Any word on Jok's ankle

He probably has a nasty bruise on his calf, along with a few bumps and bruises that Yogi dished out, but the post-game interviews made it seem like Pete has no serious injuries.
Everybody's too busy posting how terrible he played to worry about that.
Seriously? I didn't think he was that bad, what de he do, or not do that was so terrible? I didn't think anyone on you team was all that bad, except for maybe the big stiff--what's his name? Woodbury? "I 7 feet tall. I miss shot from 2 feet away". Sorry, that's not nice. It just seemed to me like he flat out blew several layups. Some of which I don't understand why he didn't dunk. That goes for a couple he made too.
Personally Pete needs to get tougher, teams know that if they bang him around he takes himself out of his game...or the game. Needs to pick up some of the "Chicago Way" from Hutton and Moss ;)

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Everybody's too busy posting how terrible he played to worry about that.

I think there was a post for every starter, and how bad they played. If not this board, then another board had a post about another player or the bench and how bad they played. It was almost humorous... The whole team did something they could have done differently.
Seriously? I didn't think he was that bad, what de he do, or not do that was so terrible? I didn't think anyone on you team was all that bad, except for maybe the big stiff--what's his name? Woodbury? "I 7 feet tall. I miss shot from 2 feet away". Sorry, that's not nice. It just seemed to me like he flat out blew several layups. Some of which I don't understand why he didn't dunk. That goes for a couple he made too.
woody had 15 boards, he wasn't our problem. Dunking isn't his game either.
woody had 15 boards, he wasn't our problem. Dunking isn't his game either.

Woody played a good game. You don't get 15 rebounds and not play a good game! His misses on the bunnies do drive me nuts tho. That happens at least once a game it seems. It would be nice to see those drop. Especially come March... If he can hit those in March, we may make it to April.
Personally Pete needs to get tougher, teams know that if they bang him around he takes himself out of his game...or the game. Needs to pick up some of the "Chicago Way" from Hutton and Moss ;)

Yes. He let the holding, bumping get in his head. He also had trouble getting separation. I think it was Johnson on him for awhile and he was in Jok's jersey and Jok didn't get a lot of clean looks.
Woody played a good game. You don't get 15 rebounds and not play a good game! His misses on the bunnies do drive me nuts tho. That happens at least once a game it seems. It would be nice to see those drop. Especially come March... If he can hit those in March, we may make it to April.
Sure you do when you're 7'1" & the oppositions only legitimate post presence only plays 14 minutes, I'd expect at least 15 boards.
Yes. He let the holding, bumping get in his head. He also had trouble getting separation. I think it was Johnson on him for awhile and he was in Jok's jersey and Jok didn't get a lot of clean looks.
You just described good defense.
woody had 15 boards, he wasn't our problem. Dunking isn't his game either.
Kind'a wish it was though...would help him cut down on missed layups...not too mention it would either jack up our crowd or help sush the opponents. Let's face it, ALL OF US would prefer he had the ability to throw it down.

With that said, he's playing really well for us right now overall.
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Exactly. He's 7'1" & dunking isn't his game. With Bryant only on the floor 14 minutes Woodbury should have gone ape S$%+ crazy.
Seriously? I didn't think he was that bad, what de he do, or not do that was so terrible? I didn't think anyone on you team was all that bad, except for maybe the big stiff--what's his name? Woodbury? "I 7 feet tall. I miss shot from 2 feet away". Sorry, that's not nice. It just seemed to me like he flat out blew several layups. Some of which I don't understand why he didn't dunk. That goes for a couple he made too.
The word is yo momma u troll
Thanks for stopping by. See you after our next loss.
Come on now, I'll be pulling hardcore for Iowa in the tourney. If we could add, maybe Yogi & Bryant to your roster, you could win it all. Perhaps you will anyway, I hope you do, if we don't that is(which I would give about a .01% chance of happening, honestly. Well, maybe about 2.5%. We could get red hot for 6 games, not technically impossible).