Any Florida peeps want a big ass staghorn fern?

The Tradition

HR King
Apr 23, 2002


Hopefully you can see the yardstick propped in there.

The root ball is nearly three feet in diameter. The circumference of the root ball is more than eight feet (not counting fronds, so it takes up even more space than that). Easily weighs 500 pounds. The last time we had to rehang it with stronger chains we had to stand in the back of my son's truck with the plant sitting on a step ladder and it took three strong men to get that job done. That was maybe five years ago?

The tree limb it's hanging from died, and I really don't want to try and rehang this monster somewhere else.

I thought I'd see if any GIAHORTERS wanted it before putting it on Facebook marketplace.

Some people pay big money for extra-large specimens. I don't think it's worth thousands of dollars yet, but I would think it's easily worth $300 - $500.

U-come and get it yourself.
Beautiful specimen but I’d need ten acres and a tree/spot all the way at the back of the property.

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