What about if your dad storms across a gym and stomps up the bleachers during a high school competition in order to start a fight with another parent? Would you still consider that "defending" your family? Of course not. Dad's clearly a raging pyscho and unfortunately some of that has rubbed off on the kid.
OH BOY!!!! Where do I start!?!?!?!? Are we going to play "what IFs" now???? Like I said, I am going on what has been reported!!!! I do not know the dad, was not at the meet etc...... Seems the cesspool ALWAYS has the most RIGHTEOUS people up in here, I mean I for one did not realize I was surrounded by SAINTS for GOD's sake!!!
So with that being said, my 1st order of business is to have you ALL pray that SIR IRON hits the MEGA POWER BALL!!! TY
Now the dad could very well be a psycho??? Have NO idea, but IF my DAD ran across the gym, I would have been right with him!!! Now maybe I am going to try and stop him??? But I am 100% going!!!! Again NOT knowing this dad like his son must. The kid most likely has a good idea about how his dad is?
Kid is a THREEEEEE time NJ champ and I have not heard about any other brawls, so again while the dad may be toxic or what not? THIS type of thing seems to never have happened before!!!!
ALL this being said, the dad did NOT run across the gym AND from what I heard, the MOM was also in the stands!!!
Now IF we are going to play the "what IFs" game? I turn it on you!!!! What IF YOUR mom was getting pummeled???? Would YOU sit on the F-in bench eating your rice crispy treats and watch!??!?!?!
HONESTLY!!!!! I have NO idea what in ALL HELL is going on in this country!!!! When a fight breaks out, it is not like you have a lot of time to sit and ANALYZE the situation! I would compare it to when a Police Officer shoots someone! The REAL QUESTION is(or should be) did the officer act accordingly when pulling his/her weapon????
REGARDLESS of what takes place after!!!!! Did the situation warrant the pulling of the weapon? Once that situation requires an officer to make a decision that is LIFE or DEATH, everything after has to take THAT into account because NOW you are in REAL life SHEEEEEET!!!!
You have heard, "well the suspect ONLY reached for a knife, and they should not have shot him" CRAP like this takes place ALL the time!!!! Once AGAIN, they do NOT have time to "hold a conference, set up a committee, etc....."
So getting back to what was REPORTED. This kids Father AND Mother were in a fight in the stands and he went to help DEFEND them!!!
GOOD kid, I give him a 100 GRADE!!!! I was hoping Cornell dropped him so we could get him!!! Maybe him and AJ could share a room!