Anti-Bullying bill is dead...again

Just as an aside, here is a nice story from Minnesota about how some kids took the initiative to sideline some bullying they saw happening. Just somethin' positive to read. No agenda other than to help us remember that occasionally kids can take care of things themselves (vs. parents/teachers/lawmakers always having to handle things from the top down).
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Our school is attempting to get students involved in stopping it - so I commend them on some of their initiatives as of late.
Doodle, I think that's a great point that kids can take care of themselves. I think in too many cases, society has (with good intention) hurt the development of the younger generation and then we complain they didn't develop. Why are kids "lazy"? Because we don't put enough demands on them. Why don't kids just get together and play pickup baseball anymore? Because, we have organized everything for them. Why dont kids solve problems more themselves? Because, they are used to adults solving them so they don't learn how to do it. Why don't kids communicate with each other? Because we've given them computers to send messages and phones to text with.
I do think, in general, we've raised and are raising a generation that is more sensitive than others (in a good way) and more accepting of those that are "different" than in my generation. But in many ways, we've created the monster that we complain aobut.
I see what you're doing here, but my way worked. Didn't it? Problem solved, no tax money used, and no battle for a useless legislation.

I have no clue. Do you think those kids stopped bullying or do you think they just left your kid alone when you were around? Also, your real life example, you threatened the kid. The post I quoted was you going to the parent's house and threatening them.
I have no clue. Do you think those kids stopped bullying or do you think they just left your kid alone when you were around? Also, your real life example, you threatened the kid. The post I quoted was you going to the parent's house and threatening them.
I would hope they had an understanding that it won't be tolerated. The other kids parents, checked him big time for it. The moms kid, I don't know. I did in fact threaten to return the football back and flying in the kids direction, but this was between my house and another.
A simple get the ##$ off my lawn and don't throw the football at an 8 year old as you don't want me to throw it back. He stopped bullying at that particular time didn't he?
Another problem with these suggestions that parents handle it is that some parents simply will not handle it. I think we have established that plenty of parents suck at being parents. Some of those parents end up with kids that bully. Some of those kids end up being bullied. Do you really think the dead-beat parent that can't even manage to get their kid bathed and fed is going to become some great hero to help their kid defend themselves against bullies. Some of you apparently can only project what you think you would do in a situation and can't seem to realize that there are kids out there that aren't going to receive that help.
I would hope they had an understanding that it won't be tolerated. The other kids parents, checked him big time for it. The moms kid, I don't know. I did in fact threaten to return the football back and flying in the kids direction, but this was between my house and another.
A simple get the ##$ off my lawn and don't throw the football at an 8 year old as you don't want me to throw it back. He stopped bullying at that particular time didn't he?

I think the goal of some is to go further than preventing bullying one particular time. Also, nobody should give any credence to your real life examples since you obviously have no problem making up stories.
Another problem with these suggestions that parents handle it is that some parents simply will not handle it. I think we have established that plenty of parents suck at being parents. Some of those parents end up with kids that bully. Some of those kids end up being bullied. Do you really think the dead-beat parent that can't even manage to get their kid bathed and fed is going to become some great hero to help their kid defend themselves against bullies. Some of you apparently can only project what you think you would do in a situation and can't seem to realize that there are kids out there that aren't going to receive that help.
True, but in my case it worked. In others it might not have. Truth is though, your family is your family, deal with your family, I'll deal with mine, and that will be that. I say that in regards to all families. Government assistance usually doesn't do too much good. Like that chic in Pleasant Hill who got caught abusing kids at the Daycare. You know how she got caught? Her husband turned her in. Personally responsibility people.
I think the goal of some is to go further than preventing bullying one particular time. Also, nobody should give any credence to your real life examples since you obviously have no problem making up stories.
I don't care whether you believe it or not. Reality doesn't require peoples belief in it. Not true reality at least. I do agree that my trolling effort as Aegon the Blackgaryen takes away some credit, but oh well.
I think studies show this may not be true. Kids are born mean and must be taught to be tolerant. Sort of gives credence to the whole "born with original sin" idea. Of course there are evolutionary advantages to being a bully, so it works for my world view too.
Actually, most developmental studies do show a 'selfish' inkling to small children; however in group activities this gets quashed by the majority. Just like children are not born 'racist'.
When children are old enough to understand that what they're doing causes hurtful feelings on another this is past the instinctual toddler behavior , and is more often than not a learned behavior. That's not to say some kids are just born bad; there are, but it's a small minority. By and large, bullying is a learned behavior from the parents.
Actually, most developmental studies do show a 'selfish' inkling to small children; however in group activities this gets quashed by the majority. Just like children are not born 'racist'.
When children are old enough to understand that what they're doing causes hurtful feelings on another this is past the instinctual toddler behavior , and is more often than not a learned behavior. That's not to say some kids are just born bad; there are, but it's a small minority. By and large, bullying is a learned behavior from the parents.
I defer to your expertise.
Funny how we have had kids enroll at our public school from private schools because of bullying... grass isn't always greener...

