Any of you degenerates partake in sports books?


Dec 22, 2023
I am small time poor man, but have done ok with what little I invest each year over the years. The Hawks cost me this weekend, but I have more then covered today, with a few wagers yet to come in. Currently using draftkings which is new to me this year, so figuring out my way around that platform currently. I was using Elite in years past and loved that platform. Anyway, not big on politics so I tend to stay away from OT boards normally, because ain't none of them on our side and it is like picking the lesser of 2 evils and I am not big on choosing evil. (I don't consider gambling as evil, as long as it is in moderation, as with all things in life.) Anyway just curious if anyone else likes a gentlemen's wager and if so what is your favorite platform.
you for real???
I am. I am an adult. I have no ties with any team. I am breaking no laws or rules. Used to be back in the day, before our so called leaders decided a gentlemen's wager might be ok. I would maybe play a game of pool for a buck or 2, wager with a fellow patron on a game for a few bucks or whatever. ( where I come from and the time I come from coach owned the bar and gentlemen's wagers are not a new thing).
I am. I am an adult. I have no ties with any team. I am breaking no laws or rules. Used to be back in the day, before our so called leaders decided a gentlemen's wager might be ok. I would maybe play a game of pool for a buck or 2, wager with a fellow patron on a game for a few bucks or whatever. ( where I come from and the time I come from coach owned the bar and gentlemen's wagers are not a new thing).
He’s asking if you’re serious asking if there are any here bc there’s like a 100 page thread of sports bet conversation
I love sports books. Ball Four is my favorite, with Paper Lion a close second.
Never heard of those. The whole online sportsbook thing is kind of new to me. Fact a year or 2 ago I could not remember my log in information for Elite, as I don't play all year long and I went through all this and that with a person on the phone and finally I was like really??? Jesus I can drive there and place the bet in less time then this phone call has taken. So I just did not play that year, because well, I do it to relax, not to get all worked up and have to deal with a bunch of bs.
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He’s asking if you’re serious asking if there are any here bc there’s like a 100 page thread of sports bet conversation
Buried somewhere? I am not going to dig through 300 pages of people bitching about politics when as I said ain't none of them on our side. So really why are they arguing? I mean that is like saying would you rather be slapped on the right side or the left side. So, sorry if the sports book page is buried and I did not feel like wading through chest deep bs to find it.
Come join the degens!

Buried somewhere? I am not going to dig through 300 pages of people bitching about politics when as I said ain't none of them on our side. So really why are they arguing? I mean that is like saying would you rather be slapped on the right side or the left side. So, sorry if the sports book page is buried and I did not feel like wading through chest deep bs to find it.
It is literally bumped to the front page every other day.
Buried somewhere? I am not going to dig through 300 pages of people bitching about politics when as I said ain't none of them on our side. So really why are they arguing? I mean that is like saying would you rather be slapped on the right side or the left side. So, sorry if the sports book page is buried and I did not feel like wading through chest deep bs to find it.
New degens thread is where we share our picks (and bad beats) most days.
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