Anti government, religious man terrorizes Co. town-kills 3


HB King
Gold Member
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Colorado gunman posted religious rant against government and ‘Satanic’ mind control two days before shooting
33-year-old man who allegedly gunned down three people in Colorado Springs over the weekend before being killed by police had ranted in a video and a blog post against what he believed was a Satanic cult and mind control involving the government.

According to reports, Noah Harpham set his house on fire on Halloween night and then shot three people in his neighborhood at random with a military-style assault rifle.

“It looked totally random,” neighbor Matthew Abshire later recalled. “He walked calmly and collectedly. His demeanor was like he was having a stroll in the park.”

In a video blog posted two days before the shooting spree, Harpham takes issue with a sermon delivered by Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, California.

A blog post by Harpham goes on to explain that he believes that his father has been involved in a “Satanic” cult, which he suggests has misunderstood Christianity.

Harpham asserts that Johnson is using U.S. Customs agents and the Department of Motor Vehicles to brainwash people into believing in miracles.

“And of course, Bill is quoting an anonymous ‘Customs’ agent as the source of this miracle tale,” he writes. “[A]nd the point of the entire story and purpose behind the way it is conveyed, the insidious hook behind the scenes, is that in your mind he has initially setup the story with the Customs Agent – a figure of state authority; a master – being a potential problem… Because it is a problem.”

Harpham continues: “n other words, the state is perpetuating the story of the miracles in Redding, and predictably your initial distrust of coercive force gives way to total acceptance with warm fuzzy feelings inside to top it off. You’ve just mentally accepted Customs. Welcome to mind control, f*ck you very much.”

The gunman argues that “Pastor Bill Johnson is a Satanist intentionally keeping fundamental knowledge from you with the express purpose of controlling your mind and keeping you unaware of the Truth of your own sovereignty.”

“I will attempt to derive knowledge and understanding from this Bible verse using MY OWN mind,” he insists. “It is without benefit of contextual knowledge of scriptures preceding or following the verse, or even a sense of context for the book (Romans) within the context of the Bible, that I am attempting to reason.”

According to Harpham, Johnson is part of a ‘select group of ‘rulers'” who are using “using mind-control techniques to poison and confuse legions of useful idiots that slave away to keep the institution humming along.”

“I seek to expand my understanding of Truth through accumulation of good information that can be understood and converted to Right action,” he says.

Harpham concludes with what he calls an “interpretation of Romans Chapter 15, Verse 18.”

I will phrase this as a question, because truly it is: Is Paul in this verse simply saying, my words and deeds [actions] were in alignment with Christ and because of this people (naturally) came to recognize God in me and could not help but align their actions to mine? And if you find that understanding palatable, can you journey with me further so that I may ask if it’s fair to read it again, then ask if Paul is saying: I will not speak untruth because I possess great power with knowing.