I cant speak for any other private school but my kid's school is very strict about bullying. Every parent and child signs a contract before the can attend that lists about 300 things you can and cannot do. Failure to report bullying by other students is cause for expulsion. If you find out your kid is bullying someone and dont call the school to report it your kid can get expelled.
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Some schools just do a better job of it - our student handbook lists off the different levels of what is and isn't tolerated. Those that say "I didn't know that" I say ignorance is not an excuse, I read or have access to the rules and have at least briefed over them. If you haven't that is on you, no one else.
Some schools just do a better job of it - our student handbook lists off the different levels of what is and isn't tolerated. Those that say "I didn't know that" I say ignorance is not an excuse, I read or have access to the rules and have at least briefed over them. If you haven't that is on you, no one else.
Simply playing dumb should never be a reason not to be dealt with. I mean you should't need a rule book to know that you shouldn't push someone around just because you think it's fun.
What sort of things did the rules say? Anything stupid you can remember?
How do you know this? Do you have kids? Are they real? I might wait for 3boysMom to answer this.
Kids show far less respect to adults than we did. It really isn't debatable. I have kids and I teach. I could go on for days about some of the things I have seen and heard. In Davenport there have been problems recently on the city buses...not school buses. The kids are defiant and disrespectful, basically bullying, the drivers and other passengers. I believe school personnel have been riding the buses now since the kids have to act like animals.
Among other things, isn't a bully someone who can manipulate facts, the truth, situations, rules, people, etc for their own means?

Bullies subvert rules and authority because ...... they're bullies. Maybe legislation like that which was proposed will make bullies be more on the down-low, but is that a good thing at all???

I suspect a rise in bullying is attributable to societal problems much deeper and bullying is just a manifestation.

Kinda like with the economy and jobs being so jacked up. We don't have the wherewithal for a true fix, so we head down the path of doubling minimum wages - thru legislation - and call it "Good."

The Era of the Quixotic Fix is upon us.
Simply playing dumb should never be a reason not to be dealt with. I mean you should't need a rule book to know that you shouldn't push someone around just because you think it's fun.
What sort of things did the rules say? Anything stupid you can remember?

"Anyone involved in a fight will receive level "X" consequences." Does not differentiate between the instigator and the one defending themselves.

So our great leaders in Des Moines are on their 3rd year of failure in the Anti-bullying arena. With this issue becoming nearly an epidemic in schools, how can they not get something passed? This is becoming a rather "big deal" as bullying in (and out) of school has caused kids to seek counseling, withdraw from society and in some cases, suicide.

Come on "leaders" - LEAD!
Will passing a law stop or even curtail it at all?


What has changed is the type of bullying, and the responses to it.

When I was a kid, I handled every single instance of me getting bullied myself. Got my ass kicked a lot...but once I hit HS, I could handle myself just fine.

As an adult, I don't take shit from anybody as a result of my "training" early on. The very same juvenile "bullying" I received as a child happens every day. It's called life.

I liken it to germs. If you always try to kill germs, your body may as a result not build up tolerances to certain things. In this subject...sometimes, you gotta let kids be kids.

CSB of my neighborhood growing up. The kid across the street one block over, he would introduce new kids to the area by picking a fight between the new kid and one of his friends. So before I hit 10, I was getting into a fistfight a month...started by a 3rd party...over that asshole's idea of a good time.

He tried it to me once when I hit junior high (he was 2 years older, much bigger than I)...I took him on, calling his bluff knowing the MO - and got my butt kicked.

But he never bothered me ever again after that. He paints houses now...just like his old man. Real Rhodes Scholar type.