How many of you were groomed at a young age and if you were, when did you realize it was complete BS?
I was just talking with my 18 yo daughter about religion and it made me realize how early on in life I was groomed.
I’m a recovering catholic and I saw the light in my early teens.
My parents weren’t super religious, but we went to church most Sundays and I went to CCD. My dad went to a Catholic school his entire childhood and his dad was a very devout man.
I’m glad I was allowed to make my own choice.
I went agnostic at first but eventually realized it was all about fear and control and became atheist after I stopped caring what my family thought.
Any fellow recovering groomed children here?
I would not say I was groomed, I was allowed to question as a child. Parents raised me in a reformed Christian church. Lots of old people, nothing too exciting.
Parents were divorced in my teenage years and my father begged the church to assist with counseling but did not. Post-divorce, parents never made me go again and through college years, I was full-fledged agnostic. Holstein's class did not do me any favors!
But, a few years later, I realized my agnosticism was not working for me. I had questions and it did not provide answers. I realized my hatred of my old church was because I thought they did not help my father but that turned out not to be true. As I grew older, I realized the choices my father made did not help and wasn't telling the full story. Blaming the church was the wrong choice.
I realized as I became a working professional starting a family, that all humans end up worshipping. Humans are built to worship. Deny that all you want but it is truth. So, I had to sit down and think out what it was I was going to spend my life worshipping. I could worship myself, my family, my career, politics, lots of choices. But I decided to settle for nothing but the best. I realized I needed something far greater than myself.
My wife helped me lean back into my faith and I asked God through prayer to help guide me and He did! It is very difficult to explain the how but I'll simply say that God quickly oriented me in the right direction and revealed some things I needed. Quickly baptized and dove head first into my church community and that is where my faith-life took off and never looked back!
God has moved in my life and my family's life so much. Not all of it has been easy. some hard, some uncomfortable. And, what He is currently doing in our lives may challenge us even more. But, I have learned to trust that God's plan is infinitely better than my own and I have the wisdom of several decades to look back and confirm God was right and I wasn't. The person I am today has "been made new" compared to my teenage/20's old self. I could not have done that on my own, only Christ working in my heart.
For my own children, wife and I have decided to raise them in the church but to give them room to ask questions. I fully understand that they have to choose Christ and not have it shoved down their throats. My goal is to be an example to them to help make that choice easy.
I know...CSB