened before!!!!

ALL this being said, the dad did NOT run across the gym AND from what I heard, the MOM was also in the stands!!!

Now IF we are going to play the "what IFs" game? I turn it on you!!!! What IF YOUR mom was getting pummeled???? Would YOU sit on the F-in bench eating your rice crispy treats and watch!??!?!?!

HONESTLY!!!!! I have NO idea what in ALL HELL is going on in this country!!!! When a fight breaks out, it is not like you have a lot of time to sit and ANALYZE the situation! I would compare it to when a Police Officer shoots someone! The REAL QUESTION is(or should be) did the officer act accordingly when pulling his/her weapon????

REGARDLESS of what takes place after!!!!! Did the situation warrant the pulling of the weapon? Once that situation requires an officer to make a decision that is LIFE or DEATH, everything after has to take THAT into account because NOW you are in REAL life SHEEEEEET!!!!

You have heard, "well the suspect ONLY reached for a knife, and they should not have shot him" CRAP like this takes place ALL the time!!!! Once AGAIN, they do NOT have time to "hold a conference, set up a committee, etc....."

So getting back to what was REPORTED. This kids Father AND Mother were in a fight in the stands and he went to help DEFEND them!!!

GOOD kid, I give him a 100 GRADE!!!! I was hoping Cornell dropped him so we could get him!!! Maybe him and AJ could share a room!
There's no ifs in this case. It's on video. Dad stormed across the gym and started a fight at a high school competition. And his son joined in. There's no excusing that type of behavior beyond calling it what it is, pure trash. Anthony might very well be a good kid and maybe this is a one off. I'm not condemning the kid for life bc of one lapse in judgement as a high schooler. But you're 100% excusing awful behavior as some type of honorable act. It wasn't. Period.
Ironbird you may want to watch the VIDEOS posted. The dad DID run across the gym. It appears the Mom SIMPLY went into the bleachers trying to STOP her son. So between the TWOOOOOOOOO of them, it looks like only the dad was a problem. And the son MAY be more like his FATHER, or he may be MORE like his MOTHER. I'm sure Iowa would be HAPPY to have the kid as long as the FATHER isn't TWOOOOOOO much of an issue. Just my TWOOOOOO cents!!!!!!!!!
OH BOY!!!! Where do I start!?!?!?!? Are we going to play "what IFs" now???? Like I said, I am going on what has been reported!!!! I do not know the dad, was not at the meet etc...... Seems the cesspool ALWAYS has the most RIGHTEOUS people up in here, I mean I for one did not realize I was surrounded by SAINTS for GOD's sake!!!

So with that being said, my 1st order of business is to have you ALL pray that SIR IRON hits the MEGA POWER BALL!!! TY

Now the dad could very well be a psycho??? Have NO idea, but IF my DAD ran across the gym, I would have been right with him!!! Now maybe I am going to try and stop him??? But I am 100% going!!!! Again NOT knowing this dad like his son must. The kid most likely has a good idea about how his dad is?

Kid is a THREEEEEE time NJ champ and I have not heard about any other brawls, so again while the dad may be toxic or what not? THIS type of thing seems to never have happened before!!!!

ALL this being said, the dad did NOT run across the gym AND from what I heard, the MOM was also in the stands!!!

Now IF we are going to play the "what IFs" game? I turn it on you!!!! What IF YOUR mom was getting pummeled???? Would YOU sit on the F-in bench eating your rice crispy treats and watch!??!?!?!

HONESTLY!!!!! I have NO idea what in ALL HELL is going on in this country!!!! When a fight breaks out, it is not like you have a lot of time to sit and ANALYZE the situation! I would compare it to when a Police Officer shoots someone! The REAL QUESTION is(or should be) did the officer act accordingly when pulling his/her weapon????

REGARDLESS of what takes place after!!!!! Did the situation warrant the pulling of the weapon? Once that situation requires an officer to make a decision that is LIFE or DEATH, everything after has to take THAT into account because NOW you are in REAL life SHEEEEEET!!!!

You have heard, "well the suspect ONLY reached for a knife, and they should not have shot him" CRAP like this takes place ALL the time!!!! Once AGAIN, they do NOT have time to "hold a conference, set up a committee, etc....."

So getting back to what was REPORTED. This kids Father AND Mother were in a fight in the stands and he went to help DEFEND them!!!

GOOD kid, I give him a 100 GRADE!!!! I was hoping Cornell dropped him so we could get him!!! Maybe him and AJ could share a room!
Also the facts are the mother ran into the stands after Anthony charged in and while Anthony was engaged with another individual. He wasn't rescuing mom, she was trying to stop him.
The ol racial slur justification...

"We didn't do anything wrong".
The only 2 arrested were Knox Sr and Jr.
If there really were "racial slurs" being thrown out, grab an admin or one of the uniformed cops in attendance and have them stop it. Fighting in the stands at youth events is about as trashy as it gets.
Ironbird you may want to watch the VIDEOS posted. The dad DID run across the gym. It appears the Mom SIMPLY went into the bleachers trying to STOP her son. So between the TWOOOOOOOOO of them, it looks like only the dad was a problem. And the son MAY be more like his FATHER, or he may be MORE like his MOTHER. I'm sure Iowa would be HAPPY to have the kid as long as the FATHER isn't TWOOOOOOO much of an issue. Just my TWOOOOOO cents!!!!!!!!!

Also the facts are the mother ran into the stands after Anthony charged in and while Anthony was engaged with another individual. He wasn't rescuing mom, she was trying to stop him.
Only saw one video of the fight, guess it was only the part where they were all in the stands?
There's no ifs in this case. It's on video. Dad stormed across the gym and started a fight at a high school competition. And his son joined in. There's no excusing that type of behavior beyond calling it what it is, pure trash. Anthony might very well be a good kid and maybe this is a one off. I'm not condemning the kid for life bc of one lapse in judgement as a high schooler. But you're 100% excusing awful behavior as some type of honorable act. It wasn't. Period.
110%. Bad behavior is simply bad behavior, and hell, we all make mistakes in life. Could be as simple as coming down on your kid hard one day or something. Acknowledging and owning one's mistakes is how one changes for the better. It's really as simple as that. I don't know anything about Anthony or his Dad, so no, I don't think they're bad people. Bad behavior on that day...110%.
Having watched what videos I can, listened to the statements of the Knox family, listened to the argument made by the attorneys, etc., I believe Knox and family are going to lose. The main (and quite good) argument that the Knox family attorney made was centered on the "leaving the bench" rule that the state used to disqualify Knox. It's a good argument, since there is no bench in a tournament setting like this. However, the NJSIAA statement also said he was suspended for violating the sportsmanship rules, and those are almost always amorphous and extremely tough to litigate against. Given this isn't a criminal proceeding, the burden is likely on Knox and family to show by at least a preponderance of the evidence that the State has broken their own rules, and I think no matter what collateral facts may exist, the amorphous nature of that rule plus the fact this is an administrative body will lead the judge to defer to the administrative body's ruling.
Having watched what videos I can, listened to the statements of the Knox family, listened to the argument made by the attorneys, etc., I believe Knox and family are going to lose. The main (and quite good) argument that the Knox family attorney made was centered on the "leaving the bench" rule that the state used to disqualify Knox. It's a good argument, since there is no bench in a tournament setting like this. However, the NJSIAA statement also said he was suspended for violating the sportsmanship rules, and those are almost always amorphous and extremely tough to litigate against. Given this isn't a criminal proceeding, the burden is likely on Knox and family to show by at least a preponderance of the evidence that the State has broken their own rules, and I think no matter what collateral facts may exist, the amorphous nature of that rule plus the fact this is an administrative body will lead the judge to defer to the administrative body's ruling.

Translation: Knox is up shit creek with half a paddle.
I get the "sportsmanship" thing but little Knox went up there to get his Dad's back. Even if Mr. Knox was being an ahole, which seems likely, what else could one expect of a son in this situation? This one isn't on the's on his old man. Not saying he should be able to wrestle...just saying this isn't the "black mark" on his character that some think it is. Everybody wants to clutch their pearls but if I'm a college coach, I low-key like the display of loyalty and moxie as long as it's a one-off incident.
Translation: Knox is up shit creek with half a paddle.
You get what you earn. I'm sure things were said that shouldn't have been said. That still doesn't allow you to go punch someone in the mouth. Like it or not, that is the world we live in now. I say that while agreeing that some people desperately need to be punched in the mouth, but it doesn't work that way anymore and if you do it, you have to face the repercussions of your actions.
I get the "sportsmanship" thing but little Knox went up there to get his Dad's back. Even if Mr. Knox was being an ahole, which seems likely, what else could one expect of a son in this situation? This one isn't on the's on his old man. Not saying he should be able to wrestle...just saying this isn't the "black mark" on his character that some think it is. Everybody wants to clutch their pearls but if I'm a college coach, I low-key like the display of loyalty and moxie as long as it's a one-off incident.
The only problem with this take is if you watch Jr, he almost immediately is engaged with someone a few rows above his Dad and whoever Dad was fighting, and Jr was in his own brawl with someone else.
I don't think this should follow Anthony beyond whatever consequences he faces for the fight, and I also think the suspension is warranted. Had he gone and just tried to pull Dad away different story but it sure looks like he went into the stands to fight.
I get the "sportsmanship" thing but little Knox went up there to get his Dad's back. Even if Mr. Knox was being an ahole, which seems likely, what else could one expect of a son in this situation? This one isn't on the's on his old man. Not saying he should be able to wrestle...just saying this isn't the "black mark" on his character that some think it is. Everybody wants to clutch their pearls but if I'm a college coach, I low-key like the display of loyalty and moxie as long as it's a one-off incident.
In his statement to the court he says he saw his mom being attacked and he went to defend her